User talk:Sarnjaava

From Wikimedia Incubator

Welcome[edit source]

Welcome to the Wikimedia Incubator! At the right there are some links, and here are some tips and info:

  • You can find help and information on Help:Contents. If your English knowledge is good, you can translate that page to other language you know so more people can understand it!
  • If you haven't created a user page yet, please create one with for example babel templates on it.
  • You can select your interface language in your preferences.
  • If you make articles, templates or categories, don't forget to add a prefix!
  • If you want to translate the interface, please go to Betawiki, create an account and follow the instructions you will see.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask it on my talk page.

Greetings, Jose77 21:16, 1 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

[edit source]

What would be the Teochew translation for "Wikipedia, the Free Encylopedia?"

Is it: "Wikipedia, Tsĕu-iû kâi Peh-khue-chhuâng-tsur" or

"Wikipedia, Chĕu-iû kâi Peh-khue-chhuâng-tsur"? --Jose77 08:54, 2 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
It should be "Wikipedia, Tsŭr-iû kâi Peh-khue-chhuâng-tsur". "eu" is a substitute of "ṳ " . Ṳ is used in the works of Duffus, Gibson, Ashmore and Fielde to indicate the sound /ɯ/. But in other PUJ versions, like W. Dean, "ur" is adopted instead. Actually I regard ur to be an equivalent of ṳ in Tiê-chiu pêh-uē-jī, just like the Foochowese people would use -r to replace the BUC dots" ̤ ".Teochew people of Seaside Min language Forum tend to adopt ur instead of ṳ, which is hard to type. However, some online Teochew communities like mogher, they use eu instead. Eu was once adopted, too, in Seaside Forum, but after I found Dean's coursebook, I decide to discard eu, since eu has no historical ground concerning PUJ (eu is from the innovation of Gaginang Forum). Plus, as to the question of using ch or ts, usually we conclude from the missionary works that before letter i or e, ch is preferred, while ts is adopted in other cases. To indicate the aspirated /ts'/, usually PUJ just uses chh, like POJ. But in Duffus's work we find many "tsh"s, and the distribution of tsh and chh seems to be in accordance with that of ts and ch. However, in actual practice, people tend to simplify this rule, and now some propose to nail down on ts and tsh only. ---sarnjaava 19:40, 2 August 2008(UTC)

Teochew Userbox[edit source]

Hi Sarnjaava,

What would be the Teochew translation for this sentnence:

"This user is a native speaker of Teochew"? --Jose77 20:35, 2 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Literally translated, this sentence would become:"Chí-kâi ēng-hŏu kâi bó-gúr sĭ Tiê-chiu-uē"(兹个用户其母语是潮州话).However, I prefer a more liberal translation, which would make it more idiomatic, more Teochew-ish, i.e. "Chí-kâi ēng-hŏu tâng-sòi tsŭ tàⁿ Tiê-chiu-uē"(兹个用户从细就订潮州话).--sarnjaava 05:30, 3 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your help. --Jose77 06:27, 4 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

How to obtain a Teochew ISO-639-3 language code[edit source]

Hi Sarnjaava,

Teochew Wikipedia currently lacks one thing: a valid ISO-639-3 language code.

The current Language proposal policy states that: "If there is no valid ISO-639 code, you must obtain one".

The current organisation which sets the ISO-639 codes is SIL International.

I have contacted SIL International regarding the ISO-639-3 recognition for Teochew and this was their reply:

Hello there,
I invite [the Teochew community] to state the case for Teochew through the formal process for submitting a request, which is described here:
Both of the needed forms are linked from this page.
Best regards,
Joan Spanne
ISO 639-3/RA
SIL International
7500 W Camp Wisdom Rd
Dallas, TX 75236

Therefore if you (or a prominent representative of your Teochew online community) could submit those request forms, then SIL International should be able to assign an ISO-639-3 language code for Teochew. This would then enable the Teochew Wikipedia request to be approved more sooner.

Keep up the good work! Kind Regards --Jose77 06:27, 4 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Seems quite complicated...For many data need to be collected. This may not be accomplished so soon. Anyway, I will try. Could you offer me any successful example of that sort of request forms? Thanks in advance. --sarnjaava16:09, 4 August 2008 (UTC)
Actually, these are the two request forms which are required to be completed and submitted (before the September 1 deadline):
Request form 1 (Change Request Form)
Request form 2 (New code request form)
The second form would ask you to propose a new language code for Teochew. The language code must be in three letters.
At first thought, the following codes would have been ideal:
          • tju (Tiê-chiu-uē)
          • teo (Teochew)
          • czh (Chao-zhou hua)
However, those codes have already been assigned to other languages here.
Nevertheless I have managed to find a code which has not been taken up yet:
          • dzu (Dio5 ziu1 uê7) [1]
So how about we use "dzu" for the future Teochew Wikipedia? --Jose77 01:42, 5 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I guess dzu is okay.BTW, have you ever managed to obtain a new language code from SIL? I wanna gain some experience... Thanks. --sarnjaava 00:49 6 August 2008 (UTC)
The submitted forms can now be viewed here. --Jose77 09:22, 13 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Interface messages[edit source]

First 150[edit source]

What would be the Teochew translation for these interface messages?:

