Gruzija (gruzijski: საქართველო, Sakartvelo) je država na Kavkazu. Smještena između Rusije na sjeveru i Turske na jugu, nalazi se uz obalu Crnog mora oko mjesta gdje se spajaju Evropa i Azija. To je uglavnom planinska zemlja i dom je nekih od najviših planinskih vrhova Evrope. Usprkos svojoj skromnoj veličini, Gruzija predstavlja impresivnu mješavinu raznih krajolika i mikroklima, u rasponu od suvih vinorodnih dolina na istoku, do crnomorskih ljetovališta na zapadu.
U grčkoj mitologiji, Gruzija, poznata kao Kolhida, bila je lokacija na kojoj su Jason i Argonauti tažili Zlatno runo. Priče o drevnoj istoriji ove zemlje nisu bez osnova; Savremeni arheološki dokazi upućuju na to da se vino prvo počelo proizvoditi na tlu današnje Gruzije. Neki uzorci vina datiraju 6.000 godina prije nove ere. Kao dokaz ovog bogatog nasljeđa, gradovi i okolina Gruzije su upotpunjeni srednjovjekovnim crkvama, od kojih su neke dio UNESCO svjetske baštine.
Uživajući u niskom nivou kriminala i korupcije, Gruzija se od sredine 2000-ih brzo razvija, a turistička infrastruktura nastavlja da se širi.
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Kartli - Srce gruzije, centar istočnogruzijske kulture i nacionalno ekonomsko, kulturno i političko središte; dom glavnih destinacija kao što su Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Gori i Kazbegi.
Rioni - Centar zapadne Gruzije i drevno kraljevstvo Kolhida, zemlja zlatnog runa; danas čuven po veličanstvenim UNESCO lokalitetima i fantastičnim planinskim pejzažima, te plodnim vinskim regijama Racha i Imereti Kaheti, sa relativno suvom klimom.
Jugozapadna Gruzija - Središte gruzijskih primorskih ljetovališta, uključujući drugo po veličini u zemlji, grad Batumi.
Sjeverozapadna Gruzija - Područje raznolikih pejzaža, od močvara i nizija zapadne Mingrelije do jedne od najviših planina Evrope.
Samtskhe-Javakheti - Oblast poznata po pećinskom gradu Vardzia i manastiru Sapara. Na ovom području živi većina etničkih Jermena.
Sporne teritorije (Abhazija, Južna Osetija) - Proruski otcijepljeni regioni Gruzije, koji nisu pod kontrolom centralne vlade; Abhazija je suptropska plaža, dok je Južna Osetija visoko u planinama Velikog Kavkaza, sa malo toga što može ponuditi putniku izvan opasnosti i planinskih vidika. Oba područja su pod kontrolom ruske granične straže.
Isključivanje Abhazije i Južne Osetije iz regionalne hijerarhije nije podržavanje bilo koje strane u sukobu; to je samo praktična razlika, jer se uslovi putovanja u ova dva regiona radikalno razlikuju od ostatka Gruzije.
[edit | edit source]- Tbilisi je najkosmopolitskiji i najraznovrsniji grad u Gruziji, u kojem živi skoro trećina ukupnog stanovništva zemlje. Što se arhitekture tiče, grad je zanimljiva mješavina starih klasičnih i ultra modernih zgrada.
- Akhaltsikhe, glavni grad oblasti Samtskhe-Javakheti, nalazi se u blizini dvije popularne turističke destinacije Vardžije i manastira Sapara.
- Batumi, drugi po veličini grad u Gruziji, mješavina je klasičnih zgrada, rastućih nebodera i palmi na obali Crnog mora.
- Borjomi je živopisni gradić poznat po mineralnoj vodi, nacionalnim parkom i letnjikovcem ruske dinastije Romanov.
- Gori, Staljinovo je rodno mjesto, sa muzejom posvećenim ovom diktatoru.
- Kutaisi, treći po veličini grad u Gruziji i istorijska prijestolnica drevne Kolhide, dom je za dva lokaliteta svjetske baštine UNESCO.
- Mtskheta je istorijska bivša prijestolnica istočne Gruzije, centar Gruzijske pravoslavne crkve i još jedno mjesto UNESCO svjetske baštine.
- Sighnaghi je planinski gradić popularan među turistima zbog krajolika i vina.
- Telavi, glavni grad Kahetija je dobra polazna tačka za obližnje vinarije, zamkove i manastire.
Other destinations
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- Gruzijski vojni put - prolazi kroz visok planinski krajolik duž opasno strmih krivina, od Tbilisija do Vladikavkaza u Rusiji.
- Vinarije Kakheti – posebno Château Mukhrani iz XIX vijeka, imanje Tsinandali i druge koje se nalaze u i oko Signagija.
- Planina Kazbeg - jedna od najviših planina u Evropi, takođe je dom crkve Svetog Trojstva, koja se nalazi na vrhu brda sa veličanstvenim pogledom.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – running through a high mountain scenery along dangerously steep curves, from Tbilisi to Vladikavkaz, Russia. Sometimes mockingly known as the Invasion Highway.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". wineries – especially the 19th-century Château Mukhrani, Tsinandali Estate and others located in and around Signagi
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – of the highest mountains in Europe is also home to Holy Trinity church, perched on top of a hill overlooking a ravine.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – a 6th-century cave monastery on a mountain overlooking the Azerbaijani desert, with beautiful frescoes.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – a high mountainous village near the border with Russia. Located in the deep Arghuni gorge at approximate 1,400 m, the village is a unique complex of medieval-to-early modern fortresses and fortified dwellings of stone and mortar.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – Svaneti mountain village, surrounded by a stunning alpine landscapes and huge waterfalls.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – in Upper Svaneti, the highest inhabited region of Europe, home to the mysterious Svans and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – a 12th-century cave monastery overlooking a large river gorge
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – in the highest inhabited region of Europe and inhabited by the Svans this small village is home to mountain scenery and medieval towers. and of Georgia's Template:UNESCOs.
- Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Marker". – a 3,600-year-old Silk Road cave city that was a major regional centre of pagan religions.
[edit | edit source]Gruzija je zemlja jedinstvene kulture i bogate istorije, od antike, pa čak i ranije. Arheolozi su u Gruziji pronašli najstarije poznate tragove proizvodnje vina, koji datiraju 6.000 godina prije nove ere. Zahvaljujući ovoj dugoj istoriji vinogradarstva, vinova loza je jedan od gruzijskih nacionalnih simbola, nezaobilazna u srednjovekovnim ukrasima, rezbarijama i slikama.
Narod posebne kulture, Gruzijci nisu u srodstvu sa Rusima, Turcima ili Grcima, niti imaju bilo kakve etničke ili jezičke veze sa drugim narodima koji ih okružuju. Postoje akademske teorije koje povezuju Gruzijce sa Baskijcima i Korzikancima u jugozapadnoj Evropi, ali nema definitivnih dokaza za to. Gruzijci su stoljećima bili upleteni u borbe za moć protiv najvećih svjetskih imperija (rimske, mongolske, vizantijske, persijske, osmanske i ruske), ali su uspjeli da sačuvaju svoj identitet.
O dugoj istoriji svjedoče drevna utvrđenja sa tornjevima i manastirima širom zemlje, koja su danas UNESCO baština.
Većina Gruzijaca su pravoslavni hrišćani. Osim Rusije, Gruzija je jedina pravoslavna hrišćanska zemlja u regionu (suprotno popularnom vjerovanju, Jermenija je orijentalno-pravoslavna, što je zasebna crkva). Iako je gruzijska kultura pod snažnim uticajem hrišćanstva, veliki dio nominalno religioznih ide u crkvu samo u posebnim prilikama, a vjerski praznici su više posvećeni gozbama i održavanju tradicije nego vjerskoj dogmi. Međutim, Zapadnim Evropljanima Gruzijci izgledaju veoma religiozni.
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Classical and medieval periods
[edit | edit source]In Greek mythology, western coasts of Georgia were home to the famous Golden Fleece sought by Jason and the Argonauts. Incorporation of the Golden Fleece into Greek mythology was influenced by an ancient Georgian practice of using fleeces to sift gold dust from the mountain rivers. In addition to ties to ancient Greeks, various early Georgian kingdoms were client states and allies of the Roman Empire for centuries. In the 4th century, a Greek-speaking Roman woman named Saint Nino - who was a relative of Saint George - began preaching Christianity in Georgia, leading to the eventual conversion of this previously pagan kingdom.
By the 10th century, various Georgian-speaking states converged to form the Kingdom of Georgia, which became a potent regional power in the 12th and 13th centuries, also known as the Georgian Golden Age. This period of revival was inaugurated by King David IV of Georgia, son of George II and Queen Helena, who succeeded in driving out the Turks. During this time, Georgia's influence spanned from the south of Ukraine in Eastern Europe to the northern gates of Persia. Like its ally Greece, Georgia was in some sense Europe's gatekeeper throughout the Middle Ages - being a peripheral country, much of the Islamic invasions hit Georgia first.
By the end of the Middle Ages, Georgia began to gradually decline and fracture due to persistent incursions of Mongols and other nomadic peoples. The Mongols were expelled by George V the Brilliant, but various Muslim conquerors followed, not giving the realm enough time to fully recover. Georgia's geopolitical situation further worsened after the Fall of Constantinople, which meant that Georgia was now an isolated enclave, surrounded by hostile Turco-Iranic neighbors with whom it had nothing in common. Under pressure, Georgia soon disintegrated, allowing Ottoman Turkey and Persia to subjugate western and eastern regions of Georgia, respectively.

18th and 19th centuries
[edit | edit source]Template:Wy/hbs/Seealso Since the mid-15th century, rulers in both western and eastern Georgian kingdoms repeatedly sought aid from major European powers but to no avail. King Vakhtang VI of Eastern Georgia sent his emissary, Saba Orbeliani, to France and the Papal States in order to secure assistance for Georgia, but nothing tangible could be secured. Lack of Western European assistance left Georgia exposed - pushed by the invading Ottoman Army, both Vakhtang and Orbeliani were eventually forced to accept the offer of protection from Peter the Great and escaped to Russia. In modern-day Georgia, Orbeliani's diplomatic mission to France would become an allegory of how the West neglects Georgian appeals for assistance.
Left with no good options, in 1783 Eastern Georgia signed the controversial Treaty of Georgievsk with the Russian Empire. Recognizing the bond of Orthodox Christianity between the two nations, the treaty established Georgia as a protectorate of Russia, while guaranteeing Georgia's territorial integrity and the continuation of its reigning dynasty. Despite the promises, however, Russia did not hold its end of the bargain: it failed to immediately render assistance against foreign incursions and instead began to absorb Georgia piece by piece against the spirit of the original agreement. Russia downgraded the Georgian Orthodox Church to the status of a local Russian archdiocese, while also downgrading the Georgian royalty to the level of Russian nobility, all of which offended many Georgians. The country quickly turned into a resort for the Russian Imperial Family, some members of which had respiratory problems and cherished Georgia's clean, alpine climate.
20th century
[edit | edit source]Template:Wy/hbs/Seealso Having lived more than a century under the Russian Empire, in 1918 Georgia established its first-ever modern republic with German and British military support. Russia, however, soon cajoled Georgia into becoming a neutral state, which resulted in British troops leaving the country. Once Germany and Britain were out of the equation, just several months later Russia invaded and forcibly incorporated Georgia into the Soviet Union. This unfortunate turn of events would become one of the reasons why in the 21st century, military neutrality is an unpopular concept in Georgia and can end political careers.
During the Soviet era, Georgia suffered terrible repressions at the hands of its own son Joseph Stalin, who had tens of thousands purged and executed. But this period also came with major changes. Georgia turned into one of the more prosperous Soviet republics renowned for its spas, resorts, cuisine and wine. Upon the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Georgia reclaimed its independence but at a heavy price. Pro-Russian separatists in Abkhazia and South Ossetia waged secessionist wars, dragging the country into chaos for most of the 1990s, and those areas were ethnically cleansed of their Georgian populations.
21st century
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Georgia's turbulent period started to come to an end following the peaceful Rose Revolution of 2003, when the country implemented a series of major democratic and economic reforms aimed at integration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and various European institutions. Georgia became the most loyal American ally in the region, much to Russia's chagrin. The Georgian military attempted to reclaim South Ossetia in 2008, which went disastrously as they were quickly overwhelmed by Russian forces that had been sent to back the separatists, with the Russian military eventually overrunning much of Georgia proper. Following a ceasefire, Russia formally recognised the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and pulled its forces back into those regions, citing Western support for Kosovo's independence from Serbia as a precedent, while Georgia in turn left the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). As of 2016, Georgia's ties to NATO and the European Union continue to gradually deepen in the face of strong Russian opposition. Due to continuing political disagreements, Russia and Georgia still have no formal diplomatic relations and are represented by the embassies of Switzerland.
According to Transparency International, Georgia is the least corrupt country in the Black Sea region, including all of its immediate neighbors, as well as nearby European Union countries. Georgia is a member of the Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as well as Eurocontrol; since 2014, it has also been part of the European Union's Free Trade Area. Although Georgia has never petitioned the EU for membership, in 2014 the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favour of a resolution, which established that Georgia, along with Moldova and Ukraine, are eligible to become members of the Union, provided they meet requisite democratic standards.
[edit | edit source]Za lingviste, gruzijski jezik i njegovi dijalekti su predmet fascinacije. Za sve ostale, međutim, mogu biti noćna mora. Gruzijski nije ni na koji način povezan sa jezicima koji se govore van Gruzije, a poznat je po svojim suglasnicima. Ne samo da ih ima dosta, već mnoge riječi počinju s najmanje dva. Moguće je nizati čak osam suglasnika, kao u vprtskvni (ვფრცქვნი), što znači "ljuštim".
Oko i u Tbilisiju engleski se često dobro govori, manje na zapadu Gruzije. Ruski je mnogo rašireniji i obavezno će ga znati starije generacije i etničke manjine kao što su Azeri, Jermeni, Abhazi, Oseti... Razlog je taj što je ruski bio obavezan tokom sovjetskog perioda, dok lokalni jezici svake sovjetske republike nisu bili. Ruski jezik je koristan i preporučljiv u područjima gdje žive etničke manjine, posebno u regijama Kvemo Kartli gdje 50% stanovništva čine etnički Azeri i Samtskhe-Javaketi gdje 50% stanovništva čine etnički Jermeni.
Gruzijci koji su se školovali od raspada Sovjetskog Saveza 1990. godine, kao i obrazovana elita, uglavnom preferiraju učenje engleskog jezika, što je dijelom motivisano željom da se udalje od ruske sfere uticaja. Pristup kvalitetnoj nastavi engleskog jezika u provincijama je nizak, međutim tokom 2000-ih mnoge škole su primile volontere koji govore engleski jezik, pa engleski brzo postaje drugi jezik u cijeloj zemlji. Kada vam je potrebna pomoć, potražite mlađe ljude; vjerovatnije je da znaju nešto engleskog.
Natpisi u Gruziji često nisu dvojezični (osim metroa u Tbilisiju); međutim, većina putokaza je na gruzijskom i latiničnom pismu. Osnovno poznavanje gruzijske abecede je vrlo korisno za razumijevanje putokaza, naziva prodavnica/restorana i autobuskih odredišta. Za one koji putuju bez znanja gruzijskog, možda bi bila dobra ideja da ponesu zbornik izraza ili turistički vodič.
Kako doći
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Uslovi ulaska
[edit | edit source]Bez vize
[edit | edit source]Bez vize na godinu dana Gruziju mogu posjetiti državljani Evropske unije (mogu ući i koristeći ličnu kartu), Albanije, Andore, Antigve i Barbude, Argentine, Jermenije, Australije, Azerbejdžana, Bahama, Bahreina, Barbadosa, Bjelorusije, Belizea, Bermude, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bocvane, Brazila, Djevičanskih ostrva, Bruneja, Kanade, Kajmanskih ostrva, Kolumbije, Kostarike, Dominikanske Republike, Ekvadora, El Salvadora, Foklandskih ostrva, Gibraltara, Hondurasa, Islanda, Izraela, Japana, Kazahstana, Kuvajta, Kirgistana, Libana, Lihtenštajna, Malezije, Mauricijusa, Meksika, Moldavije, Monaka, Crne Gore, Novog Zelanda, Norveške, Omana, Paname, Katara, Rusije, San Marina, Saudijske Arabije, Srbije, Sejšela, Singapura, Južne Afrike, Južne Koreje, Švajcarske (može i sa ličnom kartom), Tadžikistana, Tajlanda, Turske (može lična karta), Turkmenistana, Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, Ukrajine, Velike Britanije, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Uzbekistana i Vatikana. Viza ne treba Urugvajcima i Čileancima za boravak do 90 dana, niti Irancima ako ostaju maksimalno 45 dana u Gruziji.
Granični prelazi
[edit | edit source]Naziv | Država |
Batumi, internacionalni aerodrom | — |
Batumi, luka na Crnom moru | — |
Böyük Kəsik. željeznički prelaz | Azerbejdžan |
Guguti/Tashir, drumski prelaz | Jermenija |
Krasny Most (Crveni most, Tsiteli Khidi, Qırmızı Körpü), drumski prelaz | Azerbejdžan |
Ninotsminda/Bavra, drumski prelaz | Jermenija |
Poti, luka na Crnom moru | — |
Sadakhlo/Bagratashen, drumski i željeznički prelaz | Jermenija |
Sarpi, drumski prelaz | Turska |
Tbilisi, internacionalni aerodrom | — |
Tsodna (Postbina), drumski prelaz | Azerbejdžan |
Vale/Posof, drumski prelaz (via Akhaltsikhe) | Turska |
Zemo Larsi/Verkhniy Lars (Верхний Ларс) | Rusija |
Ulazak iz Rusije u Južnu Osetiju i Abhaziju u Gruziji se smatra ilegalnim. Neki od putnika koji su tuda došli uhapšeni su ili novčano kažnjeni, dok su drugi prošli bez problema.
Moguće je otići u Abhaziju iz Gruzije, ali ne i u Južnu Osetiju.
[edit | edit source]Za Tbilisi se leti iz brojnih evropskih i gradova u okruženju gradova, uključujući London Gatwick, Amsterdam Schiphol, Beč, Kijev, Prag (Georgian Airways), Minhen (Lufthansa), Varšavu (LOT Airlines), Atinu (Aegean Airlines), Rigu (airBaltic), Istanbul (Turkish Airlines) i Minsk (Belavia).
Kutaisi ima brojne letove Wizzairom iz mnogih evropskih destinacija, uključujući London Luton, Berlin (Schönefeld), Milano (Malpensa), Budimpeštu, Prag i Brisel Charleroi. U Kutaisi se može stići i iz Moskve (Ural Airlines i S7 Airlines).
Ryanair leti za Tbilisi i Kutaisi, sa četiri destinacije: Keln, Milano, Marselj i Bolonja. Turkish Airlines leti svaki dan između Batumija i Istanbula. Ostale destinacije koje opslužuje aerodrom Batumi uključuju Kijev (Yanair) i Minsk (dva puta sedmično sa Belavijom).
[edit | edit source]Postoje direktne autobuske linije iz Istanbula, Turska, koje staju u mjestima usput i završavaju u Tbilisiju. Takođe aktivne su linije od Batumija do Istanbula, Antalije, Izmira i Ankare. MetroTurizm ima autobuse od Istanbula do mjesta u blizini granice sa Gruzijom, kao što je Hopa. Postoji i nekoliko direktnih autobuskih linija između Tbilisija i Bakua u Azerbejdžanu. Postoje direktni autobusi koji povezuju Tbilisi sa Solunom i Atinom u Grčkoj, gdje je brojna gruzijska dijaspora. Postoje i autobusi iz Rusije, a kompanije poput Hayreniq Toura nude putovanja od Moskve (i drugih ruskih gradova) do Tbilisija.
[edit | edit source]Ulazak automobilom je jednostavan. Preporučuje se da sa sobom nosite punomoć, ako niste vlasnik automobila. Samo vozač može ući u kontrolnu zonu automobilom, svi ostali putnici moraju izaći iz vozila i koristiti pješačku traku.
[edit | edit source]Gruzijska željeznica je nacionalni prevoznik i nudi prevoz unutar zemlje.
Postoji noćni voz koji saobraća Jerevan (Jermenija) svakog drugog dana, red vožnje se može naći ovdje.Putovanje traje oko 11 sati i znatno je duže nego minibusom, ali je putovanje komfornije.
[edit | edit source]There is a ferry from Burgas to Batumi, operated by NavbulTemplate:Wy/hbs/Dead link as well as services to Batumi and Poti from Istanbul. The Turkish Black Sea port of Trabzon is closed to passenger services. The Georgian port of Sukhumi also is closed for passenger boats. All vessels going to Sukhumi must undergo border check with Georgian coast guard in the nearby port of Poti.
Get around
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Planinske ture Ako idete do udaljenijih regiona Gruzije (npr. Tušeti, Khevsureti, itd.) bez turističke agencije, autobusi i taksiji vas uglavnom neće odvesti do željene lokacije. U nekom trenutku će postati neophodno pješačiti ili iznajmiti džip. Alternativno, mogli biste uhvatiti vožnju kamionom za prijevoz robe, ali za ovakiav vid putovanja morali biste imati veoma fleksibilne planove. Iznajmljivanje džipa može biti prilično skupo. Najbolje da se o opcijama raspitate kod lokalaca ili koristite onlajn servise. |
[edit | edit source]Gruzija je odlična za planinarenje i trekking, pruža mnoge zanimljive staze. Tusheti, Kazbegi, or Borjomi, samo su neke od popularnih destinacija.
Ove staze su često u veoma udaljenim planinskim predjelima i veoma je važno dobro se pripremiti, imati pouzdanu kartu ili GPS.
Za pouzdane karte, GPS navigaciju, sveobuhvatne staze i informacije, konsultujte OpenStreetMap, koji koriste ovaj turistički vodič i mnoge mobilne aplikacije kao što su OsmAnd ili Mapy.cz. Ili jednostavno preuzmite odgovarajuće GPX ili KML datoteke za staze na OpenStreetMap kroz Waymarked Trails.
[edit | edit source]Autobusi se uglavnom koriste za vožnju unutar ili između velikih gradova ili na međunarodnim linijama. Nekoliko komercijalnih kompanija obezbjeđuje autobuske veze do aerodroma, posebno raspoređene na međunarodne letove za/iz Gruzije, na primjer od aerodroma Kutaisi do Tbilisija i Batumija.
Za rasporede i karte pogledajte GeorgianBus ili OmniBus.
By marshrutka
[edit | edit source]A marshrutka (from Russian: Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Lang"., plural marshrutki; Georgian: Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Lang". or Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Lang".), which essentially is a minibus, is the most common way to travel and operate on established routes. After finding out the number of your route, flag down a marshrutka on the street by holding out your hand, palm facing down.
There are also marshrutkas routes between cities. Their routes end usually at bus stations and city markets. Their destination is written in Georgian, on a sign in the front window. Ask marshrutka drivers if you cannot find the minibus you are looking for.
Start early, because marshrutkas mostly run in the morning and become sparse in the afternoon. After 16:00 it can be hard to catch a marshrutka to/from smaller destinations. Larger cities have connections up to 19:00.
Often, it is better to head to the exit of a city and catch marshrutkas there instead of hoping to get one at the bus station. This way you can even try by thumb if necessary.
By train
[edit | edit source]Georgian Railway (GR) has an extensive network of trains in Georgia. There are two types of trains: fast (with limited places, almost always modern) or local (slow and old but very cheap with unlimited places).
One of the most popular routes is the Tbilisi-Batumi train, which takes passengers through the scenic Georgian countryside and offers stunning views of the Black Sea coast. The journey takes approximately 10 hours, and the train offers comfortable seating and sleeping options for passengers. There are also trains that connect Tbilisi with other Georgian cities such as Kutaisi, Zugdidi, and Gori. These trains are typically affordable and offer a comfortable and convenient way to travel around the country. There are also night trains available, between Zugdidi or Batumi and Tbilisi, and Tbilisi and Yerevan or Baku.
The train is generally not cheaper than marshrutkas, instead sometimes twice as expensive. But of course it is far more comfortable than being squeezed into a minibus.
There are several ways to buy ticket:
By thumb
[edit | edit source]Hitchhiking is the best thing to do in Georgia. It is often called autostop and a great way to get to know locals like nothing else. Specifically mentioning "autostop" will let people know, you are not looking for a taxi or paid ride.
Generally, Georgians do not use the thumb but just stand by the road and are occasionally be picked up by cars. However, since its opening to the west, Georgia has changed a lot and nowadays many people, especially younger folks, understand the meaning of the thumb and due to the ever improving English of the population are happy to take tourists along the way for a chat or even a lunch together to show their hospitality.
Also for longer distances, it is better to hitchhike. Marshrutkas usually do detours into towns and often stop for breaks, so you easily waste 1 hr on a 5 hr ride. Better to go with a local that just wants to arrive.
By taxi
[edit | edit source]Taxis in Georgia are a convenient method of travel, and they are relatively cheap. Trips within Tbilisi start from 3 lari and will barely exceed 20 lari. It is advised to negotiate a price before getting into a taxi. There is no official "taxi-meter", despite websites claiming otherwise.
At the Tbilisi airport you can find an official airport taxi (in fact, you will be accosted in the arrivals terminal by numerous taxi drivers). The prices are relatively high, but fixed. It is also possible to order a taxi at the airport via one of the following apps. The fixed official rate is 60-70 lari (2023) depending on destination, which is about double the fare on the Bolt app.
The ride hailing services Bolt (in Batumi, Kutaisi, Tbilisi), Maxim (Batumi, Gori, Kobuleti, Kutaisi, Poti, Rustavi, Tbilisi, Zestafoni, Zugdidi), Yandex.Taxi and gg taxi are very popular and convenient in cities. Using them spares you from negotiations and language barriers with potential taxi drivers, and the rating system ensures some form of quality control. Taxis of Bolt are all non-smoking and are considered the best quality. It is also possible to book a longer Bolt (or other app) trip outside of the cities and sometimes even across borders, but you should be prepared to explain what you want to the driver in Russian or Georgian (with the exception of GoTrip - see below).
