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Wy/syl/ꠝꠥꠟ ꠙꠣꠔꠣ

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  • Please use a mobile device.
  • Use a compatible browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, which supports the Sylheti texts using the Surma font.
  • Alternatively, install the ‘Noto Sans Syloti Nagri’ font, go to your browser's Font Settings, and select the correct font to view the content correctly.
ꠁꠃꠐꠤꠍꠤ ꠀꠘꠝꠣꠘ ꠀꠁꠎ ꠝꠋꠉꠟꠛꠣꠞ, 11 ꠚꠦꠛꠥꠀꠞꠤ, 2025; ꠀꠞ ꠅꠘꠦ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠍꠚꠞꠅ ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠁꠘ ꠀꠍꠦ 328 ꠐꠣ

ꠙꠣꠇꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠎꠦꠉꠣ ꠝꠣꠔꠞ ꠛꠣꠁꠟ
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