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Mahisha statue at Chamundi Hills, Mysore
The holy bull Nandi at the Bull Temple


મૈસુર, અથવા "મૈસુરુ"', એ દક્ષિણ ભારતના રાજ્ય કર્ણાટકનું બીજું સૌથી મોટું શહેર છે. પ્રાચીન સમયમાં તે વાડિયાર રાજાઓને રાજધાની હતી અને હાલમાં તેને કર્ણાટકની સંસ્કૃતિક રાજધાની માનવામાં આવે છે. મૈસુરએ ભારતનું બીજું સૈથી સ્વચ્છ શહેર છે અને તે સુંદર્ આયોજન બદ્ધ નગર છે. મૈસુરના લોકો તેમના શાંતિપ્રિય અને મદદગાર સ્વભાવ માટે જાણીતા છે.


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આ શહેરનો ઇતિહાસ હજારો વર્ષો જૂનો છે. એમ કહેવાય છે કે આ સ્થળે દેવે ચામુંડીએ મહિષાસૂરનો વધ કર્યો હતો તે પરથી આનું નામ મૈસુર પડ્યું છે. આ ઘટનાની યાદમાં શહેરમાં આવેલી "ચામુંડી ટેકરી" પર મહિષાસુર દાનવની પ્રતિમા સ્થાપવામાં આવી છે.

દસ્તાવેજી ઇતિહાસ અનુસાર વિજય નગર સામ્રાજ્યથી ઈ.સ. ૧૫૮૪માં જાગીરદાર છામરાજા વાડિયાર છુટા પડ્યા. તેની રાજધાની બનતા, આ શહેરનું મહત્ત્વ વધવા માંડ્યું. ઈ.સ. ૧૬૧૦માં તેમના સેના પતિ હૈદર અલીએ સત્તા ઉથલાવી અને રાજધાની શ્રેરંગાપટનામાં સ્થળાંતરિત કરી. હૈદર આલી પછી તેનો પુત્ર ટીપુ સુલતાન ગાદીએ આવ્યો, તેણે ઈ.સ. ૧૭૯૯માં બ્રિટિશો સામે લડાતા લડતા પ્રાણ ગુમાવ્યા.

બ્રિટિશ રાજ દ્વારા વાડિયાર વંશજને ફરી નામના રાજા બનાવી અને રાજધાની ફરી મૈસુર ખસેડી. વાડિયાર રાજાઓને રાજ સત્તા ચલાવવામાં ઘણી સ્વતંત્રતા હતી અને સમ્ગ્ર ભારતમાં મૈસુર સૌથી સુંદર કારભાર ધરાવતું રજવાડું હતું. ભારતને સ્વતંત્રતા મળ્યા પછી મૈસુર રાજ્યને ભારત સાથે ભેળવી દેવાયું અને રાજધાનીને મૈસુરથી બેંગલોર ખસેડવામાં આવી જ્યાં અંગ્રેજોની સૈનિક છાવણી હતી. ઈ.સ. ૧૯૭૩માં રાજ્યનું નામ બદલીને કર્ણાટક કરવામાં આવ્યું.

વાડિયાર વંશને જનસમુદાય હજી પણ ચાહે છે અને તેના ભૂતકાલિન વૈભવનો ગર્વ લે છે. વાડિયાર રાજાએ બંધાવેલા મહેલો અને દશેરાનું સરઘસ પ્રાચીન કાળના વૈભવની ઝાંખી કરાવે છે.

મૈસુર એક સમયના શઆંત અને સુસ્ત શહેરમાંથી કર્ણાટકના બેંગલોર પછી સૌથી મહત્ત્વના શહેરમાં રૂપાંતરણ પામ્યું છે. નવા આધુનિક રહેણાંક સંકુલો, સુપર માર્કેટ, નિર્માણાધીન મૉલ, નવા સુધારીત રસ્તાઓ, આઈ.ટી અને બી.પી.ઓ ક્ષેત્રના એકમો, વધતી જતી યુવા વસ્તી સાથે આ પ્રાચીન ઐતિસિક નગર સુમેળ સાધી પ્રાચીન અને અર્વાચીનનો સંગમ બન્યો છે. અહીં કાર્ય કરવા મઆટે આવેલી વ્યક્તિ આ શહેરના પ્રેમમાં પડ્યા વિના રહેતી નથી.

