Wp/nys/Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation
Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation is a Noongar created wer operated business that care for boodja wer Noongar Kinship bardook Katanning wer Great Southern region of Western Australia [1]. They are kabap of boodja, they uplift Noongar culture wer care for moort, yeyi wer boorda boordak for Noongars by warniny boodja-based enterprise opportunities[1].
Development wer Objectives
[edit | edit source]Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation (BAC) was created in 2006 wer re-registered in 2012. A report from Great Southern Health wer Australian Bureau of Statistics showed Noongar's on this boodja were nyondi jobs, werdiny minditj wer moorlyan. With warning to uliwa wer other reports showing Katanning wer Tambellup were in trouble, BAC was created wer developed a maar-year plan that would lift yira the health of the Noongar wer their boodja[2] [3]

“ | The Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation's (BAC) ancestral footprint lies within in the Great Southern Region, from Katanning to Esperance. By working with our local Elders, we aim to document our rich cultural heritage, revive our Noongar language and strengthen our connection to country by passing down the knowledge to future generations of Noongar children. This process ensures our cultural safety protocols are followed on-country.
As a new and emerging Noongar group our objective is to become the leader in sustainable business enterprises in the Great Southern region. We aim to provide employment and training opportunities for local Noongar people in conservation and land management, bush foods, seed collecting and cultural heritage tours through capacity building partnerships with mainstream organisations and private enterprises. - Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation |
” |
BAC tells of koodjal koodjal outcomes that their business hopes to reach: moordidjabiny culture; ethical enterprise; social wer economic wellbeing; wer, kaartdijin transfer in Agri-science, conservation wer protect boodja [2].
Moordidjabiny culture: dalanginy moorditj practice methods, the Corporation aims to moordidjabiny wer protect Noongar culture, koora koora waangkiny wer yarns for boorda boordak Noongars. [4] To do this, BAC uses Noongar Kaartdijin, traditions wer customs in their kedala work, by doing so they will continue moordidjabiny cultural bonds to boodja wer moort[4].
Ethical enterprise: for BAC, the goal is to create a boorda boordak with respect for Noongar kaartdijin wer boodja [5]. When working as a maart on joint partnerships, the Corporation will share any benefits with other Noongars equally wer acknowledge Kaartdijin that is koorliny from other maart[5]. Also, all commercial opportunities wer possible advancements in professional practice will be considered with how they will help wer lift yira the local Noongars wer community while still maintaining operational standards[5].
Social wer economical wellbeing: by working boodja wer creating jobs for Noongars, the BAC will help gumbar moort into a better place[6]. BAC also encourages no drugs wer alcohol, to help keep the noyt free wer djirip-djirip, wer provides support wer care for workers[6].
Kaartdijin Transfer in Agri-Science: the work that BAC creates meshes together Noongar kaartdijin with yeyi sciences to deliver results [7]. Maart partnerships have allowed BAC to further their work in sustainable agriculture, protecting endangered boodja wer providing culturally moortdjitj wer ethical research to the community[7].
[edit | edit source]Ngoolark Rangers[8]
“ | A mobile, skilled ground force dedicated to conservation and sustainable land management | ” |
Ngoolark: meaning mooni cockatoo. Created in 2018 ngolanga Greening Australia came to the BAC to help implement the ‘20 million boorn’ project [8]. The project is aimed at creating moorditj boodja for nyondi barna wer flora, reducing mookiyang carbon, moordidjabiny communities wer boosting their economies[9]. Since being created, the Ngoolark rangers have planted over 800 000 seedlings across the south wer midwest boodja of Western Australia[8].
This has helped create jobs for Noongars in a way that helps them connect to their boodja, their language, yarns of moort wer community wer provides an opportunity to gain kaartdijin on-the-job while receiving leadership wer mentoring from other members[8]. Their income is also then spent in wer bardook Katanning which helps to boost local economies. As well as planting trees, the rangers help to deliver firewood, meriny wer yarns to elders wer moort around their boodja[10].

Boodja Restoration: The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation wer Attractions (DBCA) with the shires of Katanning wer Kent use the rangers to help protect the threatened Carnaby noolark boodja which has been bakan through farming, boodja clearing wer nyondi boorn growth [8][11]. The program protects boodja for meriny wer nesting, boorn growth wer engaging communities wer the public[8].
G-link Project/Degraded land restoration program: A partnership of Greening Australia wer Woodside have a mart project beginning in 2020, to limit mookiyang carbon emission through planting native Australian boorn across gumbar sections of boodja[9]. The rangers will be planting more seeds wer also will be working with koodjal koodjal Noongar ranger groups to gather wer protect rare seeds important to moordidjabiny boodja[8]. BAC are also ready to help Tambellup to build their own seed protection wer planting program [12]. To help, Greening Australia is giving BAC wer Tambellup workers kaartdijin of their Noongar Seed Collecting Training Program[12][13].