   * 首页 = Tsú-hiêh,Siú-hiêh, thâu-hiêh
   * 关于Wikimedia Incubator = Kuang-i Jûi-ki Muê-thí(Wikimedia) Hu-huè-khì
   * 隐私政策 = Úrng-sur chèng-chheh
   * 免责声明 = Miáng-cheh siaⁿ-mêng
   * 对话 = Phuêh-uē, Tùi-uē
   * 访问首页 = Huáng-mūng Tsú-hiêh
   * 编辑 = Phiang-chhip
   * 编辑段落: $1 = phiang-chhip tn̄g-lôh
   * 搜索 = Chhuē-thóiⁿ, Siau-sok
   * 高级搜索 = Kau-khip siau-sok
   * 贡献 = Kòng-hiàng
   * 1月 = Ik--guêh
   * 2月 = Jĭ--guêh
   * 3月 = Saⁿ--guêh
   * 4月 = Sì--guêh
   * 5月 = Ngŏu--guêh
   * 6月 = Lâk--guêh
   * 7月 = Chhik--guêh
   * 8月 = Poih--guêh
   * 9月 = Káu--guêh
   * 10月 = Tsâp--guêh
   * 11月 = Tsâp-ik--guêh
   * 12月 = Tsâp-jĭ--guêh
   * 可打印版 = Hó phah-ìng kâi páng-púng, Khó-phah-ìng-páng
   * $1到$2 = $1 kàu $2 (Sorry, what does $ actually refer to here? sarnjaava)
   * 永久链接 = Ióng-kú Liāng-chih
   * 出自Wikimedia Incubator = chhuk-tsŭr; lâi-tsŭr
   * 进入 = Chìng-jîp
   * 上传文件 = Chiĕⁿ-thuâng bûng-kiăⁿ
   * Project:关于 = Project:Kuang-i
   * 特殊页面 = Têh-sû Hiêh-mīng
   * Project:隐私政策 = Úrng-sur chèng-chheh
   * 取自"$1" = Chhú-tsŭr "$1"
   * $1的RSS订阅 = $1 kâi RSS tèng-luak
   * 搜索 = Chhuē-thóiⁿ, Siau-sok
   * $1的Atom订阅 = $ kâi Atom tèng-luak
   * Project:免责声明 = miáng-cheh siaⁿ-mêng
   * 查看 = chhê-thóiⁿ
   * 工具箱 = kang-kŭ-sieⁿ
   * 个人工具 = kŏ-jîng kang-kŭ
   * 搜索该网站 = siau-sok chí-kâi măng-tsăm
   * 所有特殊页面列表 = chhuâng-pŏu têh-sû hiêh-mīng kâi liâk-piáu
   * 跳转到: = thiàu-tsuáng kàu
   * 导航 = Kiau-lōu, Tău-phâng
   * 搜索 = Chhuē-thóiⁿ, Siau-sok
   * 列出该网站的最近修改 = liâk-chhuk chí-kâi măng-tsăm chiám-chiám siu-kói--kâi
   * 寻求帮助 = chhuē-nâng sie-hŭ
   * 关于本计划, 您可以做什么, 应该如何做 = kuang-i chí-kâi kòi-uêh, lúr ŭ-piàng tsò mih-kâi, tiêh tsò-nî khùr tsò
   * 登录/创建账户 = Teng-lêk, Teng-lôk/Chhàng-kiăng Tièⁿ-hŏu
   * 我们鼓励您登录,但这并不是强制性的 = Uáng kóu-lĭ lúr teng-lôk, puk-kuè ā-mĭ khiâng-chì--kâi
   * 随机载入一个页面 = Sûi-ki tsài-jîp chêk-kâi hiêh-mīng
