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From Wikimedia Incubator
This page is a translated version of the page Incubator:Main Page and the translation is 66% complete.
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New language versions of Wikiversity should go to Beta Wikiversity, and those of Wikisource to Multilingual Wikisource.

You cannot start an entirely new project here. You may only start a new-language version of an existing project. If you want to start a new project, go to meta:proposals for new projects, or see Wikispore if you want to create a test.

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These have been approved and/or created:   These are active and might get their own site soon:






  These will likely stay here:
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If you are here to start a new language edition of a project, you can find all information on Help:Manual. Please be aware of the local policy.

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  • You need a valid language code (explained in the manual). If you don't, you can apply for one, or use the non-Wikimedia wiki Incubator Plus 2.0.
  • Starting a test wiki here doesn't mean it will later be automatically accepted by Wikimedia; you need it to be approved by the Language committee first. See Requests for new languages for more information.
  • Please respect the naming conventions for the test language, to help future migrations of pages to an actual wiki project. All of your test pages (including templates and categories) need to be named uniquely (by using a prefix) and consistently.

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Please give all pages you create a correct prefix. More information about prefixes.




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