મૈસુર શહેર અહીનાં યોગ કેન્દ્રો માટે પણ જાણીતું છે. અષ્ટાંગ યોગનો પ્રારંભ આ શહેરમાં થયો હતો. મૈસુરમાં ઘણાં અષ્ટાંગ યોગ કેન્દ્રો છે. ગોકુલમ નામના પરામાં સૌથી જાણીતા યોગ કેન્દ્રો આવેલા છે. (જેમ કે એસ. કે. પટ્ટાભી જોઈ અષ્ટાંગ યોગ રીસર્ચ ઇન્સ્ટીટ્યૂટ)

કેમ પહોંચશો

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બેંગલોરમાં દેવનહલ્લી પાસે આવેલું હવાઈ મથક અહીંથી સૌથી નજીકનું હવાઈ મથક છે. (૧૭૦ કિ.મી.) [૧].

Mysore Airport (MYQ) મૈસુરમાં એક નાનું હવાઈ મથક છે, પણ બેંગ્લોરથી નજીક હોવાને કારણે અહીં કોઈ હવાઈ વાહનવ્યવહાર ચાલતો નથી.

Mysore Railway Station


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મૈસુર જંકશન આ શહેરનું મુખ્ય રેલ્વે સ્ટેશન છે. અહીંથી બેંગ્લોર માટે નિયમિત રેલ સેવાઓ ચાલુ છે.

ચેન્નઈ અને મૈસુર વચ્ચે પ્રવાસની સૌથી ઝડપી સેવા - શતાબ્દી એક્સપ્રેસ છે. તે બેંગ્લોર-મૈસુર પ્રવાસ બે કલાકમાં અને મૈસુર-ચેન્નૈ પ્રવાસ ૭ કલાકમાં પૂર્ણ કરે છે. અન્ય ટ્રેનની સરખામણીમાં શતાબ્દી એક્સપ્રેસ મોંઘી છે પણ તે ના બધા ડબ્બા સંપૂર્ણ વાતાનુકિલીત છે અને ભોજન, નાસ્તો અને પાણીની બોટલનો ખર્ચ પણ ભાડામાં શામિલ છે.

આ સિવાય બેંગ્લોર-મૈસુર વચ્ચે ઘણી રેલ્વે સેવાઓઉપલબ્ધ છે. તેમાં ટીપુ એક્સપ્રેસ સૌથી લોકપ્રિય છે જે આ અંતર અઢી કલાકમાં કાપે છે. આ ટ્રેન મૈસુરથી સવારે ૧૧ વાગ્યે ઉપડી બપોરે ૧.૩૦ કલાકે બેંગ્લોર પહોંચે છે પાછી ફરતે તે બપોરે ૩.૦૦ કલાકે બંગ્લોરથી નીકળી મૈસુર ૫.૩૦ કલાકે પહોંચે છે. આસિવાય ચામુંદી એક્સપ્રેસ અએ યશવંતપુર મૈસુર એક્સપ્રેસ અન્ય ટ્રેન છે.

Apart from above Mysore is connected to Delhi through Weekly Swarnajayanthi(12781/82), Mumbai through Weekly Sharavati, Chennai by Kaveri Express(Daily)(16221/22) & Shatabdi Express(Except Wednesday)(12007/08), Trichy/Tanjore through Daily Express(16231/32, Madurai through Daily Express(6731/32), Tirupati by Fast passenger(56213/14)Daily, Ajmer through Bi-weekly Express(16201/02), Jaipur through Bi-weekly Express(12975/76), Mangalore Daily by Express(16517/18).Apart from Sharavati and Swarna Jayanti all other trains as above pass via Bangalore city.

