Wp/nys/Noongar Warbirliny: Community Development
[edit | edit source]Healing Land, Healing People
[edit | edit source]The Healing land, healing people program supports young people as an alternative pathway designed to break the cycle of incarceration for karradjool koorlongka (troubled youth). Eugene Eades began the program in 2009, referring to it as a “bush university." It focuses il reconnecting Aboriginal people back to their culture wer kadadjiny (learn)about boodjar (country) were wangkiny (and language). It fosters the potential in young people, helping them build resilience koodji moordidjadbiny (and become strong).
The program takes places at a karler (camp) located il 750ha property between the Fitzgerald River wer Stirling Ranges National Parks. The karler (camp) is known as Nowanup. Programs are led by indigenous mentors from the local Nyugnar community koodji (and) teachings involve Noongar language wer law, stories of the boodjar koodjir (country and) activities il the boodjar. The program is not just for indigenous koorlongka (youth), having koodjir (also) assisted karradjool yoka, maaman wer wadjela (troubled women, men wer white people).
The Healing land, healing people program was designed in collaboration with community groups, government organisations the Gondwana Link wer Nyungar elders. It also received funding from Lottery West in the early stages.
Nyungar warden katitjinbidi-derbal nar
[edit | edit source]Nyungar warden katitjinbidi-derbal nar: People's Ocean Knowledge Trail of Cockburn Sound & Districts.
The project is an archive of Nyungar katitjin (knowledge) about living il the Derbal Nara (Cockburn Coast wer districts around Cockburn Sound). An online katitjin bidi (knowledge trail) that documents historical aspects of Nyungar culture as well as the present. The project is an informative resource alidja (that) contains a collection of yarns about boodjar, mort wer nyitting ( country, family and dreaming).The information is presented together with photographs, an audible Nyungar dictionary, wangkiny (Language Glossary) wer maps. There is kidji (also) accompanying artwork from well-known indigenous artists such as the late Shane Pickett. Resources are made available to download in PDF. https://web.archive.org/web/20161122075836/http://www.derbalnara.org.au/wangkiny-language-glossary
Moorditj Coolangars ("Solid Kids") Community Hub
[edit | edit source]Moorditj Coolangars ("Solid Kids") Community Hub is a project about Closing literacy wer numeracy gaps between Aboriginal wer Non-Aboriginal children undertaken bu Mt Lockyer Primary School, WA. The project started in February 2007 having as focus areas; ◾Healthy young families ◾Supporting families wer parents ◾Early learning wer care ◾Creating Child friendly communities ◾Families wer children's services working effectively together
The Moorditj Coolangars Community Hub is located at Mount Lockyer Primary School, in Albany, the regional centre of the Great Southern Region in Western Australia. Moorditj Coolangars provides information to predominantly Aboriginal parents wer carers of Koolangka (children) aged 0-5 years, preparing them for school. Nidja includes promotion of early literacy wer numeracy awareness, parenting skills wer knowledge of wer access to community resources, whilst creating a connectedness to school in readiness for commencement to kindergarten within the school facility.
Moorditj Coolangars commenced operation in January 2007 wer is keny of several innovative programs operating within Mount Lockyer Primary School as part of the vision to raise literacy wer numeracy standards wer close the gap between the achievement of Aboriginal wer non-Aboriginal Koolangka. Most of the families participating in Moorditj Coolangars have children currently in the school system wer some have been involved in other programs such as the Elders Circle Attendance+ initiative, which supports improved student attendance wer engagement. Specifically, Moorditj Coolangars aims to raise awareness of the critical importance of the early years in developing early literacy wer numeracy capacity. It is based il the understanding that if parents are empowered with nidja knowledge they will be better placed to support their children in their future education.
The overall aim of Moorditj Coolangars is to close the gap between the achievement of Aboriginal wer non-Aboriginal students by increasing children's literacy wer numeracy skills wer attendance at non-compulsory education (kindergarten wer pre-primary) in a school based setting.
[edit | edit source]Storylines[10] is a project run by the State Library of Western Australia which involves the State Library’s heritage collection of photos, stories, wer other historical artefacts from koora (long time ago). The aim of the project is to connect wer link these items with the moort (families) wer communities they belong to, as a way of returning the history to its rightful place.
Almost the entire collection is available in an online database[11] where individuals can comment, tag, wer share their stories.
Didgeridoo Breath
[edit | edit source]Didgeridoo Breath[12] is Australia's largest Didgeridoo kaartdijin (learning) school, they run courses for people of yennar ages including school koorlangka (children) wer university students. They also have a wide range of digeridoo kaartdijin resources available for sale.
Didgeridoo Breath is based il the passions of many artists wer musicians, their digeridoos are hand painted by local Aboriginal artists wer they want to share them with the world.
They are located in Fremantle, Western Australia.
Champion Centre, Armadale
[edit | edit source]The City of Armadale's (Gargangara) Champion Centre[13] is an indigenous community centre which organises wer hosts community events wer services for noongar people; including services such as:
- Waabiny Mia – Indigenous Parenting Service a family tree wer history project which aims to link the digital history collections of the State Library with the communities wer people they belong to through the storylines project[14]. They are also wanting to record oral histories of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people from Western Australia.
