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Welcome to the Wikimedia Incubator! At the right there are some links, and here are some tips and info:
- You can find help and information on Help:Contents. If your English knowledge is good, you can translate that page to other language you know so more people can understand it!
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- If you make articles, templates or categories, don't forget to add a prefix!
- If you want to translate the interface, please go to Betawiki, create an account and follow the instructions you will see.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask it on my talk page.
Greetings, SPQRobin 12:27, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Bonjour et merci de cet accueil. --Budelberger 12:33, 18 July 2008 (UTC) (
- Pas de problème :-) SPQRobin 12:46, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Je n'en ferai rien… Vous en êtes un autre !… --Budelberger 12:48, 18 July 2008 (UTC) (
- Je n'en ferai rien… Vous en êtes un autre !… --Budelberger 12:48, 18 July 2008 (UTC) (
From « Talk:Wp/vlc/El Seranu » (ouitche ouôze « El Seranu »).
[edit source]Per que no fiqueu com a llengua coficial de Espanya al Valencià, puix esta reconegut com a llengua d'els valencians en el estatut de la comunitat o regne de valencia.Nia que ser un poquet mes umils puix açi no fiquem en dubte ninguna llengua.Per favor fiqueu tambe la llengua valenciana que no te res que vore en la catalana.No som nio serem mai catalans i manco parlarem el catala.
- Je ne comprends pas bien votre objectif. S'il s'agit de querelles linguistiques propres à l'Espagne, ce n'est pas ici que vous les réglerez. Si vous considérez que le valencien est une langue à part entière – et non le dialecte occidental de la langue catalane, dont le catalan proprement dit est le dialecte oriental, comme beaucoup pensent – et souhaitez que le valencien soit distingué du catalan dans tous les projets (lesquels peuvent pourtant inclure les variantes dialectales), vous serez bloqué, tant que le valencien n'obtiendra pas des-z-Autorités un code ISO 639-3 spécifique, distinct du catalan, car tous les projets Wiki sont – et c'est une curiosité de se remettre entièrement entre les mains de tiers ! – liés à ce code. Vous pouvez néanmoins construire quelque chose ici, en utilisant les préfixes idoines (Wp, Wt…) suivi d'un code langue, même fictif ; comme « val » est déjà pris – par le vehes –, j'ai pris la liberté de choisir pour vous « vlc », code avec lequel j'ai renommé cette page, afin d'en éviter la suppression sous quelques heures. Prouvez que le valencien existe, et les-z-Autorités s'inclineront (peut-être…) ! --Budelberger 02:40, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- Pardon mais je n'entends pas ce discussion. Le de la page est en Estrémaduran et les valencians ont un Wikipedia déjà (Ici). (Pardon pour mon français). --Chabi 09:16, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
- Incroyable ! Il existe beaucoup de Wikipedia clandestines comme ça, sans préfixe de langue ? Celle-ci est très peu connue, je viens de m'inscrire et obtiens le nº 122 ; ce doit être la première fois ou presque que je devance l'omniprésent (et hypertaiseux) « Hégésippe Cormier » quelque part. --Budelberger 11:49, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
). (P.-S. : Pour votre français, ce n'est pas grave ; vous pouvez écrire en anglais. Moi, je croyais que personne ne me lisait ; alors, le français… P.-P.-S. : « I wish you a Merry Christmas… and a Happy New Year ! »)
- Incroyable ! Il existe beaucoup de Wikipedia clandestines comme ça, sans préfixe de langue ? Celle-ci est très peu connue, je viens de m'inscrire et obtiens le nº 122 ; ce doit être la première fois ou presque que je devance l'omniprésent (et hypertaiseux) « Hégésippe Cormier » quelque part. --Budelberger 11:49, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- Donc il y existe un Wikipedia en valencien (mais pas de Wikimedia!) donc je peux supprimer ce page. Mais Budelberger, c'est pas permis de commencer un projet avec un code non-existant, le code doit être le même qu'en SIL (ISO 639) et pas inventé. Ce sont les règles. Et excusez-moi pour mon français aussi :-) SPQRobin 12:17, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
- Can't you move it to some Forum page ? --Budelberger 13:35, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
). (Can a page disappear from the Incubator ? I saw 3/4 days ago a small page in Wp/lzz(/ge) about Czech Republic (like those pages, Germany and Russia ; its name was perhaps « Wp/lzz/ჩექჲა » or « Wp/lzz/ge/ჩექჲა ») with the Czech flag ; I can't find it ! There is nothing in the « Deleted Pages ». No « File:Czech flag » linked to it. So ?…)
- Can't you move it to some Forum page ? --Budelberger 13:35, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- A code must always exist ? As « vi-nom » and others ?… --Budelberger 13:47, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- A code must always exist ? As « vi-nom » and others ?… --Budelberger 13:47, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- Pardon pour charger un peux le theme mais... quel est le difference entre le code SIL et l'ISO 639-3? --Chabi 12:31, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
Articles about Breinigerberg, Uetersen etc.
