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琉球語音声データベース(日本語)を参考にするといいかもしれません。--E.Z.O. (talk) 09:49, 1 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

このサイトは閉鎖されました. なお, 新サイトが作成される予定の様です. 報告まで. --Tmv (talk|Contributions) 11:41, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply


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--kahusi - (Talk) 8 July 2005 20:04 (UTC)

Uhh... there *is* no standard notation. In case you didn't know, Okinawan is not an official language, and there is no standard. The only consistent way to write it is the RPA (Ryukyu Phonetic Alphabet), used in some dictionaries and sanseido's _gengogaku daiziten_. --Node ue 23:47, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply


Node ue


--Yes0song 14:16, 16 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

手探りの状態であると思います。--kahusi (Talk) 03:51, 18 November 2006 (UTC)Reply


--Yes0song 08:05, 19 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

--kahusi (Talk) 09:33, 19 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
ヤマトグチにて失礼します. 「ウチナーグチ(沖縄語)練習帖」(ISBN 4-14-088154-2)でも採られている様に、カナ書きがより良いと思います. ウチナーグチ話者ではアルファベットを扱える人よりもカナを扱える人の方がずっと多いでしょうから. アイヌ語で萱野茂氏がカナ書きを試みたのも、アルファベットよりもカナの方が識字率が高かったからだと聞きます. カナで表現しきれない音があるのは想像できますが、アルファベットだと一部の言語学者のためのものになってしまいます.
Akio(also known as "a perfect fool") 23:18, 8 December 2006 (UTC)Reply


  • ローマ字表記
  • ひらがな(あるいはカタカナ)専用
  • 漢字かな混じり


現在のトップページの表記は「ゐきぺでぃやんかい めんそーれー!」や「くりや うちなーぐちぬ ゐきぺでぃや やいびーん。」やように表音的な綴りを用いています。これは改めて標準語に近づけた表記を取るべきと思います。

  • 標準語でoと発音し、琉球語でuと発音するものはお列で書く
  • 標準語でeと発音し、琉球語でiと発音するものはえ列で書く
  • 標準語でk,gと発音し、琉球語でch,jと発音するものはか行、が行で書く
  • 標準語でt,dと発音し、琉球語でch,jと発音するものはた行、だ行で書く
  • 「鳥」のtuiのようなrの脱落は表記に反映させず、ラ行を用いて「とり」のように書く
  • ai,ae>ee,au,ao>ooの母音の融合は表記に反映させずそれぞれ「あい、あえ、あう、あお」と書く

  • Zizija, ucinaːcinnu iciban magisanu sima yaibiːn → じじや沖縄県(おきなわけん)の一番まげさの島やはべむ。
  • Ucinaːcin'ya yamatukuninu prefecture yaibiːn → 沖縄県や大和の国のprefectureやはべむ
  • ゐきぺでぃやんかい めんそーれー! → ウィキペディアむかいめしおわれ!
  • くりや うちなーぐちぬ ゐきぺでぃや やいびーん → これや沖縄口(おきなわぐち)のウィキペディアやはべむ

--南族 18:20, 14 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

『琉球語辞典』ISBN 978-4475001441ではカタカナ書きによる表音を採用してゐます。例えば芋は「ッンム」と書かれてをります。また同時に漢字ひらがな表記による表意的な表記を載せてゐます。そもそも「おもろさうし」の時点で口蓋化と三母音化による混同は始まってゐたので、これを無視しやうというのは琉球語の歴史の無視に當ります。-- 00:09, 4 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

大和口ぬウィキペディアんーでー分かいんくとぅやいびーしが、記事ぬ所ー「ですます」使とーいびらん。 くまんいぬぐとぅ「やいびーん」使わんぐとぅさびらに?Anihiko (talk) 20:54, 14 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

表示は漢字仮名混じりで構いませんが、そうするのであれば各頁にある漢字に振り仮名を付けてもらえないでしょうか。ついつい{{{1}}}{{{2}}}で読んでしまう、または{{{1}}}{{{2}}}の読み方しか知らず、個人的に読み辛くなります。{{{1}}}{{{2}}}さびら。Minfremi (talk) 00:24, 28 December 2014 (UTC)Reply