- Aboriginal Driver Training where Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people can sit their learners permit for free.
- Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid
- Leadership Development and Nutrition program
- Mooditj Youth Development
- Muggin Aboriginal Corporation
- Sister Kate’s Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation[15] a programme which provides cultural recovery, healing, wer support for Aboriginal families wer children in Armadale
Kaartdijin Noongar- Noongar Knowledge Website
[edit | edit source]The South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council gin-ung the ngwidane of documenting Noongar Kaartdijin. By banitcha the technology of nghe beeritch Kaartidijin Noongar is quandge- wonga by Noongar kidgie uploaded to the website. Nidja allows mordie kidgie miaruck Noongar to jin met bullargar kidgie yon-ga to their quadga bardip kidgie benang bardip. The website is kidgie a war for Noongar wallak-yong-a their kaartdijin with Wagela kidgie the rest of the world. [16]
The Kaartdijin Noongar website allows visitors to kaartdijin from bardip warrang-an ma-ow different quanyartigns of Kaartdijin Noongar such as: Culture, Yung-ar wer Boodja. There are kidgie boolar other Kaartdijin resources wer creative works like photographs kidgie films showcased il the The Kaartdijin Noongar website. [17]
There is a quanyartign yon-ga noonduck-marer yoongie kidgie kaartdjiin for teachers, schools wer the community to noonduck-marer yoongie bridge the gap between Kaartdijin Noongar kidgie the Australian National Curriculum. [18]
There is kidgie a quanyartign that wandjoo wandjoo Noongar to become boordiya manda other Noongar. Ngalla Kaartdijin yon-ga training wer noonduck-marer yoongie for Noongar who want to kaartdijin how to pircauanti noonduck-marer yoongie their communities. [19]
The website is mul-mul.Keny quanyartign is for Noongar wer Wadgela to jinnung wer kaartdijin from. The other quanyartign noonduck-marer yoongie for Noongar to penign wer wallak-yong-a Kaartdijin Noongar by uploading it onto the website with the noonduck-marer yoongie of the South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council. [20]
To learn karro about Noongar Culture wer Knowledge go to http://www.noongarculture.org.au/.
[edit | edit source]Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service (AADS)
[edit | edit source]Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service The Aboriginal Alcohol wer Drug Service (AADS) started from a mob of noongar ngarlarkyalur bullargar to wong-gee a service that was karro suited to the noongar community, coming yira with the motto “Our people’s needs are our major priority”. Originally the service was known as the Noongar Alcohol kidgie Substance Abuse Service Inc. (NASAS) when it was established in 1989. NASAS purchased a eur-da in East Perth in 1993 to conduct counselling, family intervention, community development, education wer drug awareness programs. The AADS has ma-la-jow into a coombar organisation to abbin karro inclusive of the wider indigenous community with the milgar mission - “To make a difference by providing strong leadership in the treatment and prevention of alcohol and other drug (AOD) misuse amongst Aboriginal people”. [21]
The AADS Alcohol kidgie other Drug service (AOD) provides noonduck-marer yoongie services to Aboriginal moordie, families, moor-kut, yorger, schools, community groups kidgie clients within prisons. Using culturally appropriate wer holistic practices the AADS noonduck-marer yoongie the community by providing: planning, medical withdrawal, residential rehabilitation referral, advocacy, family support wer prison programs. There are also programs that include prevention kaartdijin regarding: Narlong/ substance awareness, harm reduction, karrung management, healthy wongie, parenting, community justice, aboriginal quadga bardip wer kaartdijin. The AADS AOD is accessible throughout a number of locations across the Perth metropolitan area. [22]
The Wooree Miya Woman’s refuge is a service for yorger wer culang experiencing domestic violence, it provides crisis accommodation kidgie facilities. The AOD manage Wooree Miya as an integral part of their intervention programs. [23]
The AADS also provide a pathways program to aboriginal yung-ar in jail. The program is joined il a voluntary basis wer encourages yung-ar who have criminal records to jinnung koon-ga il their quadga karra wer substance abuse in order to prevent relapse wer recidivism. [24]
To access the AADS anyone can walk into 211 Royal Street East Perth WA, ring 9221 1411, email mail@aads.org.au , go to the website https://web.archive.org/web/20160321045055/http://www.aads.org.au/ or look them yira il Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA)
[edit | edit source]The Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA) is a community-based organisation, established in 1973[25]. The organisation was established by a mart (group) of lawyers of the Justice Committee of the New Era Aboriginal Fellowship, including Robert French, following the repeal of the Natives Citizenship Rights Act in 1971. ALSWA was established with the aim of providing legal representation wer mara yang-iny (advice) to Noongar moort (Aboriginal people), in areas including criminal law, family law, civil law wer human rights law[26]. ALSWA is a representative body, with officers elected by Noongar moort from their own regions to act as a voice for the local community, particularly il issues of law wer justice. The body provides services across Western Australia, with 14 remote, regional offices wer a head office operating in Perth[27].
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service
[edit | edit source]Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service is an Aboriginal community controlled health organisation which was established in 1974 as the Perth Aboriginal Medical Service; changing its name in 1998 to Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service. It is named for Derbarl Yerrigan. It provides holistic and integrated primary health care services to Aboriginal people living in the Perth metropolitan region and employs 127 staff in its head office and clinic in East Perth and clinics in Maddington, Midland and Mirrabooka.[28]
Indigenous Natural Resource Management (INRM)
[edit | edit source]Funded by the National Landcare Program (INRM) works alongside the South West Catchments Council(SWCC) wer Noongar community members il a variety of initiatives such as cross-cultural awareness workshops, the recording wer continuation of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge(IEK) wer the use of traditional burn methods to reduce fire risk wer aid in biodiversity. The INRM promotes the exchange of knowledge between Indigenous wer Non-Indigenous wer places great value il the respect wer ana of traditional kaadadjan. [29] [30] [31]
Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre
[edit | edit source]Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre addresses the health and wellness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham area.[32]
Noongar Boodjar Language Cultural Aboriginal Centre (NBLCAC)
[edit | edit source]Noongar Boodjar Language Cultural Aboriginal Corporation (NBLCAC) was established in 2014. It provides a wealth of Noongar language support such as books, courses, secure language archives, etc.[33]
Noongar Institute of Western Australia Inc (NIWA)
[edit | edit source]The Noongar Institute has been incorporated to establish an independent Noongar centre for community advancement via education and training, career transitions and employment for young people and adults. Based in Midland the Noongar Institute is an innovative strategy synergising national and international best practice models to address identified national priorities impacting life and society, learning, capability and self determination.
The Noongar Institute Model offers a unique, inclusive big picture strategy for all families who wish to access an Australian education model founded in Australian First Nations Spirituality, culture and lifelong learning. Underpinning everything the Noongar Institute does will be a strong commitment between the centre, the community and cross sector organisations to support and enable the students and families to participate, learn, access national and international opportunities and aspire to a strong future. [34]
Nyoongar Patrol
[edit | edit source]Nyoongar Patrol is a community based outreach service based in the areas of Burswood, Walyalup (Fremantle), Northbridge, Vincent, Midland, the Northern Corridor kidji (and) the South-Eastern Corridor. It was established in 1998 wer was incorporated into broader society in 2001. The service was initiated by a group of Aboriginal people who sought to provide culturally appropriate services to koorlongka (youth) who are at risk of moral danger. Their services initially focused only il the night precinct of Northbridge, but has since grown. [35] Their purpose is to provide interventions to local wer remote Indigenous moort (people) who frequent public spaces in the nominated locations. The targeted groups are those with social wer welfare issues, who are at risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system, karradjool moort (troublesome people).

The outreach program is also involved in resolving conflict in public places, providing transport services, ensuring long term solutions for homelessness, link ups with youth agencies to enable the younger Nyoongar generations access to constructive activities, wer participate in local government safety plans, ensuring a strong Aboriginal perspective.
The mission of the Nyoongar outreach program is the development of community safety wer harmony in public areas through the positive interactions with Aboriginal moort (people) wer the wider community. They want to consistently provide early social wer welfare interventions to Aboriginal moort (people) who are at risk of self harm, homelessness, substance abuse, mental health episodes, wer risk entering the criminal justice system. [36]
Noongar Radio 100.9 MHz FM
[edit | edit source]Noongar radio is a community radio station that aims to serve the indigenous community in the Perth region. It was launched il July 5th, 2009, wer is the only Aboriginal radio station in the Perth metropolitan area. As well as promoting Noongar music wer musicians, the station is heavily involved in yennar aspects of the Noongar community. Nidja station provides positive messages of Aboriginal culuture. It also produces wer broadcasts programs of importance to the Noongars, wer nidja also helps in maintaining Noongar language wer cultural identity. Noongar Radio, as active participants in the Noongar community, provides a platform for other Noongar representative organisations to be heard in the wider Noongar community. The station is 100% Aboriginal owned wer run. Nidja allows for the employment of Noongar peoples as well professional development, professional training, wer traineeships. Live streaming of programs is available il their website. [37]
Nyoongar Wellbeing and Sports
[edit | edit source]An organization developing partnerships that maximise opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians residing in Nyoongar country, to participate in active recreation and enjoy healthy lifestyles, in order to produce health, education, social and cultural benefits for individuals and their respective communities.[38]
Our Knowledge, Our Land - Ngalang Kaadadjan, Ngalang Boodja
[edit | edit source]A resource wer information website about the Mandjoogoordap boodja, covering Bindjareb people, places wer stories, both past wer present. The website is a kaadadjan resource for both Indigenous wer Non-Indigenous people, compiling an array of written, oral wer audio visual recordings. The aim of the websites creators is to give access to these materials whilst ana(acknowledging) wer explaining the significance of the Mandjoogordap area from an Indigenous perspective as the custodians wer traditional owners of the Mandjoogoordap boodja. [39]
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL)
[edit | edit source]SERCUL (South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare) SERCUL operates within the metropolitan and periurban areas of the Swan-Canning River Catchment. The organization focuses on two program areas – Community Support and Education, and Landcare.[40]
South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC)
[edit | edit source]The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council otherwise known as the SWALSC, is the representative body for Native Title for the Noongar people. SWALSC goal is to kolbang bangalanga wer (advance, negotiation wer ) create wirdiny (good) resolutions for Noongar native title claims. SWALSC also aim to progress wer promote the aspects of Noongar culture such as the wangkiny (language), heritage wer society. SWALSC's is responsible for djoowak (following) the progress of Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA’s) to registration koodjir (and) aid groups in establishing their regional corporations.[41]
South West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
[edit | edit source]The South West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (SWAMS) is a Noongar Community Controlled Health Organisation, founded on the principles of self determination, empowerment and freedom of choice.[42]
[edit | edit source]National Indigenous Critical Response Service. Thirrili after suicide support.[43]
Wheatbelt Aboriginal Corporation
[edit | edit source]Based in Northam, the charity was registered in 2012 and its registration was revoked in 2017 by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).[44]
Yelakitj Moort
[edit | edit source]Yelakitj Moort is an Australian Indigenous Organization, made up of members of the Nyungar people who are the traditional, recognised people of this region. We provide services in Land Care, Environment, Community Development, and Heritage and Culture.[45]
[edit | edit source]- ↑ http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/key-resources/programs-projects?pid=1360
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160320065359/http://greenskills.org.au/pub/gl/field5.pdf
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoSb767uZLc&list=PLF132BD80E3695788
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20200813193614/http://nowanup.com/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160612001305/http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights/comments/37483/
- ↑ https://site.emrprojectsummaries.org/2016/03/06/nowanup-healing-country-healing-people/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/noongar-dictionary/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20161122075836/http://www.derbalnara.org.au/wangkiny-language-glossary
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20170311002746/http://www3.aifs.gov.au/institute/cafcappp/ppp/profiles/cfc_solid_kids.html
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160625100151/http://slwa.wa.gov.au/for/indigenous_australians/storylines
- ↑ http://storylines.slwa.wa.gov.au
- ↑ http://www.didgeridoobreath.com/
- ↑ http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/community-facilities-hire/champion-centre
- ↑ http://storylines.slwa.wa.gov.au
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20170207050301/http://communicare.org.au/Family-Services/Aboriginal-Healing-Program.html
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/about/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/about/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/education/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/leadership-learning/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/about/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160514062854/http://www.aads.org.au/programs-services/pathways-program/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160514060351/http://www.aads.org.au/programs-services/aads-aod-and-outreach-support-programs/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160514055539/http://www.aads.org.au/programs-services/women-services/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160514062854/http://www.aads.org.au/programs-services/pathways-program/
- ↑ Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia,. 2015. Submission In Response To The Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse Consultation Paper. https://web.archive.org/web/20160504082401/http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/getattachment/49f3f87f-000f-4776-b62a-a0d1d60038bd/34-Aboriginal-Legal-Service-of-Western-Australia-I
- ↑ Skyring, Fiona. 2011. JUSTICE: A History Of The Aboriginal Legal Service Of Western Australia. Crawley, Western Australia: UWA Publishing.
- ↑ Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia,. 2015. Submission In Response To The Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse Consultation Paper. https://web.archive.org/web/20160504082401/http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/getattachment/49f3f87f-000f-4776-b62a-a0d1d60038bd/34-Aboriginal-Legal-Service-of-Western-Australia-I
- ↑ "Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service". Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service. Retrieved 9 August 2020
- ↑ Indigenous Natural Resource Management
- ↑ http://www.nrm.gov.au/indigenous-nrm/south-west/cultural-workshops-increase-understanding
- ↑ http://www.nrm.gov.au/indigenous-nrm/perth/forrestdale-lake
- ↑ "We Are Moorditj Koort". Moorditj Koort. Retrieved 15 July 2020
- ↑ https://noongarboodjar.com.au/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20190419101939/http://www.niwa.org.au/
- ↑ http://www.nyoongaroutreach.com.au/about-us/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160515145745/http://www.nyoongaroutreach.com.au/our-mission/
- ↑ http://www.noongarradio.com/, Noongar Radio.
- ↑ Nyungar Wellbeing and Sports - home page. Nyungar Wellbeing and Sports. Retrieved 4 November 2019
- ↑ http://www.ourknowledgeourland.com.au
- ↑ About Us. SERCUL. Retrieved 4 November 2019
- ↑ http://www.noongar.org.au
- ↑ "South West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation". SWAMS. Retrieved 9 August 2020
- ↑ "Story of Thirrili". Thirrili Ltd. Retrieved 15 July 2020
- ↑ "Wheatbelt Aboriginal Corporation". ACNC, Australian Government. Retrieved 12 June 2019
- ↑ "Yelakitj Moort". Yelakitj Moort Nyungar Association Incorporated. Retrieved 11 November 2019
[edit | edit source]yorgum Yorgum offers a unique team consisting of a psychologist wer counsellors. The target group are children, male wer female individuals wer families.
