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სირიის დროშა

სირია (არაბ. سورية‎), ოფიციალურად სირიის არაბული რესპუბლიკა (არაბ. الجمهورية العربية السورية‎) — ქვეყანა დასავლეთ აზიაში.


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სირიის რეგიონების რუკა
Northwestern Syria
Aleppo, one of the oldest cities in the world, as well as the Dead Cities, 700 abandoned settlements in the northwest of the country
A volcanic plateau in the southwest of Syria, also includes the capital Damascus and its sphere of influence
Orontes Valley
The Orontes Valley, home to the towns of Hama and Homs
Syrian Coast and Mountains
Green and fertile, relatively Christian, somewhat liberal, and dominated by Phoenician and Crusader history
Syrian Desert
A vast empty desert with the oasis of Palmyra, as well the basin of the Euphrates, which is historically associated with the Assyrian and Babylonian history

ოკუპირებული ტერიტორია

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Golan Heights
Occupied by Israel in 1967 and formally annexed in 1981, the Golan Heights is claimed by Syria. The annexation is not recognized by the United Nations. A small area of land centred on Quneitra was transferred back to Syria in 1974. This deserted town, kept in its ruined state as monument to the war (or as propaganda depending on your perspective) used to be able to be visited with permission from the Ministry of Interior (open 08:00-14:00, Su-Th, authorisation requires your passport and took around 30 min).


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33.5000; 36.3000