  • 係助詞「や」との接続に難があり、訓の当て方が統一されていない漢字は用いず仮名だけで綴る。
  • 母音やンの前の声門破裂音は「っ」と綴る。 例え)っえーっいる(藍色)、っんむ(芋)、っわー(豚)
  • wi, weなどは「うぃ」、「うぇ」と綴る。 例え)っうぃー(上)、っういうぇー(お祝い)
  • kwa, kwiなどは「くゎ」、「くぃ」と綴る。 例え)くゎーし(菓子)、っくゎ(子)、くぃー(声)
  • 長母音は「ー」と綴る。 例え)てぃー(手)、くもー(雲は)
  • 「ゆん」で終わる動詞は「いん」または「ーん」と綴る。 例え) こーいん(買う)、っいちゃびーん(行きます)
  • 片仮名は外来語に限る。 例え)ウィキメディア、シャンハイ
  • 文節毎に全角スペースを挟む分かち書きを用いる。 例え)くれー っうちなーぐちぬ ウィキペディア やいびーん。

最低限漢字か平仮名か片仮名かだけでも決めておかないと記事すら作れませんから早めに解決したいですね。 Anihiko (talk) 16:50, 21 July 2015 (UTC)Reply


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ところで、琉球語には「標準語的なもの」がありませんよね? 沖縄方言で進めるとして、その中でもやはり那覇(というより首里?)方言という事になるのでしょうか. ヤマトンチュの私には、沖縄諸島の中でどの程度、言葉が違うかは分からないのですが、違いがあるなら予めはっきりさせておくべきだと思うのですが

... Akio(also known as "a perfect fool") 23:18, 8 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

So far the trend seems to be to write in the dialect of Naha (although the recent Shuri dialect may be looked to as a more "pure" form, it is difficult to decide). If someone wishes to write in dialect of Yaeyama or Miyako or Amami or Yonaguni, they will need their separate Wikipedia, because nobody from Okinawa main island will understand it. I am not sure about dialect of north Okinawa main island, such as Nakijin, etc., maybe it can be used here, maybe separate.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 2007-01-09T23:01:23 (UTC).
--kahusi (Talk) 04:10, 15 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

Interface translation

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Hello. To get a Wikipedia, you need to translate the interface. This can be done at Betawiki (create an account and ask for translator status). Then, you need to translate these messages. Greetings, SPQRobin 14:23, 27 August 2008 (UTC)Reply


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I made RyuHover from NomHover, I think it could solve the 表記 problem. When you move your mouse on Kenji, it shows Romaji. --虞海 (Yú Hǎi) 11:04, 30 December 2008 (UTC)Reply


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この{{{1}}}{{{2}}}{{{1}}}{{{2}}}大和口転写{{{1}}}{{{2}}}表記してますが、{{{1}}}{{{2}}}{{{1}}}{{{2}}}{{{1}}}{{{2}}}表現{{{1}}}{{{2}}}どう再現する{{{1}}}{{{2}}}?--E.Z.O. (talk) 10:31, 1 April 2012 (UTC)Reply


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Many years have passed since the project was launched. This is what I propose about the orthography for writting Okinawan. Whenever possible, I suggest to use Yoshiaki Funazu (船津好明)'s conventions which tends to be closer to the actual pronounciation of Uchinaaguchi. However most of the hiraganas he deviced such as are not in unicode. Thus, when writting glottalized characters, I suggest to use instead the convention from the 沖縄方言普及協議会.

More information about spelling: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B2%96%E7%B8%84%E6%96%B9%E8%A8%80%E3%81%AE%E8%A1%A8%E8%A8%98%E4%BD%93%E7%B3%BB http://www.wwq.jp/q/

Also, there is a facebook group of Uchinaaguchi speakers and learners here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uchinaguchi.098/?fref=nf however, I wasn't able to interest them much about the wiki, perhaps I did not communicated it well. So, I encourage you to post about the wiki on the page, in order to find if there are interested membres wishing to contribuate to the wiki.