[edit source]I don't believe that you speak in ca. 50 articles - you made a lot articles about there German cities so there are fake...
PS. Article about my Kurów is already in 307 languages and dialects but all articles are make by native speakers - not false speakers how you. (I'm first author of requests and this article have the biggest number of interwikis)
PPS. Your nick is similar to Polish word burdel (burdel in Polish = English brothel) ;]. Pietras1988 TALK 17:42, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
- Niech Pan nieGramotny – Ty, Bolszewiku ! – idzie do Dupy Cholery. --Budelberger 18:22, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
- You are bolshevick! IMHO you are small kid who wasn't love by parents... FREE PALESTINE! Pietras1988 TALK 18:46, 2 January 2009 (UTC) (
Nice job
[edit source]Thanks for your hard works and helps :) --Mardetanha 17:19, 14 January 2009 (UTC)
- We see you don't know what a wild monster I am. --Budelberger 21:04, 14 January 2009 (UTC) (
- :) I have seen that before .You are doing great job on Incubator which is the important factor here--Mardetanha 00:33, 15 January 2009 (UTC)
- You should be anathematized for this treason of our Beloved Leaders, the Mangarasts.
- You should be anathematized for this treason of our Beloved Leaders, the Mangarasts.
- I hate Mangarasts. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- I hate Mangarasts. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Do you know why in Template:Wp/ady/Адыгэ Республикэм и районыр « align:right; » is inactive ?
- Do you know why in Template:Wp/ady/Адыгэ Республикэм и районыр « align:right; » is inactive ?
- Undone. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Undone. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Is there a test showing if a page exists or not, e. g. « {{test|Wp/ady/Къунетрэ}} », « Wp/ady/Къунетрэ » (see e. g. « Къунетрэ/Шапсыгъабзэгьэ ») ?
- Is there a test showing if a page exists or not, e. g. « {{test|Wp/ady/Къунетрэ}} », « Wp/ady/Къунетрэ » (see e. g. « Къунетрэ/Шапсыгъабзэгьэ ») ?
- Done. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Done. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- How to remove in a « {{PAGENAME}} » the prefix « Wp/xxx », e. g. in « Кфар Кама/АбзэхабзэкIэ » to have « See also Кфар Кама. » and not « See also Wp/ady/Кфар Кама. » ?
Budelberger 22:42, 16 January 2009 (UTC) ().
- How to remove in a « {{PAGENAME}} » the prefix « Wp/xxx », e. g. in « Кфар Кама/АбзэхабзэкIэ » to have « See also Кфар Кама. » and not « See also Wp/ady/Кфар Кама. » ?
- Undone. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Undone. --Budelberger 01:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (
Je décerne à l'Incubator collectivement le Trophée de diamant, ainsi que tous les Hugo.arg, Romaine, Gdgourou, Darkonenko, Corbier, Hercule, Guillom, Thogo, etc. de platine, d'or, de cristal, de zyrcon, tant je suis admiratif devant tant de sagacité, de constructivité ; j'ai pas d'image animée sous la main, mais le cœur y est. --Budelberger 17:18, 22 February 2009 (UTC) ().
sorry, my english
[edit source]is not good. And I have ADHD --Triple-ADHD-AS 23:05, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
- Hi! I need pictures Hab, Kana --Triple-ADHD-AS 16:28, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
- Okaye, but first we need to categorize articles. How do you say in Veps « Trees », « Деревья », « Puut » and « Religion », « Christianism » ? --Budelberger 17:04, 19 January 2009 (UTC) (
). (P.-S. : You may write to me in a very (very, very, very) simple (simple, simple, simple) Russian.)