Trains to Mysore depart from 1 station in Mangalore: Mangalore Jn (MAJN) No Train Departure Arrival Duration Running Days from Mangalore 1 Yesvantpur Exp(16518) 07:57PM(Mangalore Jn) 04:15AM(Mysore Jn) 8h 18m All Days from Mysore 16517 Kannur Express Mysore Jn 23:45 Mangalore 08:35

The track between Bangalore and Mysore is in process of Doubling. Work has already completed for about 60km of the stretch. The entire completion of the work can reduce the running time of trains by about 15-30 minutes

By bus

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Buses run every 5 minutes from Bangalore. There is a choice of air-conditioned and ordinary vehicles. During the weekends, these buses can fill up, but most do not allow you to purchase your tickets in advance. However, buses to Mysore board constantly so finding a bus with seats is never a problem. The KSRTC (Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation) buses are very comfortable, especially the Volvo (Luxury) buses. A one-way ticket from Bangalore to Mysore costs ₹250. One can get a bus for Mysore from the main city bus stand (Majestic) or the satellite bus terminus on Mysore road.

Mysore has two major bus stands. All KSRTC buses arrive and depart from the Central bus stand (aka suburb bus stand), while local buses use the City bus stand.

By car

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Mysore is approximately 140 km from Bangalore, and there is a 4-lane highway (2 lanes in each direction) connecting the 2 cities. The traffic is fairly heavy but the drive is extremely comfortable if you discount the unmarked speed bumps that show up at random intervals. Recently (as of July 15th 2011) there are approximately 25-30 speed bumps, which shall make you reach Mysore in 3 and 1/2 hours by car. Some speed bumps are not even marked by zebra crossing or no symbols to indicate the speed bumps. Probably a much easier and more comfortable way to travel to Mysore is by train (especially the Shatabdi Express - 2:15hrs). You drive through in SH-17 via Ramnagar-Mandya and take about 2 hrs to leave Bangalore and 2 more hours on the highway. [૨]

You don't really need a car and driver to drive you from Bangalore or other destinations in India, as all the tourist sites are walking distance or a cheap ride by rickshaw. Alternatively if you must have a car and driver while there, it is very easy to arrange once you arrive.

By bicycle

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Around 140 km drive for fitness freaks... Bangalore—50—> Ramnagaram—30—> Maddur—20—> Mandya—22—> Srirangapatna—13—>Mysore

Get around

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Princess Road

Getting around in Mysore is cheaper than most Indian cities.

By bus

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Bus stop at the Mysore Railway Station

City buses originate from a separate City Bus Station 2 k.m. from the Railway Station. Frequent bus service is available to all major tourist and residential areas of the city. Volvo air-conditioned buses are available to Chamundi Hills, KRS-Brindavan Garden, Zoo, Infosys, and to some major residential areas.

By car

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Tourist Cabs are the best choice if you want to tour the city all day or visit nearby places like Srirangapatna. Costs about ₹ 9 or ₹ 10 per km.

There are many car rental companies available.

By auto-rickshaw

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They have meters, but drivers politely refuse to turn down the meters especially at railway stations, bus stations etc. The more your attire and luggage announce that you are a tourist the less the chances of drivers going by the meter. Price is ₹ 11.00 per km, with a minimum fare of ₹ 25. Try to insist on meter usage; threatening to call the police works sometimes when the rickshaw driver pretends that the meter is broken and wants a flat fee.

At the railway station or city bus stand, go straight to the pre-paid auto-rickshaw counter and tell them your destination (you have to pay a rupee (₹1) for this service). They will give you a slip with the fare printed, along with the destination and auto rickshaw registration number. When you arrive at the destination you just pay what is printed on the slip.

You can always take the help of a traffic police to negotiate with the auto driver. They are really helpful.

Brindavan Gardens, Mysore
Jagan Mohan Palace Art Gallery
Mysore Palace at night
The Mysore Zoo gate
St. Philomena's Church


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Rail Museum
Devaraja Market near Urs road


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Mysore is a significant educational hub, the foundations for which were laid by King Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV during his enlightened rule. Today, the city can boast of 7 Engineering and 2 Medical Colleges. Engineering education started in Mysore with the establishment of the National Institute of Engineering in 1946, the Second Oldest engineering college in the state (After UVCE Bangalore). Medical education started in 1930 when the Mysore Medical College was transferred from Bangalore to Mysore. Mysore is also well known for its provess in Sanskrit, the mother language of many Indian languages. Some people refer to Mysore as the Sanskrit capital of India. A Sanskrit newspaper called 'Sudharma' is published from Mysore for a nominal price of ₹1.

