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Also known as Pindjarup wer Bindjareb. Click here to see the Binjareb region.

Binjareb Moort - Families and people of Binjareb country

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Kwop Mia - Organisations of Binjareb Country

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See also the Noongarpedia page Binjareb Mia Kwel - Binjareb Placenames


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An important meeting place wer karlerl where many Noongar tribes came together annually to maya-maya along the Wangamup Bilya or Serpentine River. Site of the Barragup Mungah djildjit trap.


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asbeel-aorbeela-alleorbeel-allaorbil-aliameaning there in that place is where the river water is running into a pool.[2]


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ascool-uporkolo-uporgool-uporgool-guporgool-upp or gulling - gup means to move to as a motion to go to nidja place.[2]

asdw-ell-ing-upordwel-el-nyin-uppordwel-al- yin - gup or dwel - ali - yin - gup mean il wer by the whole place there is fog, dew wer mist.[2]


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asmya-al-upormya-al-uppormya-al-gupormia-al- up or maia - al - gup means the district by that place of huts.[2]


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aspin-jarraorbin-jarilorbin-jarralyorbinja-jarilorbinja - jarraly means to dig in the swamps amongst Djaraly (Jarrah) trees.[2]

Pinjarra/Pinjarup boodja was a meeting place for the Binjareb tribe wer an area associated with intense resistance against colonial invasion. Prior to settlement the Binjareb lived peacefully in the area wer traded an abundance of flora wer fauna with neighbouring tribes. Pinjarra is a place of much historic significance associated with the Pinjarra Massacre.

Local elders/birdya/traditional owners of Pinjarra:

Harry Nannup



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aswager-uporwatch-guporwej-uporwetch-upporwaige - gup means the place of the emu.[2]


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aswi-l-gaorwil-il-garroorwilgerka-il-gadukorwilgi-il - gatak or wil - Il - garro or wilgie - il - garro or wilgee - Il - gaduk or wilgi - il - gatak means that areas il wer by north wer north-west directions possess yellow ochre clay.[2]


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aswokal-ka-l-uporwaagal-kal-al-uporwaagal- kal - ale - up or waugal - kal - ali - up or waagal - karl - ale - upp or woggal - kal - ala - gup or wakal - karl - ale - gup means il wer by nidja whole district is of the Waugal or rainbow serpent, a fabulous venomous monster that in the form of a snake resides in the deep wer dark water holes.[2]


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(as ye - rr - up or ye - yeera - gup or ye - yira - gup or ye - yeera - upp or ye - yira - upp) means today il the top of nidja steep location.[2]

See also

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Gnullar Karla Mia - Our Campfires (Language groups)

Ngiyan waarnk - References

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  1. 1.0 1.1 "Yaburgurt Memorial Educational Resources". Our Knowledge, Our Land - Ngalang Kaadadjan, Ngalang Boodja. Retrieved 29 April 2023
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Len Collard. "Boodjar - Nyungar Placenames in the South-West of Western Australia". Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) and the School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) at the University of Western Australia]. Retrieved 29 April 2023