- Okaye, but first we need to categorize articles. How do you say in Veps « Trees », « Деревья », « Puut » and « Religion », « Christianism » ? --Budelberger 17:04, 19 January 2009 (UTC) (
- Yeah. I am studing veps language, my father was vepsian. I live in Finland, I can speak finnish and russian well. Here I have childrens Bible, some parts of New Testament in veps language and veps-russian-veps dictionary. I really want to learn to speak this language of my nation. I dont want than this language dies! I like to explore this language. I think so, that its very logical language, I can learn it with/by finnish language (grammar) too.. I have learnt finnish language in two years. :) Now I read more in veps language in internet, I may write to internet forum of the St. Petersburg Vepsian Society [1] . I wanna to study later maybe karelian language too. I am very interesting about Finno-Ugric languages. :) Yeah, I think so, that veps is easy like finnish.. very much grammatic rules,but not much exemptions Later I wanna to try to learn to speak better english, its (english i mean) not easy language like finnish, and I have ADHD.Triple-ADHD-AS 18:43, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
- Trees in Veps: PudTriple-ADHD-AS 18:54, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah. I am studing veps language, my father was vepsian. I live in Finland, I can speak finnish and russian well. Here I have childrens Bible, some parts of New Testament in veps language and veps-russian-veps dictionary. I really want to learn to speak this language of my nation. I dont want than this language dies! I like to explore this language. I think so, that its very logical language, I can learn it with/by finnish language (grammar) too.. I have learnt finnish language in two years. :) Now I read more in veps language in internet, I may write to internet forum of the St. Petersburg Vepsian Society [1] . I wanna to study later maybe karelian language too. I am very interesting about Finno-Ugric languages. :) Yeah, I think so, that veps is easy like finnish.. very much grammatic rules,but not much exemptions Later I wanna to try to learn to speak better english, its (english i mean) not easy language like finnish, and I have ADHD.Triple-ADHD-AS 18:43, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
- Here categorias in veps: Trees - Pud, Capitals - PälidnadTriple-ADHD-AS 01:43, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
- You are right to love your father and his language. Here we are – against numerous enemies, the ugly Uglies – for giving forgotten or endangered languages tools to grow. I don't know what is ADHD, but please, keep cool, and stop editing and editing ; think first, and then edit ; see me : I'm « cool, calm (and collected) » ; I use many times the preview function before publishing ! You use publishing as a preview of your articles !
- I think that in Incubator, where articles are often stubs or even substubs, it is useless (or irrelevant) to add all interwikies to an article ; there is much more bytes for interwikies than for the article itself ! I think that articles and categories need only interwikies with related languages, that is, for Veps (see the Main Page), Finno-Ugric languages, and English and Russian :
- (The other Finno-Ugric languages – Karelian (krl) and Mari (mhr) – are only in Incubator.)
- What is Veps for « Religion » and « Christianism » ?… Thanks. --Budelberger 02:13, 20 January 2009 (UTC) (
- What is Veps for « Religion » and « Christianism » ?… Thanks. --Budelberger 02:13, 20 January 2009 (UTC) (
- Berries-Marjad, I will try to find, what is in veps religion and christianism.Triple-ADHD-AS 02:43, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
- Uskondused-Religions, Uskonduz-ReligionTriple-ADHD-AS 10:15, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Pälehtpol' - Main Page
[edit source]Pälehtpol' - Main Page in veps. Triple-ADHD-AS 18:14, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
Constructed language?
[edit source]And it has a code??? Can he do articles with that code on incubator? --Chabi 14:45, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
- I'm sure you know the problem well. What Uğurcuk does here — it seems that he doesn't want to go to Conlang – doesn't matter for me because I don't want to waste time with his silly constructed Sciena. --Budelberger 14:55, 22 January 2009 (UTC) (
Acehnese Article
[edit source]Yes, this article (Wp/ace/Iman) is in Acehnese. How do you know? Mercy for your effort. It doesn’t contain any propaganda, this article tells about Iman (Islamic concept of faith). Si Gam Acèh 11:27, 23 January 2009 (UTC)
- I know… because I am omniscient !… Well, it was obvious that it was in some Malayo-Polynesian language… which one ? trying with some specific words… searching in the Web… But I was not able to see if it was only an article about Islam, or some propaganda inside, as we often fin in articles ! --Budelberger 14:20, 23 January 2009 (UTC) (
). (P.-S. : « mercy », in French, is « mercy, compassion » ; « merci » is what you mean : « (numerous and a lot of) thanks » !)
- Ha.. ha.. Yes, I mean merci not mercy :). Merci... Si Gam Acèh 03:09, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
[edit source]Hi! I need help yet for Categorization. Can you show one example. I need new categoria: Kažiživatad - Felidae Triple-ADHD-AS 10:52, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
- Why this is not here 18:50, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Tsakonian wikipedia
[edit source]Yes you are right. Yesterday I saw some parts that should be fixed and made lots of unuseful edits, anyway it won't happen again. No I only know a few words in tsakonian, sorry, do you know tsakonian?--ZaDiak 17:02, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Sepedi Test Project
[edit source]Thanks for your contributions to the project, it is appreciated.Mohau 13:18, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
[edit source]I don't know what to do with this template. --Chabi 17:54, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot for your help. --Chabi 18:44, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- You can't ask for help at 17:54 and do 10 modifications from 17:57 to 18:16 while I am editing the template. --Budelberger 18:49, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (
- You can't ask for help at 17:54 and do 10 modifications from 17:57 to 18:16 while I am editing the template. --Budelberger 18:49, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (
Could you please explain why you marked that page for deletion? What does the Russian page you linked contain? --MF-W {a, b} 18:05, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- I don't understand why the « Delete » template doesn't accept this link (« History of Мафэхьабль village »), which is exactly the same text that this article. Newbiz often take texts from the Web… --Budelberger 18:09, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (
[edit source]![]() |
The Tireless Contributor Barnstar | |
I hereby award the Tireless Contributor's Barnstar to Budelberger for his brilliant contributions to Wikimedia Incubator projects. .--Joseph talk 23:11, 4 February 2009 (UTC) |
- Why ? --Budelberger 18:45, 5 February 2009 (UTC) (
). (P.-S. : I'm very tired.)
[edit source]Hi! I don't know anything about Dalmatian language but I've seen this article and seems to be Romanian. As you can see on the article in English Wikipedia, there are no speakers of this language. I don't know if this could be Romanian (could be a language of Balcoromanian group?) or if it is part of New Dalmatian language. --Chabi 17:19, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
- Don't waste your time with those users ; they don't know the difference between Slavic and Romance languages ; they have requested for a Slavic Dalmatian and then, because the code used, « dlm », was wrong and the request rejected, for Romance
Dalmatian. Articles in Wp/dlm are written in Romanian, because nobody speaks Romance Dalmatian ! This language (dialects, Vegliot, Ragusan), like Cornish, must be reconstructed and have its revival done before editing articles. --Budelberger 18:37, 5 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Ju faulai in la dalmatula langa , ma veklisun , ma ju na ava term a scriptur i articli e ju copait jali da i wikipedia romana , ma ju fuo transmoitur i in dalmatul cuond i fuo avar term. (In English : I speak dalmatian language , also called veklisun , but i have not time to vrite this articles , so I copied some of them from romanian wikipedia , but I will translate them soon.)-- 11:11, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
- I can assist here. BrittanyDesigner 06:57, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
- Ju faulai in la dalmatula langa , ma veklisun , ma ju na ava term a scriptur i articli e ju copait jali da i wikipedia romana , ma ju fuo transmoitur i in dalmatul cuond i fuo avar term. (In English : I speak dalmatian language , also called veklisun , but i have not time to vrite this articles , so I copied some of them from romanian wikipedia , but I will translate them soon.)-- 11:11, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit source]Thanks, Budelberger. It still does not work properly but now at least one can see the translation. Probably the fixing is not very complex but the prefixes are not of much help in this cases (or just in plain editing for users in general). Thanks anyway, I personally appreciate it very much. -- 23:27, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- I'm working on it (and tradxx) ; those templates in Wt/xh are very incorrect ! --Budelberger 23:29, 10 February 2009 (UTC) (
). (Can you create an account ?…)
- Of course I can, I just won't. Thank you very much for you interest in the templates. -- 23:35, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- By the way, those templates that you call "very incorrect" would be working beautifully well in a regular wiktionary. I personally regard the Incubator as an annoying general hindrance for wiktionaries. As wiktionaries are quite sensitive, in most cases, the extra annoyance or need of knowhow develops naturally in actual stagnation for most of those projects. For most of them this is just a prison disguised as a surgery. A good booster of arrested development. In the case of wiktionaries at least, is just a place created to make things easier for wardens, not for users. But maybe I am just partial. Maybe you can provide me with some data I am looking for and have failed to find so far: how many wiktionaries have gone out of the Incubator so far?. Regards -- 00:07, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
- Okaye, those templates are very correct. Happy ? --Budelberger 00:10, 11 February 2009 (UTC) (
- Okaye, those templates are very correct. Happy ? --Budelberger 00:10, 11 February 2009 (UTC) (
- I will be happy the day I see those templates in the place they belong to. -- 00:13, 11 February 2009 (UTC) Anyway, I am not trying to be confrontational. As I said I really appreciate your working with the templates. -- 00:32, 11 February 2009 (UTC) Actually, I see you are doing a good job. Thanks. -- 00:45, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Acehnese Translation
[edit source]Acehnese for continent: banuwa. Not beunua or beunuwa. I have made mistake. If you want to make correction, merci ^_^.
Yes, Acehnese for earth: bumoë.
Cabaih... Si Gam Acèh 08:24, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
[edit source]Nice to meet you. Thank you for your supports and modifications. Merci beaucoup -- Cuaxdon 01:00, 15 February 2009 (UTC)
- Merci aussi ; Pazih language is extinct (or nearly extinct) ; so, what is the future of its Wikipedia ? I think a Wiktionary would be better. --Budelberger 02:09, 15 February 2009 (UTC) (
). (And please, use the Preview button instead of publishing each test !)
- Thank you for your instructions and help. And, Pazih language which is growing up day by day through the Pazih Language Association(PLA) in Puli, Nantow Taiwan. Up to date 2009, it is estimated over 200 persons that they can speak Pazih language fluently. Next Saturday, I will go to PLA in Nantou from Taipei. If we make up our mind to save her, Pazih language will resuscitate like Hebrew language. Thank you again. -- Cuaxdon 19:12, 15 February 2009 (UTC)
Thanks & categories
[edit source]Thank you for the great work you're doing, but I see you are adding {{test language}}
to category pages. Please don't, because that template is deprecated, and should be replaced by {{test wiki}}
on "Wx/xx" pages. All categories should be like Category:Wn/ka. Merci, SPQRobin 15:31, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- Quoi ?! B'en, depuis le temps que je le fais, vous auriez pu le dire avant ! Mais il est très bien, ce modèle,
{{test language}}
, qui renseigne parfaitement sur le projet ; alors que le type Category:Wn/ka est nul, nul, nul : rien ; il ne classe même pas les projets par ordre alphabétique (tout est sous « W » !…, alors qu'avec l'autre, c'est de « a » à « z » – langue – puis par projet, « Wb » à « Wt » !) ! Vous êtes sûr de vous ? Vous voulez vraiment des catégories principales illisibles ? Dingue, ça ! on se croirait sur Meta ! Personne ne fait rien ici (ou alors, des dizaines d'edits pour corriger UN mot !) mais on surveille de près ceux qui structurent, organisent. --Budelberger 15:55, 22 February 2009 (UTC) (). (Et regardez le nombre de fois où
{{test language}}
est utilisé : 221 fois ! dont un grand nombre par moi, mes corrections depuis trois mois… Mais qui est l'idiot qui a décidé ça, cette deprecation ? Une sommité de Meta, une Lumière des lumières ? Il va donc y avoir quelqu'un qui va faire quelque chose de très constructif – un des secrets de Meta – : détruire les 221 catégories correctes au profit d'une nullité sans nom ; les projets sont tous vides, mais tant qu'il s'agit de travailler pour ne rien faire : détruire, supprimer, delete, delete, delete, on ne manque pas de volontaires, dont le compte n'est jamais bloqué : normal, ils sont dans la ligne de Meta : nuls, prétentieux, arrogants, incompétents, méchants, laids, très laids : Ugliz. L'Incubator était le seul lieu (à peu près) intelligent, convivial : je me suis trompé.)