--Patronus95 (talk) 03:18, 24 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Yes, let's stick to the 'classic way' to write Okinawan. There used to be a discussion about whether or not Roman alphabet transcription should be used instead of kana and kanji, but I think the latter idea would be hailed by very few. --Viskonsas (talk) 21:25, 7 February 2015 (UTC)Reply


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ユネスコによると、うちなーぐちは「沖縄方言」ではなく、「沖縄語」と定義してます。現在の言語学者や社会学者(Patrick Heinrich, 宮良信詳など)はうちなーぐちやその他の琉球諸語(奄美語、国頭語、沖縄語、宮古語、八重山語、与那国語など)を日本語から違う様々な言語と納得している。日本語と沖縄語は平等的に、異なる二つの言語である。さらに、「琉球方言」や「琉球語」ではなく、「琉球諸語」と扱うのが良いです。

だから、うちなーぐちを日本語で「沖縄方言」ではなく、「沖縄語」と扱うのが妥当だと思います。--Patronus95 (talk) 07:28, 19 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

@Patronus95, I agree with you. If Okinawan is a dialect of Japanese, this test wiki project will soon be closed and deleted. Actually, it has been existed here for 10 years, it turns that wikimedia regards it as an independent language instead of a so called "dialect".

Cantonese, Gan, Wuu, Hakka, Southern Min and Eastern Min, all are regarded as a "dialect of Chinese" in China, but in their own wiki projects, all are regarded as separated language:

"粵語係種聲調語言 (Cantonese is a tonal language)", from zh-yue:粵語

"客家語(白話字:Hak-kâ-ngî),...係漢語七大語言之一... (Hakka language (Romanized: Hak-kâ-ngî) ... is one of seven language of Chinese.)" from hak:客家語

"吴语徕人口统计上是中国大陆嗰第二大语言" (Wu language has the second largest populations in China Mainland) from wuu:吴语

"贛語係漢藏語系下底嘅漢語語族嘅一隻聲調語言 (Gan language is a tonal language under Sinitic languages, Sino-Tibetan languages)" from gan:贛語

so I think we should regard it as an independent language.-- 15:00, 27 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Thank you The problem is that such prejudice is still common today, and is shared not only by 沢庵師匠 but by many people in Okinawa and Japan who consider Uchinaaguchi as a country patois and corrupt Japanese. The purpose of this wiki is to counter such argument and make Uchinaaguchi a language suitable for an encyclopedia and diffuse its usage. --Patronus95 (talk) 22:55, 27 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Future development of the wiki

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Here is what I propose for the future of this wiki project in order to get it approved by the language committee:

  • 1) Orthographic rules. As I wrote before, I propose to follow Dr. Yoshinari Funatsu's conventions (船津好明), available here which is in my opinion the most logical way of writing Uchinaaguchi. However, Funatsu's convention do not take into consideration glottalized vowels such as in the beginning of " 'Uchinaa". Hence, if we follow the new convention described in the book 琉球のことばの書き方 -琉球諸語統一的表記法 (if you can't get your hand on it, you may alternatively have a look there. Hence, Uchinaa would be written as ’うちなー. However, we should keep in mind that when using kanjis, it would be good to put ruby kana letters at the top, so that anyone can read. I am thinking of a function that allows to display or hide kana ruby in all pages.
  • 2) Translation of the interface. We should translate the interface into Uchinaaguchi...
  • 4) Focus on the quality of the articles, rather than their quantity. For example, we may focus more on articles relevant to Okinawa and create infoboxes (I'll be in charge for that).