Everywhere besides the airport, most taxi drivers speak no English. Knowing a little bit of Russian or Georgian is therefore required to state where you want to go, how to get there, and to establish the price.
GoTrip is a website where you can book a driver for an intercity trip (or multi-city trip) for a full day including unlimited stops (but not re-routings). Some drivers act as de-facto tour guides if you're lucky. You choose the driver in advance, with the chance to read reviews and filter by ability to speak English (or Russian). It is quite expensive by Georgia standards, but is very convenient. For example, a trip from Tbilisi to Kazbegi cost US$107 (GEL 280) in 2023. You provide your phone number when booking, and the driver will quickly contact you via WhatsApp.
By bicycle
[edit | edit source]As the country is relatively mountainous, you should consider a mountain bike. Many roads remain unpaved. But by bike allows you to reach more remote regions. You can rent mountain bikes in bigger towns.
[edit | edit source]Unutrašnji letovi postoje, ali su rijetko praktični. Georgian Airways leti jednom nedjeljno između Međunarodnog aerodroma Tbilisi TBS i Batumija. Postoje i letovi u neuobičajenim lakim avionima do planinskih odmarališta Mestia i Ambrolauri, sa aerodroma Natakhtari na sjevernom rubu Tbilisija i iz Batumija. Karte za unutrašnje letove prodaje Vanilla Sky.
By car
[edit | edit source]Roads connecting Tbilisi and other major cities are typically smooth and in good condition, but country roads are often in disrepair. Though traffic laws are enforced, driving can still be very chaotic. In rural areas, cattle and animals may occasionally slow traffic. A car is a convenient way to tour the countryside, but with the abundance of taxis, buses, and minibuses, most visitors may be better off in the passenger's seat.
Be very careful when driving in Georgia. The driver license exam in Georgia is quite lenient: locals only have to pass theory and driving test on a polygon, without a real test on streets. So, Georgians learn how to drive only after getting their driver license or even years before getting one. Also, overtaking without any visibility is a common practice. A 6-yo child sitting on a parent's lap and driving a car on a serpentine road is not that uncommon. So be extremely careful when driving in sophisticated places.
Many of the international rental companies like Budget, SIXT, Dollar, and AVIS are present in Georgia. However, their prices are as high as in Western Europe.
Instead, you can use a local rental company, which have rates from <abbr title=" 60 Georgian lari.
(Please, add information about when this price was last reported, using 'when' parameter.)
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 60 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 60 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">60 lari (Tbilisi) or <abbr title=" 100 Georgian lari.
(Please, add information about when this price was last reported, using 'when' parameter.)
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 100 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 100 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">100 lari (Kutaisi) per day with full cover. You won't even have to put down a deposit or have your credit card blocked. Ask your accommodation if they have any contact.
Furthermore, especially in Tbilisi many private people rent their second car to strangers. Try a local FB group or a local aggregator like:
- MyAuto – Direct communication with the car owner. The website does not support English properly, so you will probably need to translate the options from Georgian, to get the car you want.
- LocalRent – Booking through the website, i.e. a fee goes to the website.
[edit | edit source]Do
[edit | edit source]- Swimming in the Black Sea at one of the many sea resorts, like Anaklia
- Wine route in Kakheti
- Enjoy Georgian cuisine, otherwise you will have missed one of the most important things to experience here
- Monastery hopping – The amount of churches and monasteries is overwhelming and seeing all of them will take you a month or two, even though you will probably miss some hidden in the deep forest or country-side
- Hot springs can be found all around the country, with Nokalakevi Geothermal Park near Martvili probably being the most impressive
[edit | edit source]There are vast hiking opportunities and to see the Caucasus mountains. A lot of information and up-to-date advices can also be found on Georgia's official Agency of Protected Areas website. For hiking maps and routes remember to use offline maps and GPS–see #On foot and navigation.
The following destinations are worth while mentioning:
- Mt. Chakvistavi near Batumi
- Mestia is a hiking paradise with numerous trails like to Ushguli
- Tusheti offers far less touristy hiking opportunities, but you will need to hire a 4WD or local guide
- Northwestern Georgia offers equally remote destination, but is easier to reach from Zugdidi
- Borjomi Kharagauli National Park Georgia's largest national park, with a diversity of physical, geographical and especially climatic conditions set the stage for a wide variety of flora and fauna
- Lagodekhi Nature Reserve, a managed nature reserve close to the Russian and Azeri border with two serviced huts along the trails
[edit | edit source]Money
[edit | edit source]Srednja kursna ili tečajna lista Georgian lari |
Stanje Aug 1, 2022:
Kursevi/tečajevi variraju. Trenutni kursevi/tečajevi za ovu i druge valute su dostupni na stranici XE.com |
How much does it cost in 2022?
1 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1 lari
From 6 up to 8 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–8 lari/100 km
2 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2 lari
From 7 up to 15 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">7–15 lari
From 20 up to 30 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 20 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 30 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 20 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 30 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">20–30 lari / person At an average restaurant (+10% service fee):
From 0.7 up to 1 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.7 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.7 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">0.7–1 lari/pc
6 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6 lari
From 6 up to 20 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 20 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 20 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–20 lari
From 10 up to 25 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 10 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 25 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 10 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 25 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">10–25 lari
From 2 up to 4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2–4 lari
1 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1 lari At bazaar (fruits and berries):
From 1 up to 3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1–3 lari/kg
From 3 up to 4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3–4 lari/kg
From 3 up to 4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3–4 lari/kg
From 6 up to 7.5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7.5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7.5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–7.5 lari/kg
3.5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3.5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3.5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3.5 lari/kg
2.3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2.3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2.3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2.3 lari/kg
2 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2 lari/kg (unripe and hard), <abbr title=" From 3 up to 4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3–4 lari/kg (ripe and soft)
0.5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">0.5 lari/pc
From 6 up to 8 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–8 lari/kg
From 1 up to 3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1–3 lari
10 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 10 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 10 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">10 lari/kg
From 1.5 up to 3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1.5 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1.5 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1.5–3 lari/kg
4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">4 lari/kg
4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">4 lari/kg At bazaar (vegetables):
From 4 up to 5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">4–5 lari/kg
From 0.1 up to 0.3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.1 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.1 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 0.3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">0.1–0.3 lari/bundle or <abbr title=" From 6 up to 7 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–7 lari/kg
From 2 up to 3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2–3 lari/kg
From 1 up to 2 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1–2 lari/kg
From 3 up to 7 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3–7 lari/kg
1.5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1.5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 1.5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">1.5 lari/kg
8 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">8 lari/kg At bazaars, small grocery stores and bakeries:
5 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 5 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 5 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">5 lari/L
From 3 up to 4 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3–4 lari/L
7 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">7 lari/L
9 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 9 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 9 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">9 lari/bottle 0.75L
8 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 8 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">8 lari/bottle 0.75L
11 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 11 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 11 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">11 lari/kg
15 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">15 lari/kg
From 6 up to 7 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 6 lari $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 7 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">6–7 lari/kg
15 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 15 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">15 lari/kg
18 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 18 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 18 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">18 lari/kg
3 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3 lari
2 Georgian lari.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari €1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 2 lari US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">2 lari |
The national currency is the Georgian lari (ISO currency code: GEL), denoted by the official symbol "₾" or sometimes by letter "ლ" /l/. It is divided into 100 tetri. Banknotes are issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 lari, and the rarely-used 200 and 500 lari. Coins are issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 tetri, 1 and 2 lari.
There are two issues of the 20-, 50- and 100-lari notes: from 2004 and (in stronger colours and updated security features) from 2016. Both are valid, and no date has yet been announced for withdrawal of the older notes, but you obviously don't want to leave the country with these. Indeed it's difficult to redeem any form of Georgian currency outside of Europe.
Always have small money with you. 50- or 100-lari notes or so might be difficult to use for payment, especially with taxi drivers. But the latter is often just an excuse not to give change, just ask ahead if the taxi driver has change.
Many Georgians are not very good with numbers and money. Don't bother paying amounts of money, so you get back an even amount, like 10.75 if you owe 7.75. That will confuse them infinitely, and you will never get your desired change.
Money exchange
[edit | edit source]Exchange kiosks in Tbilisi and Kutaisi generally have only a 1% spread between "buy" and "sell" for US dollars or euros, but could be as little as 0.25%. Rates for other currencies like Turkish lira or ruble, or outside of cities, usually is much worse. The kiosk may ask for your ID, but usually they won't for routine amounts.
[edit | edit source]ATMs are available countrywide, and it is generally good to have a card from providers like Visa or MasterCard. In smaller towns or villages ATMs become more sparse.