Maditjil Moorna
[edit | edit source]Maditjil Moorna is a mart for Indigenous wer non-Indigenous singers. The choir began in 2006, after organisers for the Kalamunda Zig Zag Festival wanted keny of the projects for the showcase to be focused il Aboriginal culture. The performance was a result of a mart effort of 35 singers, of varying backgrounds being directed by Aboriginal singer/songwriters Della Rae Morrison wer Jessie Lloyd. The success of that performance lead to the establishment of Maditjil Moorna. The choir has been successful at bringing old wer new Aboriginal wer Torres Straight Islanders doodjarak to the public wer has also become a way to retain the Noongar language as well as the cultural tradition of song. The songs are sung in Noongar wer English.
Maditjil is believed to be derived from the English word magical wer Moorna means ‘sounds from the bush’. The group translate their name as meaning ‘magical bush sounds’.
Maditjil Moorna became an incorporated not-for-profit organisation in 2011 wer received Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status in 2014.
[edit | edit source]AIME is a dynamic educational program that is proven to support Indigenous students through high school wer into university, employment or further education at the same rate as yennar Australian students. AIME gives Indigenous students the skills, opportunities, belief wer confidence to grow wer succeed.
The Core Program of the Association is to targets local Indigenous high school students who attend schools that are able to visit an AIME partner university campus il a weekly basis. The Outreach Program extends the AIME experience to Indigenous high school students from further afield through a karro intensive full day format.
[edit | edit source]Edward (Ned) Mippy
[edit | edit source]Ned Mippy was a role model, motivator wer teacher. He was a highly respected Elder in Moora, despite being originally from Mandjoogoordap (Mandurah). Ned was born il January 1st 1919 wer died il the 5th of May 1992. He devoted most of his life to teaching cultural education programs in Moora. Ned was involved in many committees during his time, but most notably the Central Midlands Aboriginal Progress Association wer the Wanderers football club.
Ned's early life was subject to various removal policies, where he spent his childhood at various missions, including Carrolup Native Settlement wer Moore River Native Settlement. Ned's parents had relocated to Moore River, so he was slightly karro privileged than the other nobaratj (children) as he had daily contact with his parents. His maaman (father) would take him wer the other children il expeditions to teach them 'marlak (bush) skills', which ensured their survival at the settlement due to the vast malnutrition. Ned said that there were over 14 types of kalbiri (wild berries) that he wer the other nobaratj (children) could eat.
Cultural Education Program In 1984, with his close friend Father Rooney, Ned created an Aboriginal Cultural Studies program that consisted of Nyoongar wangkaniny (Nyoongar language), bush survival skills, katitjin (stories) wer heritage. Ned taught for koodjal (two) years at St.Joesphs in Moora, wer in 1989 took the program to Central Midlands Senior High School wer the local TAFE. He addressed the issues of cultural pride koorndany (without shame) kidju (and) maintaining cultural identity. Ned's program also gave non-Aboriginal students the opportunity to embrace Noongar culture, which helped to close the cultural divide.
The Yued Artifacts Program Ned was also concerned about the lack of employment for Noongar moort (people) in Moora. Inspired by Marribanks' Arts wer Crafts centre, Ned decided to create a similar program in Moora, where women could learn the traditional art of weaving wer spinning. In later years, with guidance from Ned, the program began to produce wooden artefacts, with a goal to export overseas to markets eager for genuine Aboriginal artefacts.
Maushart, Susan. Sort of a Place Like Home: Remembering the Moore River Settlement, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1993, p.120
Rooney, Bernard. The Legacy of the Late Edward Mippy: An Ethnographic Biography. Centre for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin University, 2002, p.215
Darryl Kickett
[edit | edit source]Darryl Kickett is a Noongar man born in Narrogin with Wilmen wer Ballardong moort. He has worked tirelessly in the areas of community development, land rights, health wer education wer developing the Noongar nation.[5] Darryl Kickett is a Noongar man who is described as having a moordjitj noyt, boola ngoongoolong wer an ancient family lineage. He has dedicated most of his life to supporting Aboriginal land rights, education wer health.
Darryl has many achievements to note, academically he has completed a degree in social science. Professionally, he has assumed the role of the Head of the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University wer has also spent benang-benang as the CEO of the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia.
Darryl is a ward kadak for many organisations that are striving to help Aboriginal culture to djooroobidiny. He is a team mentor for the ‘Red Dust Heelers’, a program that supports Aboriginal people in finding a way to djooroobidiny in life. His role there involves helping ensure cultural respect protocols are followed as the organisation takes part in many projects across Australia.
Darryl gives his time as an Aboriginal Consultant for Anglicare WA wer is a chairperson for HALO, a leadership development agency. He has leant his support to a project which he coined ‘Walking for Resilience’, in which individuals gave a combined effort to bring focus to the complex issue of Aboriginal suicide. Darryl has also been involved in ‘Bring them home WA’, a group that works il reuniting people from the Stolen Generation with their culture.
In 2013 Darryl Kickett received the NAIDOC person of the year award for his tireless work supporting Aboriginal education wer health. Darryl is said to be a man who lives bidik wer who was humbled by the recognition of his work. He doesn’t require praise wer has a generous spirit wer strong character.