Also, it would be great if we could attract more native speakers from the facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uchinaguchi.098/?fref=nf

The request for the Uchinaaguchi Wikipedia is available there: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages/Wikipedia_Okinawan

--Patronus95 (talk) 02:54, 31 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Agreement on all points. We should use ruby for all kanji; the Okinawan "dialect" related articles and templates at Japanese Wikipedia got damaged over the issue of kanji reading. I will be contributing more here in the near future. I also wanted to ask why the basic や topic marker is being used like Japanese は? It's not static like in Japanese. Anyhow, I will try to help meet the above points. (We also need to move the general discussion page somewhere else eventually) ミーラー強斗武 (StG88ぬ会話) 13:26, 3 January 2017 (UTC)Reply


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はいさい!沢庵師匠やいびーん。ここに書き込むのは初めてですので間違ったことをしてしまうかもしれませんが、お許しください!さて本題に入るのですが、ちょっとお願いしたいことがあります。それは何かというと、本ウィキにおいてのテンプレートの充実です。テンプレートはウィキの記事において非常に大切なものだと思います。しかし今の沖縄語版ウィキにはテンプレートが少ないように思います。私もテンプレートを増やすべく努力しますが、皆さんも宜しくお願いします。--沢庵師匠 (talk) 04:24, 31 January 2016 (UTC)Reply


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沢庵師匠です。突然本題に入らさせていただきますが、新しく作られたページには他言語版の同じ内容の記事に倣い、細かくカテゴリー別に分けるのが望ましいと考えます。--沢庵師匠 (talk) 06:04, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply


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一行記事ばっかりで何の役にも立ちません(当然無出典)。正式にこのプロジェクトを立ち上げたかったら今ある記事の内容を充実させてください。-- 05:55, 27 February 2016 (UTC) 頑張ります。--沢庵師匠 (talk) 00:25, 28 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

 「大和」→ 「日本」

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「大和」という言葉は、本土を指します。沖縄は指しません。だから、「日本」を使いましょう。沢庵師匠 (talk) 04:32, 8 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Don't replace Kana version into Romaji version

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Don't replace Kana version into Romaji version. actually Okinawan language only use Kana instead of Romaji to write. No one in Okinawa use Romaji to write their native language.--el caballero de los Leones (talk) 13:58, 6 June 2017 (UTC)Reply


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I think that we need to focus more on the quality of the articles themselves, rather than creating more articles in a reckless manner. There are too many articles consisting simply of a short sentence such as "xxxxやyyyぬzzzやいびーん”, and often secondary topics not really related to Okinawa. At this stage, I think that we need to concentrate more on articles on topics related to Okinawa such as culture, history, etc. Maybe, but that's just a possibility, but we may delete those articles are less relevant to the topic, or are poorly written in Japanized Uchinaaguchi, so that we may better concentrate on a few of them.

Also, we need to translate the wikipedia interface so that we can finally get this wiki on line. I think that as long as the wiki would not be created, it would be almost impossible to attract native speakers to contribute here, since it is quite difficult for newbies to edit in an incubator environment.

Also, regarding the spelling, I noticed that many articles were written as "むぬお" in order to say "むぬや" (物は). I find such spelling quite confusing because it looks like it is pronounced as "munuo" instead of the correct "monoo". It would be simpler to write as "むのー". The same can be said of {{{1}}}{{{2}}}え which looks like "uchinaaguchi e" but is actually "uchinaguchee" and is better written as {{{1}}}{{{2}}}ー.

I also think that we need to write furigana to kanji, so that people who can't read uchinaaguchi pronounciation of kanjis are able to know how these words are pronounced. What I suggest is to create a function which allows to hide or show the ruby furigana as the user wishes.

--Patronus95 (talk) 01:43, 12 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

In addition, please see this page for additional explanations:


--Patronus95 (talk) 14:43, 26 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

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Could someone built up these test versions of Ryukyuan languages to increase the amount of Japonic Wikipedia versions?

Thanks.--Asd1346 (talk) 06:20, 12 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

I think it's not necessary or relevant at this stage. Even the Okinawan wikipedia has issues at attracting real fluent speakers, let alone native speakers. Of course, these languages need wiki but the chances that there would be people who countribute to it except at writing articles with "*****やXXXXぬXXXXやいびーん" are for the moment extremely low. Let's concentrate on the quality of test wiki, rather than trying to raise the number of articles by creating many similar articles about secondary topics with a single sentence such as "*****やXXXXぬXXXXやいびーん".

