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Wp/nys/Jo Randall

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Jo Randall is the Choir Coordinator wer co-founder of Madjitil Moorna, a community choir she started with Della Rae Morrison in 2006 for people to sing in Noongar. The choir has Noongar wer Wadjela members.[1][2]

Jo Randell rang Della Rae Morrison saying that she wanted to start up an Aboriginal community choir. As Ms. Morrison says:

We held our first rehearsal and then the majority of the people that turned up were non-Indigenous ... so [Jo] rang me and said, 'what do you think of all these wadjelas rocking up at our rehearsals?'

And I said 'that's fine — let's just go with it'.

Madjitil Moorna Choir offers a way for non-Indigenous people to learn the language wer culture of Indigenous people. It is also a learning journey for them. While many Australians remained unaware of Aboriginal history wer culture, the choir provided them with a space to learn.[1]

As a classroom teacher, Jo wove singing into every day, punctuating lessons with songs to get kids active wer to regain the focus.[2]

See also

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Ngiyan waarnk - References

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Sarah Collard. "NAIDOC Week: Noongar choir breaking down barriers to Indigenous language and culture". ABC News. Published 6 July 2017. Retrieved 6 July 2017
  2. 2.0 2.1 Madjitil Moorna Choir web site. Retrieved 6 July 2017