If withdrawing lari (GEL), never accept on-site currency conversion at ATMs, always let your home bank do the conversion–ATM rates can be off 7% or more. Your foreign bank is usually 1-3% off, in addition to some potential fixed fee. Here are ATM fees of local banks for lari withdrawals:
- TBC – No fee; max <abbr title="
400 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2021-12-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 400 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 400 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">400 lari
- VTB – No fee; max <abbr title="
200 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2021-12-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 200 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 200 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">200 lari
- BasisBank – No fee
- HalykBank – No fee
- Bank of Georgia – <abbr title="
3 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2021-12-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 3 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">3 lari per withdrawal
- ProCreditBank – Template:Wy/hbs/EUR per withdrawal
US dollars:
Almost all banks allow their ATMs to withdraw US dollars (except for VTB bank, which allows it only to their customers).
- BasisBank – No fee
- CartuBank – No fee
- HalykBank – No fee
- ZiraatBank – No fee
- Bank of Georgia – US$1 fee
- Terabank – US$1 fee
- Liberty – 2% fee
- TBC bank
- US$100–200: Fee US$5
- US$300–500: Fee US$10
- US$600–1,000: Fee US$20
BANK | City | Address |
ProCredit Bank | Tbilisi | ალ. ყაზბეგის გამზ. 21 (headquarters) |
TBC bank | Tbilisi | 7 Marjanishvili |
13 Chavchavadze ave. | ||
2 Gr. Abashidze | ||
6 Pushkin | ||
24 Kazbegi | ||
138 Aghmashenebeli | ||
1/6 sector Mukhiani district (TBC Bank branch) | ||
34 Guramishvili ave. (TBC Bank branch) | ||
Kutaisi | 58 Chavchavadze ave. | |
International Airport, Kutaisi | ||
Batumi | 37 Zubalashvili | |
Zugdidi | 3 Tabukashvili | |
Batumi | 37 Zubalashvili | |
Gori | 13 Stalin | |
Poti | 5 Rustaveli Circle |
Very few banks and ATMs allow withdrawing euros (€) with foreign bank cards. There are only 2 banks (as of November 2020):
- ProCredit Bank have 24/7 working places that have a special ATM to withdraw USD/EUR: 4 in Tbilisi and one in Batumi, Kutaisi and Zugdidi. Maximum amount of withdrawal is Template:Wy/hbs/EUR and the fee is Template:Wy/hbs/EUR (as of November 2020).
- TBC bank has higher withdrawal fees, but much wider network — 8 ATMs in Tbilisi and one ATM in each big city: Kutaisi, Batumi, Gori, Zugdidi, and Poti (see "Cash withdrawal and deposit" section here) (as of November 2020)
- €100–200: Fee €5
- €300–500: Fee €10
- €600–1,000: Fee €20
[edit | edit source]- Gold & other jewellery – Gold, silver, handmade & other miscellaneous jewellery and precious stones are very cheap in Georgia and the quality of the precious stones, gold and silver is superb.
- Art & paintings – Georgian artists, such as Pirosmani, Gigo Gabashvili, David Kakabadze, Lado Gudiashvili, Korneli Sanadze, Elene Akhvlediani, Sergo Kobuladze, Simon Virsaladze, Ekaterine Baghdavadze and others, are famous for their work. In Georgia you will find many art shops, paintings and painters who sell their works on the streets. Their work is of high quality and is often very good value.
- Antiques & other miscellaneous gifts – In Georgia you will able to find many antiques not only from Georgia, but also from the Middle East, Russia, the Mediterranean and other parts of Europe.
- Georgian wine. Georgia is the cradle of wine making, and with 521 original varieties of grape you will be sure to find excellent wines. Wine can be bought in vinoteques and thise have a great choice, but in supermarkets might have some those wines for a cheaper price. Some home-made wine might be cheap and tasty, but beware buying wine that is ubelievably cheap, since, according to some locals, it might be concocted from a wine powder. The quality of wine making improved immensely following re-orientation of wine exports to EU markets.
- Cognac. Georgian cognac is unique as it is made from Georgian wine. Try Saradjishvili 'Tbilisi' cognac.
- Outside the cities, you might find hand-made carpets for sale.
- Georgians love to drink, so the country has a seemingly infinite number of beers, wines, liquors and distilled drinks. To take home, buy a bottle of chacha, a potent grape vodka somewhat similar to Lebanese arak, Italian grappa or German obstler.

- If you'd like to bring souvenir food to home, you may easily find packaged churchkhela or tklapi (Georgian: ტყლაპი), clay bottles with wines, or spices. By the way, some supermarkets are included in the tax free system, so you can contact the store administrator and apply for a tax refund on your purchases.
Georgian export commodities (especially wine and mineral water) used to be widely counterfeited in the domestic and former Soviet Union markets. For example, the Borjomi bottling plant used to produce roughly one million bottles of Borjomi per year, but there were three million bottles sold in Russia alone! In 2007, the government and business groups began a large-scale fight against counterfeit wine and mineral water so the sale of counterfeit products has almost been eliminated. However, when stocking up on bottled wine or mineral water, it is best to buy it at large supermarkets which have better control of their procurement than smaller stores.
[edit | edit source]In supermarkets, you will find all the usual food products, mainly brought from Russia, Turkey and sometimes Europe.
There are only 2 hypermarkets chains: Goodwill (გუდვილი) and Carrefour (კარფურ). An average locals frequent Carrefour; Goodwill is a bit more expensive. Smaller chains could be found in any district of any town. The most popular chains are: Nikora (ნიკორა), SPAR (სპარი), Smart (სმარტი), and Ori Nabiji (ორი ნაბიჯი). The latter is the cheapest of them. There is also a special chain of supermarkets called Europroduct (ევროპროდუქტი), that imports food from EU.
Besides mentioned supermarket chains, small no-name shops are very popular with locals. You can buy groceries there, although the choice will be much more modest. However, those shops have a friendly and homely atmosphere, because the locals are regulars; if you visit the same place for 4 or 5 times, shop vendors who are usually the owners will start to recognise you.
[edit | edit source]Travelling in Georgia is very affordable. Restaurants, street food and hotels are cheap for a Western traveller. But keep in mind not to brag around about your money or expenses, because many locals are very poor. A taxi driver in Tbilisi earns around 50 lari per day (working 8–10 hr), and monthly pensions is about <abbr title=" 200 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 30-11-2020.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 200 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 200 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">200 lari. So the next time you haggle over a trinket, it may be a good idea to yield.
A budget traveller would have no difficulties getting by (staying very well fed and exploring many of the sights) on less than <abbr title=" 500 Georgian lari.
(Please, add information about when this price was last reported, using 'when' parameter.)
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 500 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 500 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">500 lari per week, even in the capital. If you visit Georgia for one week, you would have a great time if you bring US$400 (€350) with you. With this amount you will be able to stay in a good hotel, go on wonderful sightseeing tours and eat good food. If you want to travel like a king, everything beyond US$800 (€700) per week will bring you close to this goal.
Good indicators whether you are in a very touristy area or not, is the price of 1 khinkali (0.70-0.80 lari is a normal price).
[edit | edit source]Tipping is common in Western-style restaurants in the capital, but almost never expected in more traditional establishments. In many restaurants, especially in big cities, there is a 10% service charge. In some places in Tbilisi it could be even up to 15%. This is almost never explicitly mentioned and may be added to your bill without warning, so it is advisable to ask beforehand.
Also, tipping is never expected in bars.
[edit | edit source]
Georgian traditional cuisine is delicious, cheap, and universal. It is also justly famous throughout the former Soviet Union (visitors to Moscow will have noticed the large number of Georgian restaurants). Georgia fills a list of wonderful, often meat, dishes, usually flavored with garlic, coriander, walnuts, and dill. A traditional Georgian feast (supra) is a sight to behold, with a spread that no group could finish, accompanied by at least 20 toasts set to wine or brandy.
Just wandering into the likeliest looking local joint in any neighborhood whatsoever, even just a block or two from the main tourist streets, will inevitably provide an excellent dining experience at bargain prices, and quite possibly any amount of proud attention and invitations to drink wine from staff and regulars delighted that a foreigner has discovered their haunt. Simply pick by random off the menu and let the unique tastes of Georgia surprise you. Italian- and American-style dishes (pizzas, hamburgers, etc.) are usually a pale copy of the originals. It is much better to try local food.
Alternatively, try finding one of the cantine style cafés. There they cover a great variety of Georgian food, and at least Phkali, Khachapuri and Kuchmachi if you are lucky. Try Tartan in Tbilisi.
If you can, try to get yourself invited to dinner at someone's home (this is not too difficult in Georgia, owing to their hospitality and general desire to stuff foreign visitors full of all the food they can afford). The food in restaurants is an odd set piece of the same dishes over and over. But Georgian cuisine is far richer, and has an untold number of dishes to try, prepared from scratch with fresh, locally grown products (although supermarkets are now spreading throughout Georgia).