--Patronus95 (talk) 11:44, 12 July 2017 (UTC)Reply


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Wikibooksのメインは「はじみ」になっていますが、こちらは「メインページ」で良いのでしょうか。琉球語についてはあまりよく知らないのですが、気になったので書きました。--Tmv (talk) 04:41, 12 May 2020 (UTC)Reply


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琉球語があまり得意ではない為に日本語で書かせていただきます。さて、この琉球語版Wikipediaには、Wp/ryu/にふんWp/ryu/日本という2つの記事がありますよね。しかし、実質どちらも同じ内容を指す記事です。そこで、今回、Incubator:Requests_for_deletions/Requests#Wp/ryu/にふんにて削除依頼を提出いたしました。なぜ「にふん」の方を削除依頼に出したかというと「にふん」というのは「日本」を読んだ時の音の平仮名表記であると思ったからです。日本語版Wikipediaでいう、「にほん」「にっぽん」という記事にあたります。これで記事を成立させるよりかは漢字表記での「日本」の記事で成立させておいた方が良いと思い、「にふん」の方を削除依頼に提出いたしました。では、失礼いたします。--Tmv (talk|Contributions) 01:24, 27 July 2020 (UTC)Reply


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他言語版Wikipediaへの言語間リンクはどのように行うのですか? オルドルボントン (talk) 02:02, 1 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

  • 日本語版や英語版等で結びつけられているWikidataはインキュベーターでは使えないので、Wikidata導入前の方法を取るしかないです。Wp/ryu/沖縄県のソースの一番最後を見ていただければ分かりますが、[[ja:沖縄県]]や[[en:Okinawa Prefecture]]といったソースを追加してください。--TINKO (talk) 10:18, 2 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

ありがとうございます オルドルボントン (talk) 10:39, 3 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

大和か日本か? Japan or Yamato?

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「日本国」を指す言葉として、日本というときと、大和(やまとぅ)というときと、記事によって違いますが、日本と呼称すべきでしょうか?大和と呼称すべきでしょうか? オルドルボントン (talk) 03:42, 1 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

私は「日本(にふん)」だと思います。大和というのは日本本土(大和口においては近畿または奈良の意味もあるが)を指す言葉だと思います。 BrassSnail (talk) 02:32, 30 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
{ここでの「本土」とは、北海道または東北~鹿児島までのあたり(ヤマトンチュ/和人の、住んでいた/住んでいる地域)のことです。} BrassSnail (talk) 08:07, 2 August 2022 (UTC)Reply


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あと、記事の本文中に赤リンクを含めているものが多いですが、[[Wp/ryu/ページ名]] というように入力してください。Wp/ryu/を入力しないとページを作成できません。[[ページ名]] と入力してある赤リンクが多いです。書き換えが大変なのでお願いします。

あと、Templateを作成する際、[[Template:Wp/ryu/テンプレート名]] と入力してください。[[Wp/ryu/Template:テンプレート名]] と入力してしまうと、テンプレートとして機能しません。 オルドルボントン (talk) 13:32, 1 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

2000記事突破そーいびーん/2000記事を突破しています。/Over 2000 articles.

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日本語、英語話者のため沖縄語を使わず書きます。 I write Japanese and English speakers in Okinawan.

先日から参加したものですが、琉球語版は2000記事を突破しています。もちろん、一文記事のようなものがたくさんあるのは承知していますが、インキューベーター内では活発な方で毎日、新規ページ作成や更新が行われています。なので、そろそろ試験運用を終了し、正式なWikipediaに昇格させるべきだと思います。そちら方が、認知度も上がりより、発展が見込めるのではないでしょうか。 正しい方法かは分かりませんが書かせていただきました。

I participated from the other day, but the Ryukyuan version has exceeded 2000 articles. Of course, I know that there are many things like one-sentence articles, but in the incubator, new pages are created and updated every day by active people. So, I think it's time to finish the trial operation and promote it to official Wikipedia. I think that is more likely to develop than it is to raise awareness. I don't know if it's the right method, but I wrote it. Hachigamine (talk) 05:07, 24 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

