User talk:Ghaly
Add topicكوروف
[edit source]Could you please write a stubكوروف – just a few sentences based on orكوروف ? Only 3-5 sentences enough. Please.
PS. Article about Kurów is already in 284 languages and dialects. If your village/town/city isn't yet on PL wiki, I can do article about it. (I'm first author of requests and this article have the biggest number of interwikis) Pietras1988 TALK 20:18, 4 April 2008 (UTC)
- Done as requested--Ghaly 12:35, 5 April 2008 (UTC)
Thank you. Your article is perfect! Pietras1988 14:38, 5 April 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]
- Thankyou very very much Ghaly for your Excellent translation effort!
- The Egyptian Arabic language is very unique indeed.
- May God Bless You! and may Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia prosper and become a real Wikipedia soon.
- In the future if you want your favourite article to be translated into the Chinese or Taiwanese language, then I would be be glad to help you.
- Yours Sincerely, --Jose77 05:37, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
- I have also expressed my support for the creation of Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia. --Jose77 05:45, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Proud to be part of this!
[edit source]This is one of the greatest things that ever happened! You don't have to thank me for helping, rather i wanna thank you a lot for this great idea!
Egyptian is a language, not a dialect, let those Arabists say whatever they want, we will always be proud of our language. I have been thinking to remove any reference to Arabic next to the name of our language ya Ghali. Ya3ni just "Egyptian" and not "Egyptian Arabic". What do you think? --Mamduh 13:06, 5 May 2008 (UTC)
Latin Masri Alphabet
[edit source]I have already started making Latin versions of the Arabic-alphabet articles. Is this okay? Of course we need to pay much more attention to Arabic-alphabet articles because this is what's used by Egyptians, but having Latin-alphabet versions alongside the Arabic ones would be like a way to propagate or publicize this new alphabet. I write using the alphabet proposed on I would like to know what you have to say about this. --Mamduh 17:23, 5 May 2008 (UTC)
- Did you create this site? --Dudi 07:18, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]dear Ghali, It seems that everybody here has lost the momentum, i have not seen any contribution for the past few days, and the last contributions were bouncing between you and me?!! i don,t want this ambitious prjoect to halt down to nothing, you have started the whole thing and now it is OUR role to keep it going on. what we really need is to attract as much people as we can to become MASRY wikipedia editors, and i don't know how is is okay to email a link to this project to all our friends? can we use the egyptian bloggers emails to send them an invitation to take a look on the project? i will not give up and i am ready to help, so please tell me if there is anything i can do to see the WIKIpedia MASRY going on regards--ramsis 22:08, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
قاموس اللغة المصرية
[edit source]انا عندي اقتراح و محتاج مساعدة. عايزين نعمل قاموس للغة المصرية و ممكن نستعمل الابجدية اللاتيني اللي اقترحها ممدوح لضبط النطق ونحدد اصل الكلمة هل عربي ولا قبطى و لا اي لغة تانية و نعمل الجنس يعني الكلمة يا تري مذكر ولا مؤنث . في كلمات كتيرة عربية لما دخلت المصري غيرت الجنس بتاعها زي طريق(مؤنث) في العربي و( مذكر) في المصري
شكرا --ramsis 21:27, 23 May 2008 (UTC)
where are you Ghaly? are you alright? i have not seen you for quite sometime and thought to drop you a line see you soon --ramsis 04:54, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
الحروف الصوتيّة العالميّة ممكن نعبّر بيهم عن النُطء
welcome back....
- thank you for the Wiktionary but i don\t really know how to Start..i don't know to start in arabic alphabet or latin alphabet?
if you check the Kurdi dictionary they have used both arabic and latin alphabet for their language can have the same?
- i have got your email regarding the translation of untranslated messages of wikipedia masri/wikitionary masri i will work on it
thanks--ramsis 13:47, 31 May 2008 (UTC)
إيه اللي إنت بتعمله ده يا باشا
[edit source]مش بينفع أنك تنسخ كده. دي جنوه . يعني في تعليمات و قواعد و بتاع علشان تنسخ أي حاجة لهنه. يعني مسلان لما تحب تسحب حاجة من الويكي التانية ، العربية، لازم تعمل استيراد ، مش نسخ و لزء.