- You're right that Category:Wn/ka should be categorised under "ka", it was just the first example I found. And I know what I'm doing, this reorganisation is decided a long time ago, because
{{test wiki}}
provides more and more important information with less parameters. We don't need to write information twice. SPQRobin 16:06, 22 February 2009 (UTC) - And please stop with marking categories with
! SPQRobin 16:09, 22 February 2009 (UTC) - I will try to do them by bot. That's much easier/faster. SPQRobin 16:30, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- You're right that Category:Wn/ka should be categorised under "ka", it was just the first example I found. And I know what I'm doing, this reorganisation is decided a long time ago, because
Question for Acehnese Wikipedia
[edit source]Which one should I use: [[Wp/ace/Article]] or {{l|Article}}.
One more, I want to know the latest statistic for Acehnese Wikipedia. Do you know how? Merci
Si Gam Acèh 08:31, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
Countless templates
[edit source]What are those countless templates for? For example, Template:Wx/Code ISO-639-3i and Template:Wx/Language ISO-639-3l.
SPQRobin 21:13, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
- C'est intrigant, hein ? D'autres, probablement moins malins qu'Our Beloved Leaders pourtant, ont parfaitement compris. N'est pas Beloved Leader qui veut. --Budelberger 23:19, 20 September 2010 (UTC) (
saraiki wp/skr
[edit source]saraiki is from right to left. kindly this wikipedea editing may be adjusted from right to left. all links of urdu be used .translatiopn in to saraiki is as under;
user page وَرتݨ آلے دا صفحہ
discussion بحث editلِکھو
history تارِیخ
watch ݙیکھو
go وَنڄو
قادرخان 08:00, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit source]Bonjour Si vous pouvez m' aider a pousser les traveaux sur wikipediatachelhit Merci bcp --Dalinanir 17:28, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
Горно-марийская Википедия
[edit source]Примите, пожалуйста, участие в обсуждении. Это касается непосредственно Вашего раздела (Тема гагаузская, коми-пермяцкая и горно-марийская википедии)-Andrijko Z. 13:53, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
Ils sont (vraiement) trop forts.
[edit source]Budelberger 22:02, 20 September 2010 (UTC) ().
Sans oublier le stupidissime Incubator maintenance, qui a salopé le boulot préalablement ; désolé pour Jose77 et השואה, qui avaient parfaitement compris d'eux-mêmes le principe très simple de ces utilitaires complexes.
Budelberger 22:57, 20 September 2010 (UTC) ().
Вепсская Википедия
[edit source]Приглашаем Вас принять участие в обсуждении (тема Кабардино-черкесская, вепсская и латгальская Википедии), а также просим Вас активизироваться в работе над созданием полноценного раздела Википедии на вепсском языке. Будем Вам признательны!--Andrijko Z. 16:46, 9 November 2010 (UTC)
Wp/otk is currently nominated for deletion
[edit source]It seems that you were actively contributing the Wp/otk, so I left a message on your talk page to let you know that that test project is currently under consideration for deleting or not. You may join discussions at Incubator:Requests_for_deletions#Wp/fro and Wp/otk. Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 08:05, 11 November 2021 (UTC)
A barnstar for you!
[edit source]![]() |
The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar |
tysm BrittanyDesigner 06:44, 31 January 2023 (UTC) |