Wp/cpx/Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Pu-Xian-Min Speakers

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How to read[edit | edit source]

Phonology[edit | edit source]

See en:Pu-Xian Min and zh:莆仙語.

tone[edit | edit source]

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Tone 陰平 陽平 上聲 陰去 陽去 陰入 陽入
Putian dialect ˥˧˧ (533) ˩˧ (13) ˦˥˧ (453) ˦˨ (42) ˩ (11) ʔ˨˩ (ʔ21) ʔ˦ (ʔ4)
Xianyou dialect ˥˦˦ (544) ˨˦ (24) ˧˨ (32) ˥˨ (52) ˨˩ (21) ʔ˨ (ʔ2) ʔ˦ (ʔ4)
Hinghwa Romanized (example) a á â ā ah a̍h

Useful links[edit | edit source]

You can contribute this wiki and Pu-Xian Min wiktionary (test) according to these websites:

福建省志、莆田市志中的莆仙语资料(in Chinese)[edit | edit source]

莆田县志中的莆仙语资料(in Chinese)[edit | edit source]

仙游县志中的莆仙语资料(in Chinese)[edit | edit source]

Special characters[edit | edit source]

Circumflex: â î û ê ô â̤ ê̤ ô̤ ṳ̂ m̂ n̂ Â Î Û Ê Ô Â̤ Ê̤ Ô̤ Ṳ̂ M̂ N̂

Stress: a̍ i̍ u̍ e̍ o̍ a̤̍ e̤̍ ṳ̍ o̤̍ m̍ n̍ A̍ I̍ U̍ E̍ O̍ A̤̍ E̤̍ Ṳ̍ O̤̍ M̍ N̍

Acute: á í ú é ó á̤ é̤ ó̤ ṳ́ ḿ ń Á Í Ú É Ó Á̤ É̤ Ó̤ Ṳ́ Ḿ Ń

Macron: ā ī ū ē ō ā̤ ē̤ ō̤ ṳ̄ m̄ n̄ Ā Ī Ū Ē Ō Ā̤ Ē̤ Ō̤ Ṳ̄ M̄ N̄

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