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Latest comment: 7 months ago by Pppery in topic Approval process for wp/mos begins

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Some baklava for you!

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hi Wiwik P (talk) 07:11, 1 November 2020 (UTC)Reply


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Hi! How are you? Could you please revise this article?

The original in English is this one:

Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities:

  1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.
  2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
  3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
  4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
  5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
  6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary
  7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
  8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.

--Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:33, 17 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

It looks good comparative to the English version. Hasslaebetch (talk) 11:36, 23 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:28, 23 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can you please add reference to the article? Hasslaebetch (talk) 12:33, 23 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Approval process for wp/mos begins

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Hello, I have started the process for approval for this project. Langcom is currently discussing this; It is likely that this will be successful, but it is not yet certain. I hope you have good results.

I would like to ask you to discuss with the community whether the site settings indicated in m:Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Mooré are correct. And, please fill in some short pages; Some pages were created briefly and left unattended. It would be good for the community to work together to fill the pages until approval is confirmed. Also, please share this with other community members.

And there is something additional I would like to ask of you. Since the mos language involves creating a new project, verification is required to see if this project is actually written in mos. This will be confirmed by a linguist or expert, and the process will be carried out by langcom. We could make a request from our pool of linguists, but in case we do not have such a linguist or expert, we would like to ask you to recommend an expert or linguist for the mos language. All you have to do is send me their information and email address. Please email me instead of posting their information publicly here. Thank you! --Sotiale (talk) 05:02, 2 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

We are very glad the team is in the process of approving our request for Mos wikipedia. We are in the process of updating short pages and making them well defined. As you rightly mention, we could suggest to you an Expert in Moore who would verify to you whether the language written is in Moore language. We count on your approval shortly. Hasslaebetch (talk) 16:59, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello, I saw the message you pinged me, but I immediately hid it because it contained personal information. When providing expert information to me, please send me email. Thanks! --Sotiale (talk) 12:42, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Sotiale thank you very much for your prompt action. Please how can i get access to your email address? Hasslaebetch (talk) 12:51, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
Special:EmailUser/Sotiale Pppery (talk) 23:33, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Translation request

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Hi, could you please translate this to Moore?

Glosa is an artificial auxiliary language designed for international communication. It has several characteristics:

  • Its pronunciation is regular, and its spelling is phonetic.
  • Its structure is very simple and based on meaning.
  • It is an analytical language with no inflexions or genders. A small number of words handle grammatical relations.
  • Above all, Glosa is neutral and truly international due to the use of Latin and Greek roots, which are used in the international scientific vocabulary.

Thanks for your help. Jon Gua (talk) 16:37, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Jon Gua This is the translation

B sẽn boond tɩ Glosa wã yaa buud-gomd b sẽn maan n na n tũnug ne n sõs ne neb sẽn be tẽns a taab pʋsẽ. A tara zʋg-sõma wʋsgo:
  • B gʋlsa-a-la ne vɛrse-rãmba, la b gomd-a-la ne vɛrse-rãmba.
  • A võor-wʋsg sẽn tik a zugu sɩd yaa bũmb sẽn yaa tɩlae.
  • Bãngr-gom-kãngã pʋgẽ, pag ne rao lageng pa be ye. Gom-biis nins sẽn tɩ loe ne gom-biis nins b sẽn gʋlsã sõor pa waoog ye.
  • Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, a Glosa sẽn pa kẽesd a toog politikã pʋgẽ wã la a sẽn nong tẽnsã fãa wã yita a sẽn yit Latin la Greek buud-goamẽ wã, sẽn yaa buud-goam nins sẽn be dũniyã gill zug n gomd bãngrã yellã.
You are welcome.Hasslaebetch (talk) 14:37, 17 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

A kitten for you!

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Hope MOS Wikipedia canbe created!

Crystallus0 (talk) 10:32, 17 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sure! we have been expecting the creation for a long while now. I hope everything is ok for the creation or do you need some assistance to its creation? Hasslaebetch (talk) 11:08, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply