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Latest comment: 3 months ago by Zblace in topic Otvoreno pismo

Block lifted

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Test is reopened. Please be civil, and continue the rules discussion at Talk:Wp/cnr/Početna stranica.

  • All named users who were blocked yesterday have been unblocked. Exceptions: User:Kontrola Policije and User:Kontrola Milicije (probably the same user), who has been disrupting the page I:A and who probably has copyvios on his/her user page.
  • Wp/cnr/Početna stranica will remain semi-protected. Only autoconfirmed users may edit it. On fully independent projects, the main page is almost always protected, and as I expect possible vandalism here, this seems a reasonable precaution. For the time being, as far as I know, all other pages are unprotected (or will be in about two minutes). Please let me know if I've forgotten anything. StevenJ81 (talk) 15:00, 28 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Main discussion page on Meta

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This is now also reopened for a second discussion. The constraints on that discussion will be narrow; please respect them. StevenJ81 (talk) 15:35, 28 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

In the meantime, in 2021, the Foundation issued this assessment of the Croatian Wikipedia. The paper recommends projects of the Serbo-Croatian continuum to merge into a common project or to have a centralized election system. - Xbspiro (talk) 10:42, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
@Xbspiro meanwhile to update assesment was done by person who is not informed Wikimedian (not at least of dynamics of groups and individual contributors, nor structures and resources), who was later employed by WMF for a year or more, that failed to get any meaningful activity in this direction during this professional engagement. So IMHO though their intentions were in good spirit, they were neither critically informed nor have provided inspiration for creative resolution of this complex knot. Zblace (talk) 05:58, 17 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

© ☣

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Хоть у вас и «забрањено је писање на ћирилици», но я уверен, что меня вы прочтёте.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на массовое нарушение авторских прав, в частности участником Zanović (talk | contribs), переписавшим статью Wp/cnr/Svetozar Koljević из журнала Lingua Montenegrina 18/2016 (автор: Александар Радоман из Fakultet za crnogorski jezik i književnost) — сравните с тем, что можно найти тут. Другие источники тоже списываются почти буквально, например, статья Wp/cnr/Radoslav Rotković местами переписана с http://www.vijece-crnogoraca-zagreb.hr/novosti/2013/in-memoriam-radoslav-rotkovic/

Помимо Зановића, интересно также то, что статья Wp/cnr/Crnogorski jezik легко находится на Facebook — видимо, внесено вот этой правкой. Учитывая вот эту тему, а также попытку Зановића загрузить собранные из разных источников портреты на Викисклад (Wikimedia Commons) как якобы собственную работу, неуважение к авторам может серьёзно повредить вашим планам открыть очередную, четвёртую википедию на всё том же самом практически идентичном языке. Удачи,

Incnis Mrsi (talk) 17:01, 17 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Otvoreno pismo

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Na Meta wikiju je otvoreno pismo za podršku odblokiravanja https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Letter_from_WM_CEE_Meeting_2024 Zblace (talk) 06:03, 17 October 2024 (UTC)Reply