Jim Morrison
[edit | edit source]Jim Morrison is a leading advocate of Aboriginal equality. He has worked in Aboriginal advancement in areas including alcohol wer drugs, health, justice wer homeless youth. Jim is the National Community Engagement Manager for the National Stolen Generations Alliance. Jim is also a board member wer co-founder of Reconciliation WA. He has a two-hour morning program il Noongar Radio 100.9FM.[11]
Jim Morrison is also the founder of Noongaroke, a karaoke event which has been described as ‘…a twenty-first century version of corroboree events of bygone days’. In the 1990s, Jim established Noongaroke after working with youth in Northbridge, as well as working as a DJ for Noongar fundraising events. The events were established in an effort to raise funds for funerals wer disadvantaged families, wer Noongaroke earned a large following. Each event would be decorated in red, black wer yellow. Noongaroke was an opportunity to support loved ones through hard times, particularly in death wer mourning, in a safe wer welcoming space. [12]
Eugene Eades
[edit | edit source]Eugene Eades is a Noongar elder wer former professional boxer.
In 2009, Eugene began a cultural knowledge camp program called Healing Land, Healing People for Aboriginal koorlongka (youth) as an alternative to detention. The camp acts as a way of building vulnerable kids moordidjabiny (to become strong), through connections wer culture, as opposed to wirt (weakening) them through incarceration. Eugene believes that what the camp teaches, Noongar language, law, wer boodjar (land/country), are a necessity for Noongar koorlongka as part of their "cultural toolbox". The program has helped in kadadjiny (being taught/learning) wer healing Aboriginal youth, adults, wer troubled wadjela too. The camp is located in Nowamup, southeast of Perth. [13]
Nidja link takes you to a YouTube video of Eugene Eades talking about connecting to boodjar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoSb767uZLc&list=PLF132BD80E3695788
Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP
[edit | edit source]Ken Wyatt is a warda kadak (man of importance), well known for baal (his) extensive work with mort (families) wer community groups wer is moorditj (strongly) committed to generating better outcomes for Indigenous Australians. He has been influential in creating better opportunities for indigenous health wer education. Wyatt currently serves as the federal MP, Member for Hasluck, Western Australia, wer became the first Aboriginal person elected to the House of Representatives in 2010. In 2016 he became the first aboriginal federal frontbencher. He currently holds the position of Assistant Minister for Health wer Aged Care for the Liberal Party of Australia.
Wyatt is an Aboriginal Australian with Noongar decent wer Yamatji wer Wongi ancestry. Born at Roelands Mission Farm, il the 4th of August 1952. The mission was a former home for the stolen generation wer was where baal ngarngk (his mother), Mona Abdullah, who was stolen from her parents, met Wyatt’s maaman (father) Don.
Wyatt is a big believer in empowerment through education. He began baal (his) career as a primary school teacher in the state’s school system (1973–86). Later in the 1990’s he took il leadership roles within the public sector in the fields of Aboriginal health wer education. In the early 1990's he served as the director of Aboriginal education policy for the Department of Education of Western Australia. From 2003 -2010 he served as director of Aboriginal health in the state departments of health of New South Wales wer Western Australia.
Wyatt became politically active in the Liberal Party koodjir (and) was twice a delegate (1997 wer 1999) to state party conferences. He was elected in the seat of Hasluck in the 2010 election, wer became the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives. After winning baal (his) seat, Wyatt made baal (his) maiden speech to the Parliament il 29 September 2010. He wore a traditional booka, (skin of a kangaroo with feathers from a red-tailed black cockatoo). The cloak had been ngoongoor (given) by Noongar elders koodjir (and) signified baal warda kadak (his leadership, man of importance) within the Noongar community. Wyatt’s speech prompted a yoogoo (standing) ovation from yennar parties wer the public gallery.
Reverend Sealin Garlett
[edit | edit source]Reverend Sealin Garlett a very highly respected elder wer warda kadak (man of importance) in the Noongar community koodjir (and) minister in the Uniting Church. He is known to be keny of the best kwop wangkininy (speaking well ) of the Noongar wangkininy (language). He is koodjir (also) Co-Chair of the City of Cockburn's Aboriginal Reference Group. A strong advocate for reconciliation wer actively engaged with the Perth community to help preserve Noongar Culture.
Born il 31st of March 1957 in Bruce Rock, he grew yira with a semi-traditional Noongar lifestyle wer kadadjiny (learning) about Noongar culture wer wangkininy (language). Much of nidja was taught to him by baal manyoowa (his grandmother). When Garlett was seven years old he was stolen from his family wer sent to Mogumber Methodist Mission. He spent around twelve years in the mission.
In 1979 after listening to an aboriginal Christian Ron Williams, he made baal (his) commitment to maaman lira (god). He spent four years training in theology with baal (his) ambition to work with indigenous people. Garlett became a minister in the Uniting Church wer is the current chairperson for the Uniting Aboriginal wer Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) WA Regional Office.