University of Mysore

Mysore is famous for silk sarees (Mysore Silk), sandalwood carvings and the many varieties of perfumed incense sticks. Mysore's market places can be a good place to start, like Ashoka Road, Sayyaji Rao Road and for a mix of Western and Indian traditional shopping head to Devaraj Urs Road . To experience one of India's best markets head to Devaraja Market where tourists and locals alike shop for daily fruit and vegetables as well as the rows and rows of flowers and various spices. Devaraja market is on Dhanwanthri Road.

On the east row of the Devaraja Market there is an oil shop with two brothers, Azam and Adil, who always pull in tourists for a nice conversation and maybe some chai. They have some good recommendations for food and things around the city so give them a visit. Their shop has a row of the watercolor powder, about 1/3rd from the north end.

Be warned however. There are quite a lot of perfume sellers that sell inferior goods, don't be tempted by nice boxes and free gifts. As a rule, if it looks like a bargain, the perfume is poor quality. The real stuff is normally found further from the centre, but is mostly for export.

  • Agarbathis (Incense)
  • Cauvery Arts and Crafts Emporium, Sayaji Road - Sandal wood figurines and caskets
  • Chenapatna Dolls and Wooden Toys
Dosha or Dosai is the favorite food of the Mysoreans

Mysore is famous for its most famous traditional sweet, the Mysore Pak. Mysore Pak is a sweet dish generally cut into rectangular pieces and is made out of Gram Flour, Sugar (or Jaggery) and lots of Ghee (clarified butter). You can find it all over the city although arguably the best Mysore Pak is sold at Guru Sweets near the small clock tower.

South Indian breakfast favourites like idlis, sambars, masala dosas are widely available and quite good. It is not clear if the Mysore Masala Dosa (a fermented crepe made from rice batter, black lentils, potato and onions) actually origininated in Mysore, but you can try asking. You can find some of Karnataka's speciality dishes like:

  • Bisibele Baath - Made of rice and lentils with a lot of local spices. This is one of the most sought after dishes of Mysore. It is served hot and usually costs ₹25.00 in an average restaurant.
  • Idli Sambar - Different from Idli and Sambar. Since the idlis are put in a bowl with steaming sambar poured over them, the aroma and spicy effect is really marvellous. And they charge less than ₹ 20.00 for the whole thing.
  • Masala Poori - This is the most favourite food item of the Mysorean people. You can see young boys selling these 'chat' items on the sides of the pavement with all the ingredients beautifully arranged on wicker stools. Just for ₹15, you get crispy poories along with some ten to twelve spices mixed in a hot 'pani' background. The whole thing is an experience to undergo. Some restaurants have separate 'chat' sections selling Pani Poori, Masala Poori, Bombay Chat and other varieties.
  • Raagi and Akki Rotis - They are similar to tortillas but made of raagi (English: coracan, finger Millet) or rice flour along with black cumin, asafoetida, fresh coriander, green chillies and finely chopped onions.
  • Raagi Mudde – It is a staple food in some of Kannadiga households in the Cauvery Basin. It is made by cooking raagi flour in water and later rolling it into thick-consistency balls. Raagi Mudde is swallowed and not chewed after dipping it into ghee and sambar.