ارجو انك تنتبه للحته دي تاني، بلاش ينعمل حاجة غلط و تتنيل الدنيا --Masri man 12:31, 24 June 2008 (UTC)
Hello! An anonymous user has created the page Wp/arz/. Because such name is not allowed, I'd like to know whether that page should be deleted or renamed. So, about what does that page go, and is that a useful subject? Thank you, SPQRobin 23:59, 28 June 2008 (UTC)
- Many thanks for your message and your useful and valued contributions to the project. The Wp/arz/ Page you mentioned is Written in Arabic not Masri , as you said created by an anonymous user and when I read it I think it is copied from somewhere else. I would be grateful if you delete it.
Regarding the wikipedia Masri project, I think it is a useful project , it is definitely attracting users and the articles are increasing both in number and quality, to me I am enjoying writing in my Mother tongue and I am expecting it to be one of the fast growing wikipedias after its approval. Once again many thanks. Ghaly 07:26, 29 June 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks for the information, I'll delete the page. SPQRobin 11:32, 29 June 2008 (UTC)
wikitionary logo
[edit source]i have added a logo for the ويكشيناري مصري, and i hope you will like it.
- Ghaly, do you know how to like an image to a page? thanks--Ramsis II 19:02, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
- The new logo is great although I would have prefered to write it ويكشينارى مصرى without the dots under the Y , because that is the way Egyptians write their Ys.
Regarding the link ;attached is the best I can do for now , feel free to change what you would like , Best wishes. Ghaly 23:01, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
> |
Ghaly 19:22, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
مدن اسبانيا
[edit source]الصفحات اللي بتكتبها عن المدن الاسبانية كويسة خالص بس انا عندي ملاحظة( او اقتراح)
- ياريت تضيف الاسم العربي في اول سطر في الصفحة لان توليدو و جرانادا و سيفيا و كروردوبا على الرغم من ان دي هي الاسامي بالاسباني بس المدن دي مشهورة و معروفة للمصريين بالاسم العربي ( او المتعرب) مثلاُ توليدو( طليطلة ) هى مدينه وبلديه فى وسط أسبانيا أو توليدو ( اسمها بالعربي طليطلة ) هى مدينه وبلديه فى وسط أسبانيا.
الاضافة الصغيرة دي تفكر اللي بيقرا انه يربط بين المقالة و بين المخزون المعرفي اللي موجود عنده اصلا و ممكن يبقى للمقالة موقف مع او ضد او محايد من الاحتلال العربي-الاسلامي لاسبانيا بس ذكر الاسم العربي جنب الاسباني ح يخليها اقرب للحياد. و شكرا--Ramsis II 09:19, 5 July 2008 (UTC)
Test admin
[edit source]Hello Ghaly! After some delay, I made you test administrator of Wp/arz. Greetings, SPQRobin 14:49, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]wish you all the best..GO AHEAD!!!!--Ramsis II 15:44, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
- Many thanks for your message , I hope we will go ahead together to the benefit of the project. Ghaly 16:57, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]I would like to share with you my concern of The definite articles El. Do we have to metnion the page name with or without El ex. القاهرة ولا بس قاهرة I was in doubt which way is more consisitent with Wikipedia guidlines يونان ولا اليونان thanks--Ramsis II 07:07, 20 July 2008 (UTC)
- Many thanks for your message , I think what youa are doing so far is great and writing اليونان and القاهرة is the correct formula as it is the way to write it in Egyptian and also the way it is pronounced , sometimes taking away the EL is correct but if you are talking about something like a Boat or a Hammer as for names of areas , cities , villages I think writing El isply the correct way , many thanks for all you work . Ghaly 07:42, 20 July 2008 (UTC)
Proper names
[edit source]I have another question, what would you prefer and would be more consitsent with the wikipedia plicies, to write proper names of scientists etc in this format Albert Einestein or rather Einestein,Albet. I mean should we follow our egyptian tradition by mentioning the first name first followed by the family name or the other way around which in opinion would be more convenient and more encyclopedic ? thanks--Ramsis II 11:59, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
- I personally think we should write them as the other wikipedias , which is the same as we are used to as Egyptians , meaning Albert Einstein and not Einstein,Albert. The same goes for cities names , when writing about Venice in Italy we should write Venicia like the Egyptian know and not Albondokeya which is the disused Aravic name in Egypt. Many thanks . Ghaly 17:59, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
