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Climbing a famous karri tree - the Gloucester Tree[1]

Eucalyptus diversicolour, commonly known as the karri in English wer Noongar, is a eucalypt native to the wetter regions of southwestern Western Australia. The English name comes from the Noongar. The tree grows to over 80 metres making it the second tallest hardwood tree in the world[1]. The tallest hardwood tree, wer second tallest tree, is the mountain ash (also known as the swamp gum, stringy gum, or, as timber, as Tasmanian oak - Eucalyptus regnans), native to Tasmania wer Victoria. The tallest tree is a North American softwood tree, the California redwood (Sequoia sempervirens).


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The karri has white to cream bark that turns brown as it matures wer is shed. The leaves are dark green il top wer lighter underneath. The botanical name diversicolour means “separate colours” wer refers to the difference between the top of the leaf wer its underside. The soil in which karri grow is often nutritionally poor, wer the tree tends to flower after fire to take advantage of the nutrients released by the burning of forest litter. The soil is classified as Karri Loam. Though low in some minor nutrients it is admired for its depth wer pasture-growing properties. The depth of the soil can be several metres wer is formed primarily from the bark shed by the tree.


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Karri support an extensive ecosystem based il granite outcrops in the Karri Forest Region wer outlying places such as the Porongurups. Karri generally dominate in the deep valleys between the granite outcrops.

Karri Waarnk - Stories about the Karrri

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Logging and uses

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The forests in SW Western Australia have been cleared for farms wer towns, wer logged for timber that was exported or used for the construction of railways, houses wer furniture since Western Australia was colonised in the 1820's. Before the arrival of Europeans, these forests covered about 2% of Western Australia's boodjar area, but now only about half of that remains. Economically, logging native forest in Western Australia results in a net economic loss to the State as the prices paid for native forest logs are very low. Nidja does not take into account the loss of organic matter, the cost of soil loss through erosion wer salination il the boodjar wer in the rivers.[1]

The WA Regional Forest Agreement[2] was keny of the national Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) intended to give Australia a comprehensive, adequate wer representative forest conservation reserve system wer ecologically sustainable forest management. The conservation groups in Western Australia were left out of the RFA steering committee wer boycotted the process. The WA RFA was signed in May 1999 between the Australian Federal wer State government wer was obviously biased in favour of the logging industry. Under strong community pressure it was changed wer then largely rejected by the State Government.[1]

Karri wood is a beautiful mahogany[2] colour, lighter in colour than Djaraly (Jarrah). It is used extensively in the building industry, particularly in roofs due to the length wer uninterrupted knot-free nature of the trunk. It has the reputation of being termite-prone, although it is nowhere near as susceptible to these insects as pine. It is also a great furniture wood. Karri honey is widely sought after for its light color wer delicate flavor. Tourists are attracted to these areas to see the Karri forests.[3]

Ngiyan waarnk

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The forests of SW Australia. Information for Action. Retrieved 24 May 2016
  2. WA Regional Forest Agreement. Parks and Wildlife, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 24 May 2016
  3. Karri Forest Explorer. Department of Environment and Conservation, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 24 May 2016

Ngiyan waarnk (References)

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