One special kind of meal in Georgia is the supra, which means a banquet to celebrate something like a wedding or a birthday. These events, led by a tamada (master of ceremonies), include an abundance of food and drink (wine especially) and go on for hours.
[edit | edit source]
One of the most famous dishes of the Georgian cuisine is Template:Wy/hbs/Listing. These are dumplings with different fillings: minced spiced meat, mushrooms, cheese, or vegetables, served in enormous quantities. But not like what you are used to doing with dumplings. Georgian men will easily eat 15 huge dumplings, and begin by seasoning the dumplings with pepper. Then grab the dumpling however you like, from the top "handle" if it pleases you (locals often stick a fork in the side of the knot so as not to puncture the dumpling), and take a small bite out of the side to slurp up the juice. Do not let any juice fall on your plate, or you will get your chin messy. Then, still holding the khinkali, eat around the top, finishing the dumpling and then placing the twisted top on your plate—traditionally the top is not eaten. It is also nice to look with pride upon all your tops once, with practice, you get into the double digits with these dumplings. Wash them down with wine, Kazbegi beer, or a "limonati" of whichever flavour you prefer (most common flavours are lemon, pear, and estragon/tarragon—which is quite refreshing).
Few get through their first encounter with khinkali without getting meat juices splattered over their front, so dress accordingly.
Another signature dish is Template:Wy/hbs/Listing – a cheese filled bread, which more resembles cheese pie. It comes several different varieties:
- imeruli (იმერული) or imeretian: These are the most common and often come with every meal, just filled with (imeruli aka cooking) cheese. Often circular, similar to Lobiani.
- megruli (მეგრული) or mingrelian: Like imeruli but topped with additional cheese.
- acharuli (აჭარული) or adjarian: Boat-shaped like puri (break) with an open face and filled with egg in addition to cheese. This one is much more filling and a single proper dish. Use your fork to mix the egg into the cheese before you start eating it.
- There also exist these less common variations:
- guruli (გურული) or gurian: This one, looking like a half moon, has cut boiled eggs as additional filling.
- phenovani (ფენოვანი): A version made with puff pastry dough instead of normal dough.
- samepho (სამეფო): Instead of regular Imeruli cheese, the better Sulguni cheese is used.
- mkhlovana (მხლოვანა) or mtiuluri (მთიულური) : Besides the cheese also spinach is included.
- osuri: The Ossetian version, with potato added.
Template:Wy/hbs/Listing, a bean-filled bread is another notable dish and the most popular version is Rachuli Lobiani (რაჭული ლობიანი), like a Khachapuri, but with bean and bacon. Imeretian , again, is just bean-filled. One is mostly too much for one person.
Any one of these just listed dishes beyond 5 lari in a reasonably priced local restaurant is probably too much for 1 person. So, you better combine only one dish with salad and drinks for two people.
As in most traditional cuisines, there are many meat dishes. They are common in the form of stews or sauces, but also barbecued meat is popular: mtsvadi which is known as shashlik in Russia is not just a favorite at outdoor meals but at restaurants too. Pork is common, either on its own or blended with beef.

There are lots of vegetarian dishes too (mostly in western parts of Georgia) which are quite tasty and accompany most of local parties with heavy wine drinking. However, vegetarianism as such is an alien concept to Georgians, even though the Georgian Orthodox Church obliges its followers to "fast" at various times of the year including the run up to Christmas (7th January). Such fasting means abstaining from meat and fish and eating vegetables and dairy. So vegetarians will find eating much easier if they visit Georgia during one of those fasting periods
Bread plays a big role in the Georgian cuisine and Template:Wy/hbs/Listing (შოთის პური) is the most regular bread found in Georgia, made of white flour, and shaped like a canoe. There is also Lavashi, which is larger.
Unfortunately, there are certain problems with milk and dairy products in Georgia. There are few cows in the country, the Georgian strains yield much less milk than in Western countries, and the government doesn't subsidize the industry. For these reasons, almost all dairy products are imported from Europe, Russia and Turkey and hence are not cheap. Strangely, despite all this home-made cheese is very popular ingredient in dishes and is sold almost everywhere.
One signature sweet of Georgia is Template:Wy/hbs/Listing (ჩურჩხელა), a candle-shaped candy made of grape must, nuts, and flour. 1.5-2 lari.
[edit | edit source]Chacha
[edit | edit source]Chacha (ჭაჭა) is a (often) home-made fruit-based distilled clear spirit made from grape pomace (grape residue left after making wine), but can also be produced from non-ripe or non-cultured grapes and in some cases fig, tangerine, orange or mulberry.
Chacha, or just fruit spirit, is very common in close-by countries like Turkey, Albania, Italy, or the Balkans, while in Turkey the process is a little more complex and involves anis. Since each country got its specific fruit, it is usually made from that fruit. In Italy, grappa is won from the leftovers of the vine production, like in Georgia. In Bosnia, slivovitz is won overwhelmingly from fruit fly infested barrels of plum mud at many local homes in Srpska. In Albania, different fruits are used to make rakí, depending on the region, but rakí rushi (from grapes) is also common, besides rakí mani (from mulberry).
Home-made chacha is usually bottled "manually" and can be purchased in corner markets, Farmers Markets, under the table, and at some village roads throughout Georgia. 0.5 l start at 2.50 lari and generally come in regular water bottles. When bought, it is a good idea to check it right away. Sometimes it can be sour, you will note a weird taste right away. It doesn't mean though you will get blind, Georgians understand what they are doing, otherwise everyone would already be blind here. (Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to prefer a shop which looks properly frequented by locals.)
There is also commercially-made chacha that can be found in many wineries, shops and supermarkets, throughout available in Tbilisi, where you will have a hard time finding home-made one. The industrial however is much more expensive, starting at 10 lari for 0.5 l.
You can still find home-made one in Tbilis in the underground stalls near Grigol Orbeliani Square towards Freedom Square for example.
[edit | edit source]
Georgia has one of the oldest wine-making traditions in the world and has been called the birthplace of wine (also as "Cradle of Wine"), due to archaeological findings which indicate wine production back to 5000 BC. Georgia produces some of the best wines in the world, and thanks to the ancient tradition of wine production and amazing climate, it holds its own with French and Italian wines. Georgian wines are quite famous. It may be true that they are little known in the West, but they certainly are famous among the roughly 280 million people in the former Soviet Union, where Georgian wines remain a welcome drink at any dining table.
Export of home-bottled wine, which is often the best type, is prohibited.
[edit | edit source]- Saperavi (საფერავი sah-peh-rah-vee)
- Mukuzani (მუკუზანი moo-k'oo-zah-nee)
- Khvanchkara (ხვანჭკარა khvahnch-k'ah-rah) - semi-sweet
- Kindzmarauli (კინძმარაული keendz-mah-rah-oo-lee) - semi-sweet
[edit | edit source]- Tsinandali (წინანდალი ts'ee-nahn-dah-lee)
- Kakheti (კახეთი k'ah-kheh-tee)
- Tbilisuri (თბილისური tbee-lee-soo-ree)
- Rkatsiteli (რქაწითელი rrkah-tsee-tellee)
Imports of Georgian wine and mineral water have been banned by the Russian government, because of the political tension between the two counties.
[edit | edit source]Georgia produces a growing number of local beers. A beer tradition has existed in Georgia since ancient times in the mountainous regions of Khevsureti and Tusheti. After independence from the Soviet Union, Georgia revived its beer production and introduced its high quality beers to the market. The first and most popular Georgian beer was Kazbegi. Today, beer production in Georgia is still growing, offering high quality beers (thanks to the high quality mountain spring waters in Georgia and to German designed beer factories). There are also many foreign beers such as Heineken, Bitburger, Lowenbrau, Guinness, etc.
Georgian beer
[edit | edit source]- Aluda
- Argo
- Batumuri
- Bavariis Herzogi
- Kasri
- Kazbegi (ყაზბეგი q'ahz-beh-gee)
- Khevsuruli
- Lomisi
- Natakhtari
- Tushuri
Mineral waters
[edit | edit source]
Georgian mineral waters have exceptional and interesting tastes, which are very different from French and Italian varieties. The most famous Georgian mineral waters are Borjomi (ბორჯომი bohr-joh-mee), Likani (ლიკანი lee-k'ah-nee), and Nabeglavi (ნაბეღლავი nah-beh-ghlah-vee). But there is a plethora of less well-known springs located in small towns and alongside roads throughout the country that is worth sampling. Borjomi isn't just ordinary sparkling water as it has a very high fluoride content and it may take some time to get used to the taste. It is however quite popular also outside Georgia (in the former Soviet republics).
Lagidze waters (soft drink)
[edit | edit source]Mitrofan Lagidze (ლაღიძე lah-ghee-dzeh) is a surname of a famous Georgian businessman of the 19th century who produced very popular soft drinks in Georgia. Nowadays these waters are called “the Lagidze Waters”. Lagidze soft drinks are made only with natural fruit components, without any chemical, artificial sugars or other additives. The most popular flavours are estragon/tarragon and cream & chocolate.