   * 请根据以下的格式去编写: 只有列示项目(以 * 开头的项目)会被考虑。第一个连结一定要连接去坏文件中。然后在同一行的连结会考虑作例外,即是該文件可以在哪一个页面中同时显示。= Chhiáⁿ kurng-kŭr ĕ-pôiⁿ kâi keh-sik phiang-siá: nĕ-tuaⁿ-tuaⁿ liâk-sī kâi hăng-mâk (ēng * khui-thâu kâi hăng-mâk) uáng chiàⁿ-ŏi kháu-lŭr. Thâu-kâi liâng-kak ngĕⁿ-hóuⁿ tiêh liâng-chiap khùr sik-tiāu kâi bûng-kiăⁿ lăi-tói. Liáu tŏ tâng-chêk-hâng kâi liâng-kak ŏi kháu-lŭr tsò-ûi lī-guā, ā-tsŭ-sĭ-tàⁿ chí-kâi bûng-kiăⁿ ŭ-piàng tó tī-chêk-kâi hiêh-mīng tói tâng-sî hiáng-sī.
   * 链入页面 = Liāng-jîp Hiêh-mīng
   * 关于页面正文的讨论 = kuang-i hiêh-mīng chiàⁿ-bûng kâi thó-lŭng
   * 讨论 = Thó-lŭng,Chham-siâng
   * 列出所有与此页相链的页面 = Liâk-chhuk chhuâng-pŏu kah chí-hiêh-muêh sie-liāng-chih kâi hiêh-mīng
   * 链出更改 = Liāng-chhuk keng-kói
   * 先前 = Soiⁿ-tsôiⁿ
   * 当前 = Chí-tsûng
   * 编辑 = Phiang-chhip
   * 你可编辑此页,请在保存前先预览一下。= Lúr hó phiang-chhip chí-hiêh-muêh, chhiáⁿ tŏ pó-chhûng tsôiⁿ soiⁿ ŭr-nám chē.
   * 提供当前事件的背景资料 = Thî-keng tng-tsôiⁿ sūr-kiăⁿ kâi puè-kéng tsur-liāu
   * 撤销 = Thiak-siau
   * 查封 = Chhê-hong
   * (主) = (tsú)
   * ←链入 = ←Liāng-jîp
   * 小 = sòi
   * 第$1行: = Tŏi $1 hâng
   * 放大 = Huàng-tăi
   * 历史 = Lêh-súr
   * 摘要 = Tiah-iàu
   * $1字节 = $1 jī-tsak
   * 帮助 = Sie-hŭ, Pang-tsŏ
   * 显示预览 = Hiáng-sī ŭr-nám
   * 目录 = Mâk-lôk
   * 隐藏 = úrng-chhâng
   * 显示 = Hiáng-sī
   * 监视 = Kàm-sĭ
   * 链接 = Liāng-chih
   * 文件历史 = Bûng-kiăⁿ lêh-súr
   *日 (Sun)= Chheⁿ-khî-jîk
   *一 (Mon)= Chheⁿ-khî-ik
   *二 (Tue)= Chheⁿ-khî-jĭ
   *三 (Wed)= Chheⁿ-khî-saⁿ
   *四 (Thur)= Chheⁿ-khî-sì
   *五 (Fri)= Chheⁿ-khî-ngŏu
   *六(Sat)   = chheⁿ-khî-lâk
   * 差异 = M̆-pêⁿ-iēⁿ
   *在$1所做的修订版本 = Tŏ $1 só-tsò kâi siu-tèng páng-púng
   * 取消监视 = Chhú-siau Kàm-sĭ 
   * (重定向自$1) = Tâng $1 kò têng-tiāⁿ-hiàng
   * 页面历史 = Hiêh-mīng lêh-súr
   * ←上一修订 = Chiĕⁿ-chêk-kâi siu-tèng
   * 监视……  = Kàm-sĭ 
   * 解除监视…… = Kói-tûr kàm-sĭ
   * 我的贡献 = Uá--kâi Kòng-hiàng
   * 机 (bot)= Ki (?? I cannot understand this...)
   * 新 = Sing
   * 我的对话页 = Uá--kâi tùi-uē-hiêh
   * 退出 = Thò-chhuk
   * 我的对话页 = Uá--kâi tùi-uē-hiêh
   * 我的参数设置 = Uá--kâi chham-siàu siak-tì
   * 我的贡献列表 = Uá--kâi kòng-hiàng liâk-piáu
   * 我的参数设置 = Uá--kâi chham-siàu siak-tì
   * 我的监视列表 = Uá--kâi kàm-sĭ liâk-piáu
   * 我的监视列表 = Uá--kâi kàm-sĭ liâk-piáu