こちらをどうぞ。--TINKO (talk) 14:35, 21 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Something should be attentioned before considering approval

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Sorry for my ryu-0 (Please help translate to your language), there are concerns from langcom mailing list [1] that this project is probably not seriously contributed, some of the contributors are only knowing how to increase the numbers shown on the analysis tool, but don't actually understand the language, this may also affect the quality of our Okinawan test project here. Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 11:39, 18 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

ryu: 確認やいびん。沖縄口母語とぅそーる方やうぅいびーが? # ~~~ でぃくぬコメントんかい返信くぃみそーれー。
ja: 確認ですが、沖縄語を母語としている方は、このコメントに # ~~~ で返信もらえませんか。
en: Just to confirm, if you are a native Okinawan speaker, could you reply to this comment with # ~~~. Syunsyunminmin (talk) 12:37, 18 August 2022 (UTC)Reply
私は話者ではありませんが、気になったことがあったので返信致します。沖縄語を母語としている人々は、現在どのぐらいいるのでしょうか。また、現在も母語話者は増え続けている(母語として話す子供はいる)のでしょうか。 BrassSnail (talk) 11:13, 24 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
ユネスコに消滅危機言語として指定されており。若者で話す人は"いないことは無い"ぐらいの状態になっているようです。[2] Syunsyunminmin (talk) 17:10, 27 December 2022 (UTC)Reply
ja:(大和口) ということは、長い目で見ても母語話者が新たに参加して来る可能性は一応あるということですね。念のためですが、この記事での「沖縄語」は沖縄弁と呼ばれるものやウチナーヤマトグチ、その他本土日本語(どう表現すれば良いのやら…)と(言語接触と言えるものは除いて)混ざり合った言葉ではありませんよね。この質問に答えた人たちの全員が(本土からの言葉を混ぜてこなかった言葉たる)沖縄語のことを思って答えていると考えて良いのですね。 BrassSnail (talk) 19:01, 14 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
うーん。そこまではわからないですね。 Syunsyunminmin (talk) 04:15, 15 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

であれば、母語話者の参加を待たずとも、正式なプロジェクトとして良いのではないのでしょうか。母語話者の参加する見込みが無ければ、永遠に独立できません。 但しそのようにしたとしてもやはり、今のままの記事の質(日本語が混ざっていたり、文法がおかしかったりするところも恐らく相当ある)では難しいようにも思います。 BrassSnail (talk) 07:05, 2 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

@BrassSnail, Syunsyunminmin実際、現時ウィキペディア沖縄語版承認を阻害している主な問題は、一部の貢献者が不正な代替アカウントを使用しているため、潜在的な承認プロセスに対して、CheckUserに関する方針(またはガイドライン)を制定しなければならない。 Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 12:15, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
それは、他の言語の文書を訳すだけで事足りるものですか。 BrassSnail (talk) 05:59, 6 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Since Liuxinyu970226 summoned me to here...
In my opinion, ryu may be difficult to set up as a formal project for now. I have tried to understand the Okinawan language, but some new vocabulary words are rarely expressed in Okinawan language. Maybe it's just that few people publish content in Okinawan language on the Internet. As BrassSnail mentioned above, I am more concerned that what appears in the article now is so-called en:Okinawan Japanese, not the language code ryu refers to. Maybe some of them are language contact, but I'd like to be a little more careful. Maybe it's also because I personally accept the situation of "an English word appearing in other Latin languages" much better than the situation of "a Japanese word appearing in Okinawan language".
On the other hand, I would also like to see ryuwiki was approval. I also feel like this might be beneficial in some way. As much as I'd love to see that happen, it might take some time.
[ja, In summary]
Ryuwikiが正式なプロジェクトとして設立という考えも悪い点ばかりではないとは思っていますが、今すぐではないのかもしれません。--LaMagiaaa (talk) 13:20, 1 December 2023 (UTC)Reply