- شكرا على الرد، بس انا شايف الطريقة دي ممكن تسبب مشكلة لواحد بيدور مثلا على موتسارت و مش عارف انه اسمه الاولاني فولفجانج او واحد بيدور على الفيلسوف هيجيل و اسمه الاولاني جورج تايه عن باله، الناس دول اساميهم الاخيرة مشهورة و معروفة بين المصريين اكتر بكتير من اساميهم الاولانية . انا شفت في الموسوعة الانجليزي بيكتبو الاسم الاول و بعدين اسم العيلةو بردو بيعملو صفحة تانية بسم الشهرة و فيها اتحويلة للصفحة الرئيسية. انا باعتقد ان دا احسن الحلول مش كدا؟. سلام --Ramsis II 20:05, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]thank you Ghaly FadyWalker 17:41, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
- I ment elfranco elly benektebo fel sms wel chat elly feeh numbers, thx FadyWalker 18:21, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
OK! FadyWalker 18:32, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
Ana katabt mawdoo3 ya rait tshoof sa7 keda walla l2:
FadyWalker 18:42, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
- Merci pour ta courage :D FadyWalker 21:17, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
ويكشيناري بلغات تانية
[edit source]شكرا على الشغل الكتير اللي عملبته انهاردة في الويكشيناري المصري .ممكن يا غالي تساعدني في الفقرة بتاعة ويكشيناري بلغات تانية، مش عارف ليه كل ما اضيف اللينكات و اجي ادوس عليها توصلني للويكيبديا مش للويكشيناري، نفس المشكلة باقابلها مع الكلمات، اللينكات بتوصل للصفحات على الويكيبديا مش على الويكشيناري!!!شكرا--Ramsis II 13:54, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
يوسف شاهين
[edit source]thanks bas ana 7ases n ana elsabab ya retny ma 3amaltoh anyway ana 3ayzak tefahhemny 7agat keteer .. ezay aupload pic w ezzay anassa9 ana lamma 3amalt 2aleb shatb kont ba2ool ana gada3 :D W KAMAN SHOOF EL ARTICLE DA LW 3AY'EZ YETZABBAT: 3ALA FEKRA MESH MAWGOOG F WIKIPEDIA 3ARABI ;) THANKS FadyWalker 19:21, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]Many Thanks Ghaly--Ramsis II 15:40, 2 August 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]شكرا على صورة ويكشينارى مصرى. Ghaly 16:40, 2 August 2008 (UTC)
My pleasure “One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised" thanks--Ramsis II 17:29, 2 August 2008 (UTC)
- شوف دا كمان Template:Wp/arz/اليوزر بيتكلم مصرى
شكرا--Ramsis II 19:02, 4 August 2008 (UTC)
انت كتبت سيڤييا ازاي؟
[edit source]ازيك يا غالي انا عايز اعرف انت كتبت الحرف دة ازاي ؟ FadyWalker 05:32, 5 August 2008 (UTC)
- Many thanks for your message , I wrote the letter ڤ using copy and paste as this was the only way I found. Ghaly 06:06, 5 August 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]Dear ghaly, i would like to merge the two templates of categories, and this is how it would eventually look like, if i apeals to you, please mege them on the main page.thanks--Ramsis II 10:02, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
Template:Wp/arz/تصانيف | اعمل كليك على الصوره علشان تشوف فصول مشروع موسوعة ويكيبيديا مصرى
- اللينك بتاع الحتة بتاعة الإسلام مش مكتوب صح، يارێت تتأكد منها--Dudi 13:35, 1 September 2008 (UTC)
- عشان تعرف إذا كانت المقالة اللي بتعملها ليها نسخة بلغات تانية , دور علىٰ نفس الموضوع علىٰ جوجل او ياهو . Ghaly 21:49, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
Welcome back Ghaly glad to see you here again. FadyWalker 22:03, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
Wiktionary Masry
[edit source]Dear Ghaly, it is a great pleasure for me to let you know that We have managed to translate 100% of all extensions used by Wikimedia Foundation wikis. I have requsted an update of the Unoficial analysis page of the Wiktionary masry statitics. I would like to ask you to request from the language subcomittee to approve the Masry Wiktionary, what do u think, is it the right time ? thanks a lot--Ramsis II 09:35, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you Ghaly for your prompt response, apparently the Wiktionary is a much harder project to approve compared with the wikipedia..frankly i did not expect this answer but eventually we have nothing to do but to keep working together in order to complete what we have started. thank you one more time.--Ramsis II 17:18, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]Saba7 el 7'air Ghaly, feh pages feeha kalam 3arabi tamaman me7tag yetmassar, tesma7ly amassaroh? I mean do you mind enny a3mel edit lel pages ell enta katebha? thanks. FadyWalker 08:30, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]وانا بقلب ف صفحات وكيبيديا عربي لقيت الصفحة دي : [1]