   * 我的用户页 = Uá--kâi ēng-hŏu-hiêh
   * 以下是在$4 $5,最近$2天内的$1次最近更改记录: = ĕ-pôiⁿ sĭ tó $4 $5,tsuè-kŭrng$2jîk-lăi kâi $1 chhùr tsuè-kŭrng keng-sing kì-lôk:
   * 隐藏 = úrng-chhâng
   * $1小编辑 = sòi--kâi Phiang-chhip
   * 显示最近$2天内最新的$1次改动。
$3 = Hiáng-sī tsuè-kŭrng $2 jîk lăi siăng-sing kâi $1 chhùr kói-tŏng * 随机页面 = Sûi-ki hiêh-mīng * Incubator:版权信息 = Páng-khuâng sìng-sek * 编辑帮助 = Phiang-chhip Pang-tsŏ * Help:如何编辑页面 = Sie-hŭ: Tsò-nî phiang-chhip hiêh-mīng * 取消 = Chhú-siau * 监视本页 = Kàm-sĭ chí-chêk-hiêh * 保存您的更改 = Pó-chhûng lúr--kâi keng-kói * 这是一个小修改 = chiá sĭ chêk-kâi sòi--kâi siu-kói * 请注意您对Wikimedia Incubator的所有贡献都被认为是在$2下发布,请查看在$1的细节。如果您不希望您的文字被任意修改和再散布,请不要提交。
= Chhiáⁿ tsù-ì lúr tùi Wikimedia Incubator kâi chhuâng-pŏu kòng-hiàng lóng mêk-jīng-ûi tsò-tàⁿ kâi-sĭ tó $2 ĕ-pôiⁿ kò huak-pù kâi, chhiáⁿ chhê-thóiⁿ tŏ $1 kâi sòi-tsak. Nā-sĭ lúr m̆ hi-mōⁿ ka-kī kâi bûng-jī khurh-nâng jĭm-ì siu-kói kah tsài-chhùr suàⁿ-pù, chhiáⁿ lúr mài thî-kau.
Lúr tâng-sî ā tiêh kah uáng pó-chèng lúr thî-kau kâi lăi-iông kâi lúr ka-kī siá--kâi, hôk-chiá sĭ lâi-tsŭr chêk-kâi m̆-siŭ páng-khuâng pó-hŭ a-sĭ chí-chêk-lūi kâi tsŭr-iû lâi-nguâng. Tŏ buē-chêng tek-kàu siŭ-khuâng kâi sî-tsūng, chhiáⁿ-mài huak-piáu !
* 显示差异 = Hiáng-sī m̆-pêⁿ-iēⁿ kâi tī-hng * 显示您对该文字所做的更改。= Hiáng-sī lúr tùi chí-chhoh bûng-jī só-tsò kâi keng-kói * 预览您的更改,请在保存前使用此功能!= ŭr-nám lúr kâi keng-kói, chhiáⁿ tŏ pó-chhûng tsôiⁿ sái-ēng chí-kâi kong-nêng! * (在新窗口中打开) = Tŏ sing theng-kháu tang phah-khui * 标题 = Phiau-tôi * 文件链接 = Bûng-kiăⁿ liāng-chih * 嵌入文件 = Khám-jîp bûng-kiăⁿ * 斜体文字 = Siâ-thí bûng-jī * 2级标题文字 = 2-khip phiau-tôi bûng-jī * 链接标题 = Liāng-chih phiau-tôi * 粗体文字 = Chhou-thí bûng-jī * 内部链接 = Lăi-pŏu liāng-chih * 在此插入数学公式 = Tó chí-kò chhah-jîp siàu-hâk kong-sik * 插入数学公式 = Chhah-jîp siàu-hâk kong-sik * 大标题文字 = Tuā-phiau-tôi bûng-jī * 水平线 (小心使用) = Tsúi-pêⁿ-suàⁿ (sái-ēng-sî tiêh tsai-kuang) * 外部链接(加前缀 http://) = Guā-pŏu liāng-chih (kia tsôiⁿ-chhuak http://) * 带有时间的签名 = Tuà sî-kang kâi chhiam-miâⁿ * 插入非格式文本 = Chhah-jîp hui-keh-sik bûng-púng * 在此插入非格式文本 = Tó chí-kò chhah-jîp hui-keh-sik bûng-púng * 这一个特殊页面列示所给出的一个页面之链接到页面的最近更改(或者是对于指定分类的成员)。