[edit | edit source]The number of major Western European hotels and also budget hostels is growing every year, and not only in Tbilisi, but also in Batumi and other Georgian cities. Throughout much of the countryside, however, private homes are the cheapest and most enjoyable option, though this option is very much a home-stay; expect little privacy.
Since many hostel-like places are popping up rapidly, they are often poorly signposted, and from the outside a great hostel might look like an ordinary apartment. Hence, make sure beforehand to get a detailed description (including GPS) of where to find the place and which apartment to ring at—90% of the time GPS and address are correct. Otherwise, you might be lost forever and even locals won't know where this newly popped up place is. On the other hand, there are countless guesthouses all over the country, often marked with a guest house sign. So, don't bother too much about booking ahead, go with the flow and see where you end up.
Check prices on the usual reservation websites and turn up on site stating the price; owners will happily give you the online rate, so they can skip the fee they pay on such websites. Use Viber or Facebook Messenger to communicate with them.
[edit | edit source]There are a handful of universities in Georgia which offer degrees or exchange programs taught in English, and among them are:
- University of Georgia
- Grigol Robakidze University
- International Black Sea University (English exclusively)
- Caucasus University
- Georgian American University Template:Wy/hbs/Dead link (English exclusively)
- Free University of TbilisiTemplate:Wy/hbs/Dead link
- Kutaisi University
- Intensive Georgian Language Workshop for Beginners, American Councils
[edit | edit source]Georgians are hard-working people in general, but they also like to have enough free time to enjoy life. Work can start at 10:00 or 11:00 and end at 18:00–19:00. Georgians like to take an hour lunch break and enjoy their food while socializing with their co-workers. People often take two weeks or a whole month off work to enjoy holidays with family. It is an attitude in many ways similar to southern Europe and Mediterranean ones. Approaches to punctuality used to be very relaxed, but this is now changing (at least, in Tbilisi and other main cities).
Foreigners from most countries, including all major English-speaking countries and EU members, are allowed to live visa-free in Georgia for 360 days (and can renew their stay by leaving and re-entering), and to work and engage in business without a visa. Despite this, work for foreigners is generally very limited due to the local salaries being below a living wage by most standards, even for people from other parts of Eastern Europe and the more "well off" former USSR countries like Estonia and Lithuania. A local wage will typically be around 300–400 lari a month, with only a small section of professional managers earning 2000–2500 lari a month. However, most Georgian families have one or more apartments and houses in the countryside, and when one does not have to pay full private sector rent and can share utilities, the local wages will be sufficient for food and drink. If looking for a hospitality job in Georgia, expect to be overworked (14-16 hour days are hardly unheard of), and remember hourly wage isn't really a concept here so any overtime is effectively unpaid.
Foreigners working in Georgia are either employed by the main NGOs like the UNHCR, Save the Children, Danish Refugee Council, etc. Some large Georgian companies may employ foreign managers and consultants. These workers are generally salaried according to Western European norms. One great way for travelers to experience Georgia is to participate in the Teach & Learn with Georgia program. This program places English-speakers in Georgian schools all over the country to assist local teachers in public schools. The Georgian government has set ambitious goals to make English the second language of the country (replacing Russian) by 2020. Participants in the program will have their airfare paid for, will be housed with a local family and will receive 400–500 lari stipend a month, there might not be vacancies, though. However, there are a handful of language schools, especially in Tbilisi that pay roughly the same, though without providing airfare, room or board.
[edit | edit source]- In general always consider Volunteer travel.
One opportunity would be the Template:Wy/hbs/Listing
Stay safe
[edit | edit source]
Most of Georgia is very safe for foreigners. Crime rates are among the lowest in Europe. The Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs provides some useful informationTemplate:Wy/hbs/Dead link for foreign visitors.
Corruption, once a big hassle for tourists, has become far less visible since the Rose Revolution. It is now safe and reasonable to trust the Georgian police, as the infamous and corrupt traffic police have been disbanded. Police cars patrol streets in Georgian cities and towns regularly, and can help in case of car trouble or any other problem on the road.
Use of seat belts is now obligatory and strictly enforced. Radars are installed at all main junctures and on key streets and highways throughout the country. However, Georgia leads the South Caucasus in reported road traffic accidents. A person is injured every hour in a traffic-related accident, while one death occurs every 18 hours, according to a study released by a Georgian NGO, the Safe Driving Association. The World Health Organization puts the number at 16.8 fatalities per 100,000 a year (compared to Azerbaijan at 13 and Armenia at 13.9).
Women should be aware that many Georgian men do not believe "no" means no. They believe that no means maybe and maybe means yes. It is not uncommon for men to be very pushy with foreign women in particular. It is best to stay with groups and not to smile or give men attention. If you make a Georgian friend or get to know a Georgian man well, they will take care of you when you go out. There are many kinds of Georgian men, but keep your guard up. As for dressing, follow the general rules of being more conservative in the countryside than in cities. An easy way to avoid unwanted attention is to cover your legs. Georgian girls don't show a lot of leg even in summer, so even a naughty hint of knee can elicit public ogles. Conversely, tight clothes are fairly standard.
According to new marijuana laws, as of early 2019 it is decriminalized to be actively smoking a joint but not legal to have marijuana in your possession (or to sell, etc.) If you are out with young Georgians, you're likely to be invited to smoke, but even if you find somewhere, usually best not to risk actually buying it. It's not great quality outside of Svanetia anyway.
Taking picture inside of churches is not welcome, and taking a picture of a priest in churches is an offence and even a crime.
The display of Soviet symbols is illegal in Georgia, with only limited exceptions within Stalin's hometown of Gori.
[edit | edit source]Things in Tbilisi and the surrounding countryside have calmed down a lot. Although Tbilisi sometimes has been singled out for its (not always deserved) reputation for street crime, muggings are rather rare.
In the early 2000s, other crime-related hazards in Tbilisi included apartment break-ins and car-jacking, but the situation has changed dramatically, and today Georgia boasts one of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
[edit | edit source]The available evidence indicates that Kutaisi, the second largest city in Georgia, suffers from crime rates significantly higher than the national average. It is very important to exercise caution in Kutaisi after dark.
[edit | edit source]The conflict between Adjara and the central government ended with little violence, and it is now perfectly safe to travel throughout the region. The once rampant corruption should now be a rarity for foreigners. Passing through customs at the Sarpi-Hopa border crossing is now routine and uneventful for most tourists, though at certain times it may take two hours or longer, due to long queues.
LGBT travellers
[edit | edit source]While support of LGBT rights has been slowly increasing among the general public over the past several years, homosexuality is considered a major deviation from highly traditional Orthodox Christian values prevalent in the country, where public discussions of sexuality in general tend to be viewed in a highly negative light.
Georgia prohibits discrimination against all LGBT people in legislation, labor-related or otherwise (one of few former Soviet countries that does). Since 2012, Georgian law has considered crimes committed on the grounds of one's sexual orientation or gender identity an aggravating factor in prosecution.
Homosexuals are often targets of abuse and physical violence, often actively encouraged by religious leaders. LGBT persons must exercise maximal caution when showing affection towards a person of the same sex. Doing this anywhere outside the capital centre or designated spaces might result in violence.
Hugging, kissing on the cheek and touching in public between heterosexual men is pretty common and is an innate part of the Caucasian culture. Hence, such actions between partners are often unnoticed, but they are still dangerous if they show you are more than friends.
There are one or two places in the country that are safe places for LGBT people: one of them is the Bassiani club, which has a weekly LGBT night.
Stay healthy
[edit | edit source]
Template:Wy/hbs/Nowrap ecology, Georgia has a lot of problems with waste management, especially in villages and small towns, where municipal services are almost non-existent. Many Georgians don't feel any guilt, when throwing away trash just outside their property. Whole slopes of hills could be filled with trash thrown out, even close to sacred places such as cemeteries.
Good quality prescription drugs can be easily obtained in pharmacies without any prescription. Highly recommended to pay attention to the warranties, since pharmacies would want to ditch outdated drug as fast as possible.
In Tbilisi you will be able to find many gyms and fitness centres with swimming pools and brand new training equipment. In other cities they are rarer. The whole Georgia is covered with white-blue outdoor fitness stations, but those are not functional to work as a gym replacement.
[edit | edit source]
While encounters are rare, one might stumble upon levant blunt-nosed vipers (Macrovipera lebetina obtusa). Locals call it გიურზა (from Persian gyurza). These vipers live in desert, semi-desert and mountain-steppe areas. They are common in dry foothills and on mountain slopes overgrown with bushes, in rocky gorges with streams and springs, in river valleys. Gyurzas are also found on the outskirts of large cities, where they have the necessary shelter and a good food base in the form of rats.