ودي مش اول مرة حد يقول الكلام دة او يغلط فينا، انا عايز اخد رايكو ارد عليهم وللا لا؟ هل يستحقوا نرد عليهم؟ نصحح الكلام الغلط اللي بيقولوه وللا اسيبهم مع نفسهم؟
كمية غل عند الناس دي، رهيبة FadyWalker 18:32, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
- سيبهم مع نفسهم .Ghaly 08:54, 11 September 2008 (UTC)
New pages
[edit source]I started some new pages Wp/arz/عبد الله القصيمى , Wp/arz/نزار قبانى and Wp/arz/الكنيسه المعلقه , tell me what you think. Ghaly 11:13, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
- Great work FadyWalker 17:26, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
- I have added some links to the hanging church page, It is good to start diverse articles about a wide range of topics.Thank you for the messages and keep the good work.--Ramsis II 04:42, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Dear Ghaly, I am thinking to add the Egyptian Calendar(Coptic) side by side with the Gregorian calendar in the main page. I don't really know how to creat this template, i guess i needs a mathematical function and expertise that i don't have. Could you help or know someone who could help us add this feature to our Egyptian wikipedia? Arabic wikipedia have the arabic(muslim) calendar in their main page. Thanks — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ramsis II (discussion • contribs).
- I wiil try to see if a solution can be found for this and will keep you informed. Ghaly 11:07, 16 September 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you for your reply. Those guys in the Arabic wikipedia have taken the discussion about aborting Egyptian wikipedia more seriously and one of them has already requested to postpone its creation at Bugzila[2].what do u think?!!--Ramsis II 16:55, 16 September 2008 (UTC)
كـَتب اللغة المصري
[edit source]Dear Ghaly, the lebanese have requsted to create their own wikipedia in lebanese langauge. I felt it is my obligation to extend my support for their fair request and perhaps, you would have your say there as well if you are intersted. Their situation is somehow smiliar to ours, and i believe their success would certainly strengthen our cause.Thaks--Ramsis II 14:36, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
- and here isantother request in sudanese but it had a bad start. The discussion turned into the wrong direction. Thanks again--Ramsis II 14:44, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
تجربة ل طريئة الكتابة دي
[edit source]Wp/arz/لاكوتا--Dudi 07:12, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
Thanks Ğáli
[edit source]I wish you happy feast too :)
- Enjoy... — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dudi (discussion • contribs).
- Thank you Ghaly. For you too and your family. --FadyWalker 21:09, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]شكرا ياغالى وانا لى مشكلة فى التحرير وسألت رمسيس اذا كان فيه حل لها. Samsam22 19:23, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
- اتجاه الكتابه هايتغير لما ويكيبيديا مصرى تتنقل
علشان تكبر الخط و الفونت بتاع الكتابة دوس على كنترول و علامة يساوى
بص على Wp/arz/سلامه موسى . Ghaly 20:07, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
شكراً يا غالى ، لا ده فيه كلام كتير ممكن يتكتب عن سلامه موسى بعد يوم ولا يومين حاطلع كتبه والمراجع اللى اتكتبت عنه :) Samsam22 20:34, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]i wanted to update the Numberofarticles in wiktionary and I was wondering if we should include entries witten in other languages like Romanian astăzi and french aujourd'hui. they are part of the Masry wiktionary but they are not Masry enteries, What do you think? Pleas advise !thanks--Ramsis II 12:24, 7 October 2008 (UTC)
- شكرا ليك --FadyWalker 14:14, 7 October 2008 (UTC)
سجل الصلاحيات
[edit source]يعني ايه سجل الصلاحيات؟ و ايه اللي أءدر أعمله بيه؟.— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dudi (discussion • contribs).
- صلاحيات اليوزر لليوزرز -هو سجل صلاحيات اليوزرز الإداريين
الإداريين مش موظفين أو ممثلين عن مؤسسة ويكيميديا تعديل مستوى حماية الصفحات. مسح الصفحات واسترجاع الصفحات الممسوحة. مع يوزر من المساهمة لحماية المشروع . استرجاع الصفحات اللى تم تخريبها بسهولة. مشاهدة الصفحات اللى مش المراقبة.