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Temple Office near Jagmohan Palace
  • Green Leaf - Kalidasa Road, V.V. Mohalla, Mysore
  • Hotel Mylari - Udaya Ravi Road, Kuvempunagar, Mysore
  • Template:Eat
  • Iyer's Mess near RTO circle. The perfect place for authentic Home cooked South Indian food served on a plantain leaf. Service is hospitable. All this at a humble price of ₹25 per meal. Open only in the afternoons
  • Kafe Mallige - Nageetha Complex, Vishwa Manava Double Road, Saraswathipurm, Mysore
  • KFC-BM Habitat Mall, Gokulam Road, Jayalakshmipuram, Mysore.
  • Little Woods- Opp.Jockey Quarters, Chamundhi Hill Road No #1,Mysore.“Little woods is a vegetarian bistro a new restaurant that is set on the Chamundi Hill Road. Beautiful environs and a homely setting make this place a perfect destination for travellers and locals. This little place gives up to four seating options- Roof top, Garden, Road View and closed.
  • Nalapak, Mylary and Gayathri Tiffin Room(GTR) are places to find very good dosas.
  • Pepe's- 3rd cross,9th main Saraswathi puram, Mysore. "Pepe's is a place for variety of sandwich's club, grilled and other South Indian treats.
  • Shri Shanthi Sagar - 1014, Udaya Ravi Road, Kuvempunagar
  • The SIXTH MAIN- Opp To Loyal World road,6TH Main,9TH Cross, Post Office Road, Vani Vilas Mohalla, Mysore. Sixth Main is a restaurant and Coffee Shop parallel to Kalidasa Road. You would always find more foreigners than localities especially at the weekends. The ambiance is quite relaxing with jazz playing in the background.

Non-Vegetarian Restaurants

  • Cafe Coffee Days - Mysore has 7 Cafe Coffee Days, one on Kalidasa road, one on Kanthraj Urs road, one on Devraj Urs road,one on Vasanth Mahal road(Ginger Hotel),and 3 outlets in Hootagalli Infosys Campus
  • City deli this small restaurent is situated on kalidas road near empire hotel. You can visit this place on weekends 8am-11am for a sumptous western breakfast. Coffee n sandwiches of this place are also good.
  • Corner House in Vontikoppal is a nice place for ice creams
  • Edelweiss The Austrian Cafe parallel to Kalidasa Road, has great food at very affordable prices and authentic, heavenly cakes baked by an Austrian. The kitchen is open so you can see your food being cooked.
  • Hanumanthu Mess - Mandi Mohalla, Mysore. A small joint specializing in a Macro-style cooked Mutton Pulav and Mutton Chaps, available for early breakfast and lunch. Natti (Chicken) Pulav on Sunday morning only. Strictly Non-Vegetarian place.
  • Kalidasa road in Jayalakshmipuram has fairly good restaurants like Green leaf, Tao. Everybody seems to like the shawarma at Casino park and Lemon Tree
  • Pizza Outlets------ Pizza Corner(Near Harding Circle), Pizza Hut(On Temple Road-V.V.Mohalla), Dominos(On Temple Road-V.V.Mohalla and Infosys Campus), U.S.Pizza(On Ramavilas Road Near Marimallapa College)
  • Sixth Main is a restaurant and Coffee Shop parallel to Kalidasa Road. You would always find more foreigners than localites especially at the weekends. The ambiance is quite relaxing with jazz playing in the background. Definitely worth the Money!
  • Spices & Sauces - B.N. Road, Hardinge Circle, Mysore. The best place to have some spicy non-vegetarian food. Even Mysore cuisine is worth trying.
  • Tina's Cafe at Gokulam Main road offers delicious home cooked Indian food. The decor is artistic.


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Entrance to Mysore Railway Station

Mysore is part of Karnataka state where the liquor laws are one of the most liberal in the sub continent. Most international brands are readily available. The city is lined with bars and other restaurants serving liquor, there are Around 10 pubs in the city. Some of the recommended places include:

  • Bopy's Pub, Hunsur Road, behind Infant Jesus church.
  • Cocktail Circuit Lounge Bar Near Mysore University
  • Dynasty Restaurant --Sri Harsha Road
  • Keg Pub, Just Opposite to the Suburb Bus Stand.
  • Lobo's, Kuvempunagar Double Road, opposite Bake Point, Saraswathipuram.
  • Opium Pub, Pai Vista, Opposite to the Suburb Bus Stand.
  • Road Pub,Hotel Sandesh The Prince, Nazarbad

Night life

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There is no night life in Mysore and no one understands the phrase 'night life'. Shops and restaurants down their shutters before 10 p.m. The people of Mysore are a homely and contented lot. Restaurants do not open early in the morning, shops take three-hour lunch breaks, and even buses are fewer between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. because the drivers and conductors are having their lunch. This laid back lifestyle tends to irritate you only for the first two days, then you also feel this is something to admire about. Only Mysoreans live in such luxury, people of Bangalore, just 150 km away, do not live like this.


