User talk:Cedric tsan cantonais
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-- Welcoming Bot 22:53, 27 March 2013 (UTC)
[edit source]個prefix搞錯,應該係Wt/yue/而唔係Wt/yue/頭版/。--William915 (talk) 04:11, 3 October 2013 (UTC)
[edit source]唔好意思,一心只係想湊夠500個詞條嚟俾粵文維基辭典出世(之前睇到閣下參與嘅討論),無睇下方針先,我會留意下,唔該通知。--Carrotkit (talk) 04:31, 20 April 2014 (UTC)
哦,其實我都試過用Template:Wt/yue/部首,不過好似有問題(出咗紅字+無加類),所以唯有自己加。點都好,唔該通知。--Carrotkit (talk) 03:15, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
係啊,我真係唔知,唔該哂,同埋唔該哂閣下幫手搞掂我造成嘅錯誤。--Carrotkit (talk) 11:41, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
好,我得閑就去睇下。--Carrotkit (talk) 06:14, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
[edit source](因为输入不了繁体,这里用普通话交流)建议去Incubator:Administrators申请Importer权限,把zh-yue:Category:建議搬去維基辭典嘅文章全部移动过来Wt/yue,这样那边的页面就可以删除了。--GZWDer (talk) 09:30, 16 June 2014 (UTC)
- 用简体字打粤语一样可以。我系喺佛山长大嘅,广东啲论坛成日好多人用简体借字打粤语(例如用「果」代替「嗰」),我都见惯不怪嘞。至于Importer嘅权限我就要再考虑下,因为辞典对格式嘅要求高过百科嘅要求,一次过import澌过来,到时啲手尾工夫就有牌做。【粵語文學大使殘陽孤侠】粵維辭典起錨! 21:45, 16 June 2014 (UTC)
Your test-wiki adminship is going to expire
[edit source]Hi, your test-wiki adminship for Wt/yue is going to expire on 11 December. You can of course re-apply for it. --MF-W {a, b} 21:48, 10 December 2014 (UTC)
- Danke schön. 【粵語文學大使殘陽孤侠】粵維辭典起錨! 23:44, 10 December 2014 (UTC)
[edit source]最近我查过下你主页个表,发现韵母嗰度漏咗个ing(包括粤拼同新法兰西)韵母,唔该你注意下。另外,你话嘅格式係咪好似我近几日开嘅文噉啊?--CRCHF (talk) 04:36, 13 July 2015 (UTC)
Burger King
[edit source]![]() |
Company |
I really love IlyaFan20 (talk) 17:55, 9 January 2016 (UTC) |
Help !
[edit source]Bonjour Cedric tsan cantonais,
Je fais partie de la Wikipédia française où je suis bloquée indéfiniment. J'ai contesté vivement ce blocage, appuyé par des administrateurs. Une RCU a été faite, plusieurs centaines de kilomètres d'écart avec le faux-nez auquel on m'assimile. Vous avez écrit le 20 septembre 2016 à 18:29 à propos d'un autre blocage « Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas créé un compte utilisateur? Vous ne serez pas bloqué à tort si vous avez votre propre compte. » J'ai créé mon compte en mai et je suis bloquée depuis le 16 août. Depuis, c'est le silence.
Pouvez-vous faire quelque chose ? Merci d'avance ou désolée si je vous ai dérangé.