Healing the Land Program: focused on boodja identified in the Aboriginal Place Name project, students wer Noongars of the Stolen Generation come together to honour motogon wer loved ones while also helping kabap boodja through planting of rare seeds[8].
Merentj Bushfoods wer Mungart Seed Orchards

Marlak meriny wer how it is gathered wer prepared is Noongar kaartdijin, combined with science wer commercial encouragement BAC has created a unique opportunity for Noongar's to work wer share their kaartdijin of marlak meriny for the benefit of boodja [14]. By using Noongar kaartdijin, providing on-going training to farmers wer local communities wer also wangkiny with Noongar elders BAC has begun to heal areas of boodja [14]. BAC continues to identify nyondi or useful plants that can be used for meriny or koorin with help from experts wer science teams, they then protect the seedlings until a moorditj time in the year to plant[15]. This process helps to moordidjabiny kaartdijin of boodja[14]. BAC has also created mentorship programs, provided income for local Noongars, created partnerships with local science/tourism/hospitality mart, started work experience opportunities for students from Katanning Senior High School that target Noongar koolangka wer all within an ethical framework that shows respect to boodja wer culture[14].
Badjeebup Tourism Enterprises
BAC with the Western Australian Community Arts Network, Professor Len Collard (University of Western Australia) wer the Katanning Noongar Leadership Group have developed a Place Names project that seeks to tell the koora koora waangkiny of the Noongar nation by helping to reconnect boodja to culture through exploring the heritage wer yarns behind place names in the region[16]. For example Katanning, KATA-NI-ING meaning the head is nyininy/situated nidja wer relates back to the yarn of Mulka wer barl koorta Djinda who were the first noyt people of the Nyetting[16]. This program uses arts such as puppeteering wer other djaliny wer djinanginy mediums to draw public attention. Another program under this has been the Healing the Land project where they have supplied kobori, arts wer traditional meriny to encourage cultural connection to the events [17]. Ultimately, BAC's goal for this enterprise is to continuously create new projects that help to tell the koora koora waangkiny of the Noongar nation while uplifting local businesses wer community members[17].
Other services
[edit | edit source]Health wer Wellbeing
[edit | edit source]BAC believe that by working on boodja, local Noongar are given the opportunity to moordidjabiny their relationship with their boodja, with their community, with their moort wer with their culture wer by moordidjabiny this bond, they will help be kabap of their own noyt in the process [18]. The drug and alcohol free nature of the work also allows a break in mookiyang patterns while building self-esteem wer pride in their work wer their boodja[10]. Not only does BAC help maam but it also provides opportunities to Noongar yorga, koonyak wer older generations through volunteering wer casual work schedules in an effort to heal divides across generations wer create a sense of togetherness[18].
BAC also recognises the bakajoo between Noongars wer the manatj, but they believe that in order to heal the traumas of koora-koora there must be work wer reconciliation on all sides that are willing to put in the time wer the effort[18]. In Townkwillingup (Manatj Pools) 2019, the BAC hosted a service on Manatj Remembrance Day with the help of Noongar elder Morton Hansen who performed a Welcome-to-boodja wer a koorl ceremony to promote healing wer togetherness[18].
Early Years Initiative
[edit | edit source]Over the past maar-maar years there has been a concentrated effort between gumbar organisations including the State Government, Telethon Kids wer the Mindaroo Foundation along with other community focused groups to bring together invested parties wer experts across Australia to help better the early life experiences wer outcomes for koolangka within Western Australia [19]. The Katanning Noongar Leadership Group with the BAC have been the leaders in bringing the initiative to the remote boodja of the central Great Southern region of WA[20]. With Australian Bureau of Statistics data showing that Koolangka in regional boodja, including Katanning wer its bardook neighbours, the initiative aims to maintain the health ofkoolangka in these regions up to the critical age of koodjal koodjal when a healthy development is a moorditj outcome[20]. The program reviews what social wer medical services are available to Noongars to determine if there is sufficient assistance for these koolangka wer their moort wer it monitors health outcomes in maar key aspects [19]-
- Physical health wer well-being
- Social competence
- Emotional maturity
- Language wer kaadaniny skills, wer
- Wangkiny skills wer general kaartdijin.