Reverend Garlett oversees church activities wer incorporates aboriginal stories wer Noongar language into (baal) his ministry teachings. He is particularly involved with the pastoral care of indigenous people. Noongar wangkiny (language) is a priority within (baal) his community work, teaching wangkiny (language) classes wer hosting kaya to boodjar (welcome to country).
Alton Walley
[edit | edit source]Alton Walley is a 22 year old Noongar man who studies Tourism wer Australian Indigenous Studies at Murdoch University.
Alton has helped to design wer build a self guided trail in the State Botanic Garden section of Kings Park (Moora Katta) while completing a four-year cadetship there. The trail, named Boodja Gnarning, gives the person koorliny information il how Noongar people have used the plants that naturally occur there for thousands of years for food, shelter wer medicine.
Alton has also written a koorlangka book that ties in with the guided walk. Moora Katta staff use the book wer the walk as educational tools for students visiting the park wer it also links in with parts of the primary curriculum in relation to learning about Indigenous Australia.
The book is titled “Chunyart and the Cheeky Parrot” wer follows a young boy il his first hunting trip with his family to learn katitjin. The book shows how Noongar people used the plants wer the visiting students can then see those plants first-hand il the trail. [26] [27]
[edit | edit source]Moora
[edit | edit source]Moora is situated in Yued Noongar booja (country). Noongar people have lived in nidja part of booja since the nyittiny (creation times). The Noongar people believed that Waugal (the water serpent), who created the waterways during Nyitting (Dreaming or Cold Time), rose yira from the north wer began its journey down through Watheroo wer Moora.Il his journey, he carved out the river beds as he went.Il his back he carried djildjit (fish), maadjit (water snakes), yakkinn (turtles) wer yennar living creatures of the river. When Waugal reached Mogumber, he turned yirel (west), creating deep holes in the river bed, which today are still the deepest pools in the river--- what Noongars call 'Mur'.
In the 1900's, Moora was the major town in the Midlands district, wer attracted the largest concentration of Noongars in the south of WA. Occupation of the town reserve was short lived, as residents opposed the Noongar presence.
In 1990, the Yuat community artifacts group was established by the late Ned Mippy wer the late Ben Drayton, in the town of Moora. It's mission was to preserve Indigenous cultural identity, create employment opportunities, wer attempt to provide a solution to racism wer social problems.
On the 22nd of August 1997, a Native Title Claim over 29,253 square kilometres was lodged by local Noongar moort (people) that included the town of Moora.Il September 16th, 2006, Supreme Court ruled the Noongar moort (people) wer their customary title to have survived, despite disruption wer government policy.
[edit | edit source]Carrolup was established in 1915 as a government-run 'native settlement'. The first Superintendent was from the Australian Aborigines Mission (AAM), which also provided volunteer staff. Aboriginal children were sent to Carrolup from different parts of the State. When Carrolup closed in June 1922, yennar residents were sent to the Moore River Native Settlement.
[edit | edit source]Mogumber is a very small town il the Moora to Bindoon road. Buildings are spread out so the 'centre' of town comprises mostly of the old post office wer the tavern. The area features keny of the highest timber wer concrete bridges in W.A. At 12m high is sits above the picturesque Moore River. The bridge was opened in 1984. The old stone post office wer store is also of interest although it is now abandoned wer empty. The area is home to a patch of the endangered species, the Mogumber Bell.
Woolkabunning Kiaka Inc Roelands Village
[edit | edit source]Nowanup
[edit | edit source]History
[edit | edit source][Wp/nys/history] James captain Cook passed Australia in 1770 wer came back in 1788 with his ideology that Australia is a no keny land. James Cook was nyondi (lacking, missing) or had nyit (little) knowledge about who lived or what Australia really was.
Allawah Grove Settlement
[edit | edit source]In 1958, a mart (group) of Whadjuk Noongar yok (women) known as the Coolbaroo League formed the Allawah Grove Aboriginal Settlement in Guildford, Western Australia. 25 acres of local wirt (abandoned) air force buildings were set to be djakaroong (demolished), wer the mart approached the Native Welfare Department for permission to house homeless Aboriginal people. After some dispute, Allawah Grove was established as the only non-institutionalised Aboriginal Settlement in Western Australia.[32] The goal of the Coolbaroo League was for the the housing to be used to simulate suburban living, in a controlled environment, until residents could secure homes in the metropolitan area. Some of the site had already been demolished, however the league still had access to 27 maya/miya (huts) made of asbestos, each comprising a kitchen, living area wer bedroom in mookiyang (poor, useless) condition, wer faulty outdoor bathroom. After repairs, the settlement still faced mookiyang (no good/negative) press due to the overwhelming opposition by the residents of the predominantly wedjela (white) area.
In the following decade, despite an ongoing health endemic, the effects of the settlement were generally moorditj (positive). Tenants had become competent in housekeeping wer gardening, although they had still not been offered maya (housing) elsewhere. The settlement was nganop (closed) in 1969, as part of the colloquially-known 'salt wer pepper' integration policy, which tried (and failed) to scatter Noongar families amongst wedjela families in the 1970s.[33]
Noongar Recognition Bill
[edit | edit source]The Noongar (Koorah, Nitja, Boordahwan) (Past, Present wer Future) Recognition Bill [34] had been in negotiations for five years, from 2009-2014 before recently being passed through the West Australian Parliament. It is now the Noongar Recognition Act wer serves as a legal paper, documenting the relationship between the Noongar people wer the lands in a region of south west Western Australia.