In Central and Western parts of Georgia there are two types of scorpions: Euscorpius mingrelicus and Euscorpius italicus. Both types reach lengths of 4 cm. Locals assure, that these scorpion bites are not pleasant (similar to a wasp bite), but never deadly.
Take suitable measures in tick habitats. There is a small risk of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).
Stray dogs are everywhere in Georgia, about a half of which are not vaccinated. Being a vestige of the old times and outdated needs, many locals get themselves a dog not as a pet, but to guard their property. Most of the time stray dogs are not aggressive, but there are quite some cases when people get bitten by them. Georgians are very cautious and afraid of dogs, and very often aggressive towards them; dogs in their turn are quite afraid of people (especially those holding a stick) and might get aggressive out of fear as well.
[edit | edit source]Passive smoking could be a big problem, since tobacco is very cheap compared to Western countries and many men smoke, even inside taxis, bars and restaurants.
Several industrial towns like Rustavi or Kaspi have problems with air pollution. Regulation concerning air pollution entered into force only in 2020, hence it's not advised to live in these places.
[edit | edit source]Giardia is a common issue for foreign visitors. Contraction is most likely via:
- tap water
- swallowed water from lakes, rivers, pools, or jacuzzis
- raw fruits & vegetables
- unpasteurized milk or other dairy products
Drinking tap water is generally safe, but it's better to ask house owners if they drink it themselves.
A big health problem is high concentration of lead in air, some food, spices and water in Georgia. In 2018 several EU diplomats found out to have high concentration of lead in their blood tests. If you plan to stay beyond a short travel, be aware of possible dangers of living in old apartments with old wall paints and close to high traffic zones.
[edit | edit source]NCDC (Georgian National Center for Disease Control and Public Health) recommends vaccination against COVID19 before travelling to Georgia, but does not provide instructions on other vaccinations. But CDC recommends these vaccination to have completed:
- routine vaccinations: these include Chickenpox (Varicella), Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis, Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR), Polio, Shingles
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Measles
- Flu (influenza) season (Jan-Mar) is perhaps worse in Georgia than in, say, Western Europe and vaccinations might be a consideration for the particularly vulnerable.
- Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) needs to be taken well ahead your visit
Rabies: One shot costs <abbr title=" 18 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2022-01-07.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 18 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 18 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">18 lari (Indian vaccine). The French vaccine called Verorab costs <abbr title=" 45 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2020-11-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 45 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 45 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">45 lari in a pharmacy and <abbr title=" 70 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2022-01-07.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 70 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 70 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">70 lari in a clinic. Developing partial immunity takes more than 1 month. If you get bitten by a dog (even having being vaccinated), immediately visit one of below-mentioned state hospitals:
[edit | edit source]Georgians in general are friendly, welcoming people, and they are hospitable to a fault. If a Georgian invites you somewhere, they will often pick up the tab. Even raising the subject of who will pay the bill can be considered embarrassing for your host. As the country is an emerging capitalist country, don't take advantage of people's hospitality. Georgian manners and etiquette is broadly similar to those of other Europeans, but very much at the traditional end of the spectrum.
Georgians in general are direct communicators. They are unafraid of expressing their emotions and thoughts on something, no matter how bad or good something might be. They also use aggressive body language and raise their voices in conversations; to most visitors, this implies that Georgians may be an argumentative bunch, but Georgians tend to use emotions to convey interest in a conversation. What may seem like a shouting match in public may actually be a simple, friendly discussion!
Direct personal questions are commonly asked. To Georgians, it's not considered impolite, but rather it is a way to get to know someone fully.
As in many places around the former Soviet Union, women are treated with chivalry. Women should not be surprised or alarmed if their male Georgian friends take the initiative to pay the bills at a restaurant, open every door in front of them, and/or help them carry items or objects. Men should understand that these nuances will be expected by Georgian women, even if they're not in a romantic relationship with them.
Sensitive issues
[edit | edit source]Georgia is home to a few separatist/nationalist movements, namely in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. There is virtually no "safe middle ground" position in these topics, so just don't bring them up.
Be very cautious when talking about Russia. Georgia and Russia have had a hostile, strained and violent history, and discussing Georgian-Russian relations can very quickly make Georgians emotional. Although most Georgians only dislike the Russian government, some Georgians take it a notch further by expressing hatred towards Russian people.
Respect Georgia's development. Historically, many Western Europeans visited Georgia because they were attracted to the country's ruins and derelict classical buildings. But as Georgia recovers from years of instability, these signs of neglect are inevitably fixed-up, painted and repaired. This causes some ruin enthusiasts to sneer at revitalized historical districts as no longer "authentic". Such comments can be rather offensive because they imply that locals are not the "real" themselves unless they are dirty, poor and living in buildings with collapsing ceilings. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many of Georgia's now-derelict buildings were glitzy aristocratic abodes.
Do not draw parallels between Georgia and neighbouring Islamic cultures. Many tourists are surprised to learn that much of the "exotic flair" in Tbilisi was imported from Europe, as opposed to Asia. Most of the "Oriental", "Moorish" and "Asian"-looking buildings were constructed by famous European architects in the 19th century during Europe's fascination with exotic styles. These landmarks are purposefully designed to look as they do. It is therefore inaccurate, not to mention clichéd, when visitors describe these elements of Georgia as "authentic" or "local"; such descriptions can irk the locals.
[edit | edit source]While it may appear difficult on first glance, the Georgian alphabet has a Greco-Latin base. Learning it is thus pretty straight forward and is immensely helpful for moving about -- especially outside of Tbilisi.
Knowledge of the alphabet can also help to read signs on busses and marshrutkas.
[edit | edit source]Internet
[edit | edit source]- Hostels and hotels usually have free Wi-Fi for their guests, even in Mestia. The same is occasionally true for cafés and restaurants.
- There is a free Wi-Fi network all over Tbilisi named "Tbilisi Loves You", including the airport. However, it frequently does not work, getting stuck on the login pages.
[edit | edit source]Georgia's country code is +995. Georgia uses GSM, 3G, and LTE for mobile phones.
Here are the operators:
- Magti — is reported to have the best coverage, but might be slightly more expensive. Tariff prices as of July 2023:
- 30 days: Unlimited data and calls <abbr title="
60 Georgian lari.
(Please, add information about when this price was last reported, using 'when' parameter.)
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 60 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 60 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">60 lari; 3GB and calls <abbr title=" 30 Georgian lari.
(Please, add information about when this price was last reported, using 'when' parameter.)
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 30 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 30 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">30 lari
- An eSIM costs 10 lari by itself and can be installed using the MyMagti app (iPhone) before you arrive in Georgia.
- Tethering is allowed, including on the unlimited plan.
- Beeline – a Russian company, the cheapest, but does not get the best reception in some areas. Prices as of Sep 2019: 4 weeks, 4 GB, 9 lari. 2 weeks, 10 GB, 10 lari. 3 weeks, 10 GB, 15 lari.
- Geocell — a Turkish company, does not has the best reception in some areas. Tariff prices
SIM cards are given out for free at Tbilisi airport. Each mobile operator has a desk at the airport, and offers the same deals at the airport as elsewhere.
Magti and Beeline allow tethering.
If you plan to use Georgian SIM-card outside of Georgia in the future (for example, for SMS-authorization for banking), it is impossible to receive any a service if you hadn't turned on roaming in person at an operator salon.
[edit | edit source]Communication with accommodations, airlines, drivers, restaurants, tourist information and so on, universally use WhatsApp (usually), or Viber, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram. This means you should install and activate WhatsApp before you arrive in Georgia, as you will not be able to activate WhatsApp if you can't receive SMS while roaming.
If someone asks for your phone number, it is implied they will message you on WhatsApp. If someone says "send SMS", they really mean WhatsApp. If you do not have WhatsApp it will be impossible to electronically communicate in Georgia.
Postal services in Georgia have almost ceased to exist. There are no letterboxes or home delivery. Mail does not arrive to recipients, but they are notified and have to collect mail at a post office. Postal rates are very high (it costs <abbr title=" 4 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2021-03-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 4 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">4 lari to send a postcard to another country without tracking number and <abbr title=" 14 Georgian lari.
This price was last reported on 2021-03-01.
EUR (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): €Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 14 lari
€1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari
USD (Script error: No such module "Wy/hbs/Wikidata".): $Expression error: Unexpected < operator. ≈ 14 lari
US$1 ≈ Expression error: Unexpected < operator. lari ">14 lari to send it with a tracking number, while in neighbouring Armenia it costs ~1 lari). Postcards cost 1-2 lari throughout the country. The few post offices still maintained by Georgian Post are badly signposted and often in derelict buildings.
Go next
[edit | edit source]The land border can be crossed to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia. Check the current state about travelling by land to North Ossetia in Russia and Abkhazia. South Ossetia can be only entered from Russia.