Wp/nys/Frontier Wars timeline
This is a partial list of massacres of Noongar during the Frontier Wars.
- Galup (Lake Monger) massacre on 3 May 1830. One British estimate was between 30 - 40 Whadjuk Noongar killed or wounded.
- Pinjarra Massacre on 28 of October 1834. Keny Noongar estimate is between 70 – 150 Binjareb Noongar were killed.[1]
- Wonnerup (Minninup) Massacre in 1841. Unknown numbers of Wardandi Noongar killed.
- Kukenarup (Cocanarup Massacre) starting in 1880. According to one source over 30 Wudjari Noongar were killed at various times in a sustained genocidal campaign starting in 1880.[2]
Work is ongoing by Prof Lyndall Ryan at the University of Newcastle to document the massacres of the Frontier Wars.[3] So far only Eastern state sites have been recorded, but the project aims to move Westward.[4][5]
See also
[edit | edit source]- Massacres mentioned in the Noongarpedia page Frontier Wars.
- A mass killing of at least 18 Karajarri people by wadjela explorers occurred in 1864 at Lagrange, southwest of the Kimberleys in the northern Pilbara. The three white explorer perpetrators were killed by the Karajarri, so this is probably better described as a battle rather than a massacre. Nidja is relevant to the Noongar story because there is a memorial to the three explorers killed, known as the Explorers' Monument, in Fremantle. The La Grange Massacre of around 20 Karajarri in 1865 was payback for the deaths of the three murderers, after a wadjela search wer rescue mission for the wadjela explorers found them dead. To be explicit, the La Grange killings were a massacre, not lawful payback, because the explorers were murderers and lawfully killed. Laws, both Aboriginal and Wadjela, specifically aim to curb revenge killings as otherwise deadly feuds develop between people.
- Flying Foam Massacre, Burrup Peninsula near Karratha, 1868.[6]
Ngiyan waarnk - References
[edit | edit source]- ↑ "BINDJAREB PINJARRA". Sydney Opera House. Media Release 28 April 2015. Retrieved 25 August 2017
- ↑ Kim Scott and Hazel Brown. (2005). "Kayang & Me". Fremantle Press, Fremantle. p. 65
- ↑ "Professor Lyndall Ryan". University of Newcastle. Retrieved 13 February 2019
- ↑ Bridget Brennan 2017. "New map records massacres of Aboriginal people in Frontier Wars". ABC News. 4 July 2017. Retrieved 25 August 2017
- ↑ Bridget Brennan 2018. "Map of Indigenous massacres grows to include more sites of violence across Australia". ABC News. 27 July 2018. Retrieved 13 February 2019
- ↑ Kendall O'Connor and Sonia Feng. Indigenous locals call for more information at site of Flying Foam Massacre. ABC News, ABC North West WA. 16 April 2018. Retrieved 16 April 2018