البيروقراط يوزر عادى له صلاحية لترقية المستخدمين -اليوزرز - العاديين لإداريين أو بيروقراطيين .Ghaly 09:03, 9 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]Congratulations for the test adminship. Ghaly 21:11, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
- congrats--Dudi 23:16, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
Ramsis II is THANKING YOU. |
wiktionary writing system
[edit source]ازيك يا غالى انا كتبت الصفحة دي في الويكشيناري المصري ياريت تقراها و تقولي رأيك فيها او لو عايز تضيف لها حاجة شكرا--Ramsis II 23:46, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
فيه غلطة إملاءية
[edit source]- لما بحاول أعدّل صفحة أديمة, بلائي فۏء غلطة إملاءية
- تحذير: أنت تقدلوقتى بتحرر نسخة قديمة من الصفحة دي. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dudi (discussion • contribs).
- لأنك بتحاول تعدّل نسخة قديمة من الصفحة مش نسخة الصفحة الموجوه دلوقتى .Ghaly 12:57, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
المقالة المختارة
[edit source]مساء الخير غالى و اهلا و سهلا بيك تاني ، المقالة بتاعة سيرة الظاهر بيبرس وافق عيها كل اليوزرز ترشيحات المقاله المختارة، ايه رأيك دلوقتى نعملها تيمبليت ع الصفحة الرئيسية؟--Ramsis II 22:01, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- انا عملت التيمبليتالمقالة المختارة ياريت يعجبك--Ramsis II 23:39, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- would you please ask some one to add the coptic letters to the list of fonts, I need to add coptic letters while editing Masry wiktionary and i find myself having to use the Greek letter which are not quite correct. Thanks--Ramsis II 06:53, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you Ghaly for placing the request out there, But how could you add these letter to the Coptic wikisourse, perhaps you can do the same thing here in wiktionary Masry? because here it shows only Standard, Greek,Osmanli, Spedi etc but no coptic --Ramsis II 08:42, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
It took me two hours trying to fix this template and now Khalaaas ,i gave up..I surrender:) please help me inserting this template in the Main page thanks--Ramsis II 11:11, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
- YOU ARE A SUPERSTAR..THANKS--Ramsis II 15:01, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
Submit Query
[edit source]- سؤال...
- أنا بقيت شايف في الصفحة الأولانية من "الويكيپيديا مصري" و "الويكشيناري مصري", المفتاح اللي بندوس عليه بقىٰ مكتوب عليه
- Submit Query
و ماعادتش الحتة دي ظاهرة
- wp/arz/
ياترىٰ.... هو ده مقصود؟
- ده مش مقصود, اليوزرز التانيين الإداريين غيرو قالب المفتاح و ماعادتش الحتة دي ظاهرة Ghaly 05:51, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- طيب و مايفنعش نرجّعها تاني؟--Dudi 15:31, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit source]فيه غلطة إملاءية
[edit source]- لما بحاول أعدّل صفحة أديمة, بلائي فۏء غلطة إملاءية
- تحذير: أنت تقدلوقتى بتحرر نسخة قديمة من الصفحة دي. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dudi (discussion • contribs).
- لأنك بتحاول تعدّل نسخة قديمة من الصفحة مش نسخة الصفحة الموجوده دلوقتى . Ghaly 13:00, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- أنا كان قصدي إن كلمة تقدلوقتى هي اللي مكتوبة غلط
- شوف كده الصفحة دي,(اللي مكتوب فۏق) و هفتفهمني
[edit source]ازيك يا غالى، اعتقد اني لقيت حل سحري لمشكلة اتجاه الكتابة حط الكود دا في اول كل صفحة و اتجاه الكتابة ح يتعدل من اليمين للشمال
- <div style="direction:rtl; ">
يعني انا مثلا حطيته في صفحة الجلف الكبير من فوق و شوف النتيجة بنفسك الجلف الكبير
- Welcome Back Ghaly, You have been MISSED :)--Ramsis II 11:35, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
Masry localisation
[edit source]- Thanks to your efforts I think all the localisation is done now. Best wishes. Ghaly 18:31, 18 November 2008 (UTC)
- you are most welcome Ghaly--Ramsis II 03:07, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
ينفع أمسح الصفحتين دۏل؟
[edit source]هاي يا غالي! ينفع أمسح الصفحيتن دۏل؟
السبب إني كنت بجرّب حاجة, بعدين شايف إن مالهُمش لازمة دلوقتي--Dudi 13:58, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
- مسحت الصفحيتن حسب طلبك .Ghaly 20:19, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
«Dear Dudi ; I deleted the two pages as you requested , but I think there were a lot of information in them , would it be ok if You added this information to one of the other pages if you need the pages I can restore them and redirect them to the page on Masry as redirect pages. Let me know what you think. 21:01, 21 November 2008 (UTC)»
- Hi again غالي. What information exactly do you mean? I created & re-edited the two pages over & over. I created the two pages from my own knowledge about Cyrillic & Greek scripts & tried to suit them to Masri. But my final rational opinions were in this page wp/arz/ملاحظات مهمة.
