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- Incubator:Administrators – နာꩻရီဖြောင်နွောင်ꩻလဲဥ်း အစံꩻအွဥ်-ထာꩻခြပ်တဲပ်ဖန်းဖြယ် အတာႏသွူ
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- Spotted some vandalism below? You can communicate with the admins via the page Incubator:Administrators' noticeboard
- Contributions of newly registered users
- ဖန်ဆင်ꩻ ထန်ႏတသာဆုဲင်ꩻ လိတ်မဲ့ငါဖုံႏ
Current events
- 5 December 2024: Indonesian Wikivoyage and has been created.
- 30 October 2024: Tulu Wiktionary and Tulu Wikisource have been created.
- 14 October 2024: Obolo Wikipedia, Tai Nuea Wikipedia, Iban Wikipedia and Southern Ndebele Wikipedia have been created.
- 24 September 2024: Gorontalo Wikiquote, Komering Wikipedia, Madurese Wiktionary, Mossi Wikipedia and Shan Wikinews have been created.
- 6 August 2024: West Coast Bajau Wikipedia has been created.
- 26 July 2024: Czech Wikivoyage has been created.
- 21 June 2024: Batak Mandailing Wikipedia has been created.
- 28 May 2024: Central Dusun Wikipedia has been created.
- 24 April 2024: Betawi Wikipedia, Igala Wikipedia, Wikisource Burmese, Kusaal Wikipedia, Georgian Wikisource, Karakalpak Wiktionary, Malay Wikisource have been created.