Koolangka Training Programs
Working alongside the local Katanning Senior High School, BAC is working to create work experience opportunities for Noongar koolangka while also providing moordjitj mentorship through wangkiny wer koorliny with BAC members [21]. Prepare, Produce wer Provide (PPP) is a mart that assists with this program by using dookerniny wer skill building to encourage Noongar koolangka to connect with their community, boodja wer moort wer to consider boorda pathways wer opportunities that may be open for them[21]. The purpose of the program is to encourage Noongar koolangka to be proud of their identity wer their heritage wer to djinang the worth they hold in maintaining their community wer boodja[21].
Other works wer achievements
[edit | edit source]The BAC continues to moordidjabiny within their community wer works diligently alongside other regional Noongar led corporations to continue building up their boodja wer their people. During Covid 19, the BAC worked alongside other regional mart to deliver much needed care wer welfare packages to moort across the Katanning area donated by the Mindaroo Foundation [22]. The Katanning Noongar Leadership group helps to create bonds between these Corporations to help communities when they are in need of assistance[22].
The BAC djinang for grants wer partnerships to continue their work wer in 2020 they were awarded a grant from the State Governments Aboriginal Ranger program [23]. This grant has allowed BAC the opportunity to create gumbar new job roles for local Noongars, maar-keyen of which are reserved for Noongar yorga wer these maar-keyen roles are focused on the Merentj Bushtucker program as this has traditionally been held as yorga business[23]. The opportunities created by corporations like BAC continue to help create a moorditj boorda boordak for Noongars, help to foster healing, healthy wer djirip-djirip lifestyles wer ultimately help to protect the heritage of the Noongar Nation[23].
Ngiyan waarnk
[edit | edit source]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 About Us. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/badgebup-aboriginal-corporation
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Community, Culture, Land & Future. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/
- ↑ Australian Government. (n.d.). Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. From https://register.oric.gov.au/PrintCorporationSearch.aspx?corporationName=%20&%20icn=
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Strategic Outcome: Strengthening Culture (n.d.). BAC.https://badgebup.org.au/strategic-outcome/strengthened-culture
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Strategic Outcome: Ethical Enterprise. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/strategic-outcome/ethical-enterprise
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Social and Economical Wellbeing. (n.d.). BAC.https://badgebup.org.au/strategic-outcome/social-and-economic-wellbeing
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Strategic Outcome: Knowledge transfer in agri-science conservation and land management. (n.d). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/strategic-outcome/knowledge-transfer-in-agri-science-conservation-and-land-management
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Ngoolark Rangers. (n.d.). BAC. https://web.archive.org/web/20201021222912/https://badgebup.org.au/bac-enterprises/ngoolark-rangers
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Greening Australia. (2019, October 9). Greening Australia and Woodside partner for native biodiverse tree project. From https://www.greeningaustralia.org.au/woodside-and-greening-australia/
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation. (2020, June 23). BAC Rangers [video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJvJn6tEL08
- ↑ Melville City. (2012, January). Carnaby’s Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris Habitat Restoration Plan. From https://web.archive.org/web/20210405082420/https://www.melvillecity.com.au/our-city/publications-and-forms/technical-services/carnaby-s-cockatoo-habitat-restoration-plan
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 The Seeds of Growth. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/post/9/the-seeds-of-growth
- ↑ Seed Collection. (2020). Greening Australia. https://www.greeningaustralia.org.au/the-seed-process-explained/
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Merentj Bushfoods. (n.d.). BAC. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024123100/https://badgebup.org.au/bac-enterprises/merentj-bushfoods
- ↑ Mungart Seed Orchards. (n.d.). BAC. https://web.archive.org/web/20201021014154/https://badgebup.org.au/bac-enterprises/mungart-seed-orchards
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Community Arts Network. (n.d.). Place Names Katanning. Fromhttp://www.canwa.com.au/project/placenames/
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Badjeebup Tourism Enterprises. (n.d). BAC. https://web.archive.org/web/20201020191638/https://badgebup.org.au/bac-enterprises/badjeebup-tourism-enterprises
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Health and Wellbeing. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/social-programs/healing-and-wellbeing
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Mindaroo Foundation. (n.d.). The Early Year Initiative. From https://web.archive.org/web/20201021095050/https://www.minderoo.org/the-early-years-initiative/
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Early Years Initiative. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/social-programs/early-years-initiative
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Youth Training Pathways. (n.d.). BAC. https://badgebup.org.au/social-programs/youth-training-pathways
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Hayden, J. (2020). Help when it's needed most. Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation. From https://badgebup.org.au/post/11/help-when-it-s-needed-most
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Balaam, K. (2020, October 8). Job boost for Indigenous rangers as Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation successful in funding round. Great Southern Herald. From https://www.gsherald.com.au/news/great-southern-herald/job-boost-for-indigenous-rangers-as-badgebup-aboriginal-corporation-successful-in-funding-round-ng-b881679558z