--Delarouvraie talk 11:50, 22 September 2016 (UTC)
- Merci pour votre message sur la page de requête. Une rectification : je ne suis pas assimilée à l'ip et à ses faux-nez mais à Deuxtroye et à ses autres ip. Je pense que tout le monde aura rectifié. Bien chaleureusement. --Delarouvraie talk 17:44, 22 September 2016 (UTC)
[edit source]雖然我拒絕咗來做管理員嘅事,但從而家開始,我會來粵維辭典貢獻下。因爲我對漢字文化圈有興趣,學識咗圈內三種語言,我可以就單個字嘅字音寫啲嘢。如果格式有咩唔啱,麻煩你指正我。多多指教。--S7w4j9 (talk) 16:31, 26 May 2017 (UTC)
[edit source]我去越南文維基詞典幫佢哋寫啲詞語,佢哋嘅編輯界面超友好,一出來就係份菜單,點套餐噉填好啲嘢,就可以裝盤上檯,唔需要裝握複雜嘅模,啲嘢自動填入,會自動幫手搵可能嘅詞典內鏈結,非常之智能,第日我哋粵維詞典出咗世,或者我哋可以搵佢哋借借經,引入呢套系統。當然啦,而家乜都無講,詞典轉咗正先。--S7w4j9 (talk) 08:56, 17 August 2017 (UTC)
- 所有。相對來講,越南文詞條會花樣多啲,我寫蒙古文詞條,有啲嘢要自己去源碼界面自己寫。--S7w4j9 (talk) 09:02, 18 August 2017 (UTC)
[edit source]我喺粵維辭典寫蒙古文,國際音標有個問題:蒙古文冇清濁音對立,似粵語噉係送氣對立,但啲蒙古文辭典標嘅係/d/ /t/,呢個係蒙古文辭典嘅傳統,按佢哋嘅解釋,/d/其實係清化嘅/d/,應該標做d̥,而/t/係帶送氣嘅,應該標做tʰ,另外脣音嘅b,p、塞擦音嘅d͡ʒ,t͡ʃ亦係呢個情況。我想問,呢陣時寫音標要寫邊種音標?--S7w4j9 (talk) 10:38, 22 August 2017 (UTC)
- 話時話,我喺越南文辭典寫咗個舊蒙文詞條,走去相同嘅法文版睇,佢哋標嘅國際音標正係中國《蒙漢辭典》標嘅音標……就係將送氣對立寫成清濁對立嘅音標。--S7w4j9 (talk) 07:38, 23 August 2017 (UTC)
Test-admin rights to expire on 12-26
[edit source]Hi. Your test admin rights will expire on 12-26. You can apply for an extension at I:RFTA. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:06, 21 December 2017 (UTC)
[edit source]而家方塊壯字已經部分電腦化,好似放喺F區,所以好多電腦睇唔到。問題在於數量太大,整圖片整唔切,而且壯人自己都話齋,嗰啲係「生字」(sawndip),有太多異體字,規範程度比較低,我寫嘅用字依據係《古壯字字典》,但呢本書問題係扶正唔少俗字,一啲壯人亦唔認可。個用字真係莫衷一是。--~~~~ S7w4j9 (talk) 04:04, 24 December 2017 (UTC)
- 而家我未諗住開方塊壯字嘅專門版面,啲圖片應該用喺方塊壯字嘅頁面,仲係搞掂咗拉丁壯文先,呢啲等粵維辭典出咗世先再講啦。--S7w4j9 (talk) 09:06, 29 December 2017 (UTC)
[edit source]我學緊泰文,然後發覺泰國話裡頭有一堆借漢(借自中古漢語,近代嘅詞借潮州話)。當年李方桂劃定漢藏語系語族時,將壯侗劃咗入來,原因之一係佢地語言中有大量中文同源詞,後來研究發現嗰啲中文同源詞都係借用嘅,唔係同源關係。我諗呢,我哋寫漢字詞條時,可唔可以開多一欄,寫寫呢隻漢字代表嘅漢語語素喺非漢字圈語言嘅借用?泰文同日韓越唔同,漢字圈語言,對佢地來講,漢字係本族文字(韓越廢除漢字呢個另計),寫隻字佢睇,曉嘅話可以讀出母語字音,但對泰國人,漢字係外國文字,雖然本族語言有對應嘅詞同發音,但佢就係唔識讀嘅。呢種情況點處理?
擴大來講,拉丁文係緊要嘅借詞源頭,我哋寫拉丁文詞條時,可唔可以寫佢嘅借詞喺諸如英、德、俄語嘅借用形式?--~~~~ S7w4j9 (talk) 10:25, 24 July 2018 (UTC)
[edit source]粵語維基辭典嘅貢獻者,你好。 唔該嚟城市論壇傾一樣好重要嘅嘢。
12:16, 2 September 2018 (UTC)
yue.wiktionary was imported
[edit source]Hi, I imported all content from Wt/yue to now. Please tell me if anything is missing or wrong, and please inform other users about it. The wiki can now be edited. I had to delete some pages which were created before the import, but they can be restored now if needed. I have given you temporary adminship for one month as you were a test-admin. If you want to continue to be an admin on the new wiki, please make a local request and bring it to m:SRP after at least 1 week. Best regards and good luck with the new wiki --MF-W {a, b} 23:50, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
- @MF-Warburg: Danke schön! Though, there is a slight problem: The logo on the top-left and the text
in the Main Menu should direct to[[:維基辭典:頭版]]
, a project page, instead of just[[頭版]]
, an article. Could you please fix that? 【粵語文學大使殘陽孤侠】粵維辭典起錨! 00:31, 19 November 2018 (UTC)- You can do it yourself by editing MediaWiki:Mainpage. --MF-W {a, b} 00:37, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
- Please note that your test-admin rights will be turned off in one week, as you don't really need them any more. Congratulations, and good luck. StevenJ81 (talk) 15:38, 20 November 2018 (UTC)
- You can do it yourself by editing MediaWiki:Mainpage. --MF-W {a, b} 00:37, 19 November 2018 (UTC)