在您的监视列表中的页面会以粗体显示。= Chí-chêk kâi têk-sû hiêh-mīng liâk-chhuk tâng só-kip-chhuk kâi chêk-kâi hiêh-mīng kâi liāng-chih-kàu-hiêh-mīng kâi tsuè-kŭrng keng-kói (hôk-chiá-sĭ tùi chí-tiāⁿ hung-lūi kâi sêng-uâng lâi-tàⁿ--kâi). Tŏ lúr kâi kàm-sĭ liâk-piáu tói-pôiⁿ kâi hiêh-mīng ŏi hiáng-sī-tsò chhou-thí. * 对于“$1”有关的链出更改 = kah “$1” ŭ-kuang kâi liāng-chhuk keng-kói * 正在编辑$1 = chiàⁿ-tó phiang-chhip $1 * (保护) = (Pó-hŭ) * 没找到标题为"$1"的页面。 您可以创建此页面。= Bô chhuē-tiêh phiau-tô sĭ "$1" kâi hiêh-mīng. Lúr khó-íⁿ chhàng-kiăng chí-kâi hiêh-mīng * 此页目前没有内容,您可以在其它页搜索此页标题编辑此页。= Chí-hiêh-muêh chí-tsûng bô lăi-iông,lúr khó-íⁿ tŏ khî-tha-hiêh siau-sok chí-hiêh-muêh kâi phiau-tôia-sĭ phiang-chhip chí-hiêh-muêh * 点击日期/时间以查看当时出现过的文件。= Tiám-khek jîk-khî/sî-kang ŭ-piàng chhê-thóiⁿ húr-ē-muĕh chhuk-hīng-kuè kâi bûng-kiăⁿ * 移动此页 = î-tŏng chí-chêk-hiêh * 移动 = î-tŏng, suá-tsáu * 查看 ($1) ($2) ($3) = chhê-thóiⁿ * 源码 = Nguâng-bé
Some have several possible translations, as listed above. sarnjaava
Thanks! I have also submitted the language request forms to SIL regarding the application for Teochew and Xiamen languages and they will reply within the next few days. --Jose77 00:23, 2 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I have added some more interface messages above which need to be translated (these are the first 150 messsages out of the 485 most-used messsages which need to be translated). They have been arranged in the correct order.
Thankyou for you brilliant help. The Teochew people will be proud of your efforts. --Jose77 01:04, 2 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Iˊve translated a bit more. I will try to finish it the soonest possible.sarnjaava
Brilliant effort! The Teochew language really is unique. --Jose77 05:49, 10 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I've finished this part. ----Sarnjaava 09:36, 12 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Next 150[edit source]