- Feel free to quote anything from the deleted pages, if you think they have worthy information.
- But would you please show me exactly what information do you think are important & advise me where to put them. Thanks for your concern. Dudi 17:39, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
اهلا وسهلا بيك انت يا استاذنا --زلطة 14:17, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
ويكيپيديا المصري
[edit source]- Congratulations official beginning of ويكيبيديا مصرى , well done. Ghaly 20:29, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
- مبروك علينا كلنا ويكيپيديا المصري--Dudi 23:05, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
- اي خدمة من يوم واحد بس واتعملت اومال لما اعّد هنا شهر هيحصل ايه؟ :D
مبروك ليكم كلكم زلطة 01:53, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
![]() |
Ramsis II,
Is So HAPPY, Wikipedia Masry Is Finally Created.Thanks To YOU |
- هاي يا غالي. أنا كنت عايز أعرف, دلوقتي لما نعمل صفحات جديدة, نعملها في السايت الرسمي بتاع ويكيپيديا مصري؟ ولا نعملها هنا, لحد ما يبقى حد ييجي ينقل كل الصفح هناك (زي مانا فهمت)۔ --Dudi 09:28, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
- مبروك ليك انت يا غالي تعبك 7 شهور مرحش هدر كان نفسي اعرف الخبر معاكو بس مش مشكلة ويا دودي ازيك انا اللي فهمته ان الصفحات لو احنا نقلناها مانوال هتتنقل تاني فهيبقى فيه نسختين لكن انا شايف اننا عادي نكتب في الموسوعة ولو حد شايف حاجة غير كدو ياريت يفهمنا --FadyWalker 12:36, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
- طيب يا عم مبروك. وكويس لإن إيدي اتهرت من الكتابة بالطريقة دي :) Samsam22 19:19, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
Hello Ghaly! Please feel free to take a look at [[Wp/cop/Ⲉⲩⲁⲅⲅⲉⲗⲓⲟⲛ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ Ⲙⲁⲧⲑⲉⲟⲛ|Wp/cop/Template:Coptic]]; I've (finally) just completed the whole Gospel of St. Mark in Coptic. ~Troy 01:53, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
- By the way, I also expanded the introduction to the Coptic language. ~Troy 01:25, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks! You've done a great job yourself in starting Masry Wikipeda--congratulations! ~Troy 23:51, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
GhalyBot on Simple Wikipedia
[edit source]Hi there. I am Razorflame from the Simple English Wikipedia, and I would like to ask you to please not run your bot on the Simple English Wikipedia without asking for the bot flag. Please ask for the bot flag before you run it. Thanks!
New developments
[edit source]Hello Ghaly. I am here to inform you that I've started [[Ws/cop/Ⲉⲩⲁⲅⲅⲉⲗⲓⲟⲛ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ Ⲙⲁⲣⲕⲟⲛ|Template:Coptic]] and have been updating it to be compatible with as many page viewers as possible. There are only 7 missing verses, so it hasn't been as hard as the previous book. Generally, in terms of progress so far, I am currently working on "Phase I", which is to continue introducing the project in a smooth transition for (again) compatibility; that way, it is easier for other people to get involved in the project and ultimately give it a better chance for success. If you can help with anything at all, that would be much appreciated. Also, you may take part in the Request for a Coptic Wikisource via the General discussion. Cheers! ~Troy 04:48, 23 June 2009 (UTC)
Hi Ghaly, "Israel" is currently the only "article" in the South Levantine test wiki. I don't really speak Arabic, so could you please check it? Considering the topic, it might just be vandalism. And speaking of this project, do you happen to know people who can write Palestinian Arabic? 14:39, 27 February 2010 (UTC) This comment was mine. Steinbach 23:37, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
- Hi , sorry for the delay , I just got your message, this page is written in Egyptian Arabic not Levantine. --Ghaly 12:09, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Ghaly! Notice that this is an empty page. --Dudi 00:21, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
- Would you please fix the section of "لغات تانيه" in there please? --Dudi 02:41, 16 May 2010 (UTC)