The act formally recognises wer honours the Noongar people as the traditional owners of the south west lands wer acknowledges their cultural wer ancestral links to the region. It provides acknowledgement to Aboriginals as the first people of nidja nation.
The bill is part of a native title settlement that was signed in June 2014 extinguishing yennar native title claims over a 200,000 square kilometre south west area in exchange for $1.3 billion in land wer other benefits. Those benefits will assist in the emergence wer maintenance of organisations that keep the Noongar culture wer traditions alive wer thriving. Nidja was the biggest native title settlement in Australian history.
The Noongar Recognition Bill is historic as it is the first piece of legislation in history to include the Noongar language. Just as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generation in 2008 was a significant turning point in the reconciling of Indigenous Australia, nidja bill brings not only Noongars, but yennar Australians, Indigenous wer non-Indigenous, another step close to reconciliation.
It is hoped that nidja formal recognition will restore wer revive the Noongar people, providing empowerment wer the ability to continue the efforts to retain the language, culture wer connection to country wer to educate yennar Australians il the importance of these things.
See next
[edit | edit source]- Aboriginal Peak Organizations. Building on local community initiatives we can properly support national or state-wide Aboriginal bodies.
Ngiyan waarnk
[edit | edit source]- ↑ http://www.madjitilmoorna.org.au/about
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160229112952/http://www.ruah.com.au/wp-content/uploads/ARD-final-2015.pdf
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160512221649/https://aimementoring.com/about/aime/
- ↑ http://www.noongarculture.org.au/edward-ned-mippy/
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20161108134649/http://www.naidoc.org.au/winners-profiles
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20161104063438/http://reddustheelers.com/ambassadors/
- ↑ "Jim Morrison Bio". Independent Australia. Accessed May 24. https://independentaustralia.net/profile-on/jim-morrison,426.
- ↑ Haebich, Anna and Jim Morrison. 2016. "From Karaoke To Noongaroke". Griffith Review. Accessed May 24. https://griffithreview.com/articles/from-karaoke-to-noongaroke/.}
- ↑ Shine, Rhiannon. 2015. "Land Heals ‘Walking Wounded’". Western Independent. https://web.archive.org/web/20160319084501/http://inkwirenews.com.au/2015/06/01/land-heals-walking-wounded/.
- ↑ http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights/comments/37483/}
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160303153418/http://shareourpride.reconciliation.org.au/resource_sections/success-stories/
- ↑ http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=M3A
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Wyatt
- ↑ http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/ken-wyatt-makes-history-as-first-aboriginal-frontbencher/news-story/33399b476ae854b62b052ce3d2784406
- ↑ http://www.britannica.com/biography/Ken-Wyatt
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20170218174610/http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/multimedia/nyungar/menu9.htm
- ↑ http://www.ncca.org.au/files/Natsiec/Aboriginal_Christianity_Sealin_Garlett.pdf
- ↑ http://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/video/554279491689/Our-Footprint-S3-Ep8-Rev-Sealin-Garlett
- ↑ https://www.findandconnect.gov.au/guide/wa/WE00750
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160612135507/http://unitingchurchwa.org.au/our-leaders/
- ↑ http://www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/templates/template48/summary.asp?TemplateID=48&EventID=2175
- ↑ http://aboriginalproductions.com.au/chunyart-and-the-cheeky-parrot/
- ↑ http://media.murdoch.edu.au/murdoch-student-pens-children’s-book-on-aboriginal-culture
- ↑ https://www.noongarculture.org.au/moora/
- ↑ https://www.findandconnect.gov.au/guide/wa/WE00932
- ↑ http://www.wanowandthen.com/mogumber.html
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20200813193614/http://nowanup.com/
- ↑ "On The Outskirts - Allawah Grove Aboriginal Settlement". 2012. Western Australian Museum. http://museum.wa.gov.au/whats-on/on-outskirts-allawah-grove-aboriginal-settlement/.
- ↑ Delmege, Sharon. 2005. "A Trans-Generational Effect Of The Aborigines Act 1905 (WA): The Making Of The Fringedwellers In The South-West Of Western Australia". Murdoch University Electronic Journal Of Law 12 (1,2). http://www.murdoch.edu.au/elaw/issues/v12n1_2/Delmege12_1.html.
- ↑ http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Parliament/Bills.nsf/740F0FB3B3B6189948257ED8000C8548/$File/Bill112-1.pdf
- ↑ http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/oct/14/wa-introduces-bill-recognising-noongar-people-as-traditional-land-owners
- ↑ http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/mar/30/west-australian-noongar-community-agrees-to-13bn-native-title-deal
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160330204041/https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/Barnett/2015/10/Noongar-Recognition-Bill-2015-second-reading-speech.aspx