Here are the next 150 interface messages which need to be translated:

   * 提交 = thî-kau
   * 链接到“$1”的页面 = liāng-chih kàu “$1” kâi hiêh-mīng    
   * 元数据 = nguâng-siàu-kŭr   
   * 创建缩略图错误: $1 = tshàng-kiăng sok-liâk-tôu tshò-gōu: $1
   * 您进入了一个尚未创建的页面。要创建该页面,请在下面的编辑框中输入内容(详情参见帮助)。如果您是不小心来到此页面,直接点击您浏览器中的"返回"按钮返回。 = 
   * 在这一段时间中连结的页面并无更改。 =
   * 完整分辨率 = uâng-chiáⁿ hung-piăng-lûk
   * 该文件是一个共享上传,它可能在其它项目中被应用。 =
   * 已删除"$1" = 
   * 查看分类页面 = chhê-thóiⁿ hung-lūi hiêh-mīng
   * 分类 = hung-lūi   
   * 重定向页 = têng-tiāⁿ-hiàng hiêh
   * 包含 = pau-hâm
   * 该页面已被保护。你可以查看该页源码。 = 
   * 请参见设置步骤了解详细信息。 =
   * 用外部程序编辑此文件 = ēng guā-pŏu thiâⁿ-sŭ phiang-chhip chí-kâi bûng-kiăⁿ
   * "$1"分类中的页面 = “$1”hung-lūi tói-pôiⁿ kâi hiêh-mīng
   * 以下页面链接到$1: =
   * 后$1个 = ău $1 kâi
   * 前$1个 = tsôiⁿ $1 kâi
   * 无更高解像度可提供。 =
   * 续 = suà-lôk--khùr
   * 比较选定的版本 =
   * 查看此页面两个选定的版本间的差异。 =
   * 在该讨论页增加新的评论主题 =
   * Help:目录 =
   * 返回到$1。 = lìng-tńg kàu $1
   * 用户贡献 = ēng-hŏu kòng-hiàng
   * 显示详细资料 = hiáng-sī hiâng-sòi tsur-liāu
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Thankyou. --Jose77 05:49, 10 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Busy these days. Only a bit done. Sorry. Sarnjaava 17:41, 5 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! How many languages do you speak? Could I help you if I dont speak this language? It is Teochew a language or a dialect? --Chabi 17:52, 31 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Er... My mother tongue is Teochew, and my second langauge is Mandarin and third Cantonese. My first Foreign language is English, second Esperanto, third Japanese, and fourth French. I guess you can help us. Teochew is, er..,hard to define. Actually we have a common Minnan(Southern Min) Group, somewhat like the Indoeuropean "Western Germanic Branch" or so. We can categorize Teochew in this way: first we have a Sino-Tibetan Family, and then we have a Sinitic Group, in which there are many colloquially unintelligible languages, such as Mandarin and Cantonese. Then under this Sinitic Group we have a Min Subgroup, which consists of Five branches, namely the Northen Min branch (like Jian'ou), the Eastern Min branch (like Foochow and Fooning), the Hinghwa Min branch(Putian), the Middle Min branch (also called the Shaxi Min branch), and, last but also the biggest, the Southern Min (Minnan) branch, including Hokkien, Teochew, Leizhou, Hainanese, etc. Hokkien has several intelligible dialects like Zhangzhou (Chiangchiu), Quanzhou (Chinchiu), Amoy, Taiwanese, etc. But Teochew is not quite intelligible with Hokkien, maybe 50% cognate words or so. And the western missionaries like Douglas describe the relation between Teochew and Hokkien somewhat as that between Dutch and Standard German. Though the phonological systems do not vary too much, the vocabularies are quite different from each other excep for the basic root words shared by all Southern Min branch languages. We can compare some simple Hokkien and Teochew as follows:
Hokkien: A-hong, chiâⁿ kú bô khoàⁿ–kìⁿ ah, ah lí tsòe-kun hó bô?
Teochew: A-huang, hoh-kú bô ngŏ-tiêh lúr, chí-chièⁿ-sî tsăi-seⁿ?
English: Fang, long time no see! How are you doing these days?
Hokkien: Chit-tiuⁿ sī góa-ê bêng-phìⁿ
Teochew: Chí-tieⁿ-muêh kâi uá-kâi miâⁿ-phiàng.
English: Here is my card.
Hokkien: Lán chò-hóe lâi-khì chhù–ê hōng-tê.
Teohcew: Náng tsò-chē lái lăi-kò chiâh-tê.
English: Let's go to my house together and have a cup of tea.
Hainanese is even distant from Teochew and Hokkien. Thus I tend to view Teochew, Hokkien, Hainanese and so on as different languages, though with the shared common ancestral language, the Common Minnan. It is recorded that in the Ming dynasty, the dynasty before Qing (the Manchu), Teochew is still highly intelligible with Hokkien, showing that they were perhaps still dialects of the common Minnan then. However, several hundred years passed and Teochew is now a distinct language from Hokkien. Some people think Teochew is only a dialect of Minnan, yeah, I agree, but the question lies in which language is the Minnan? Minnan is the name of the branch, and the actual Common Minnan now can no longer be found. Talking about the Minnan language is like talking about the Western Germanic, or rather, the proto-western-Germanic language, the ancester of English, German and Dutch. We cannot say that Minnan equals today's Hokkien (Taiwanese and Amoy) just like we cannot say today's Deutsch (Standard High German) equals the Common Western Germanic language. We cannot say that Teochew is only a dialect of Hokkien (misnamed by its ancestral name "Minnan"),just like we cannot say English or Dutch is a dialect of Standard German.
Teochew has its own dialects, usually divided into three dialectal groups, i.e. the Han-River Group, the Rong-River Group and the Lian-River Group. Some scholars include Hailufeng Min languages as dialects of Teochew, but it's still very controversial.--Sarnjaava 09:22, 12 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Minnan classification proposal[edit source]

Hi Sarnjaava, The outcome of the ISO application for Teochew can be found here. This issue concerns the division of the whole Southern Min language as a whole. The application will only be accepted when the all the Southern Min varieties are identified and assigned ISO codes. I have currently identified 8 major branches/divisions of Minnan which have limited intelligibility amongst each other. Your opinion regarding this classification proposal of all the Minnan varieties would be appreciated very much, Thankyou. --Jose77 05:26, 27 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]