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The Town Hall at Mysore

Scam Alert! - If you arrive by bus or train, you will most likely be approached by a number of young boys who tend to speak fantastic English who will try to lead you to their relative's hotel. The hotel is most often of poor quality. These children are very chatty and good salesmen and you may like them, but they should be in school instead. Template:Sleeppricerange


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  • Green House Valley Service Apartment, Near Infosys, Opposite to Damden Solarium Apartment, on Ring Road, Vijay Nagara II stage, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : 9886594321, +91 821-6527802, 8880777033.
  • Hotel Aashraya, Dhanvantri Road,Near Railway Station, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2427088, +91 821-2426570. Rs.500
  • Hotel Airlines, 1064, CH 16, Jayalakshmi VIlas Road, Chamaraja Puram, Mysore 570 005, Phone: +91 821-2330745, 2330475
  • Hotel Darshan Palace, Lokaranjan Mahal Road, Opposite to Regency Theatre, Nazarbad, Mysore – 570 010, Tel : +91 821-2520794, 2564083
  • Hotel Dasaprakash, Gandhi Square, Mysore-570001, Tel: +91 821-2442444, single ₹500 (also for 2), double ₹700 , very nice and efficient with restaurant and ice cream parlour on site
  • Hotel Dasharath, Opp. Zoo Garden, Mysore -10, Tel : +91 821-2449121 Rs. 500. Good rooms
  • Hotel Gayathri, New Gayathri Building, Opposite Railway Station, Dhanavantri Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2425654.
  • Hotel Govardhan, Sri Harsha Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2434118, 2429422, 2431960
  • Hotel Kalinga, K R Circle, Opposite City Bus Stand, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : 0821-2431310, 070, 019
  • Hotel Luciya International, Near Dasprakash, No. 1771, Old Bank Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2420261
  • Hotel Prakash Deluxe, Opposite Medical College, 1474 - Sayyaji Rao Road, Mysore - 570 021, Tel : +91 821-2521676, +91 821-2529434
  • Hotel Ritz, B N Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2422668, +91 821-2429082, What this small, colonial-era four-room hotel lacks in cleanliness and upkeep, it makes up in charm and friendly staff. The front desk will help you book further travel, such as buses to Ooty.
  • Hotel Sri Nandini Lodge, Next to Bus Stand, Irwin Road, Mysore, Phone : +91 821-2447085, +91 821-2447155
  • Shiva Guru Comforts, Halladakeri, Behind Suburb Bus Stand, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2538974


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  • The Green Hotel, A comfortable Heritage Hotel located in an old princess house at the Chittaranjan Palace. The hotel has a lovely cafe, and the bar and restaurant on the lawn is a delight. Profits of the hotel are donated for various causes in and around Mysore, No. 2270, Vinoba Road, Jayalakshmipuram, Mysore – 570 012, Tel : +91 821-2512536, +91 821-2414635, +91 821-2516134, Fax: +91 821-25126139
  • Hotel Maharaja, Phone : +91 821-2426665
  • Hotel Palace Plaza, No. 2716, Sri Harsha Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2440875, +91 821-2430034, Fax: +91 821-2421070
  • Hotel Royale Heritage, 2930, Bangalore - Nilgiri Road, Mysore,Phone : +91 821-5265330
  • Hotel Siddhartha,Offers good variety of South and North Indian Vegetarian food.No. 73/1, Guest House Road, Nazarbad, Mysore – 570 010 Tel : +91 821-2522999, 888, Fax: +91 821-2520692
  • Hotel Vyshak International, Phone : +91 821-2421777
  • KSTDC Mayura Hoysala, Come out of the Railway station and walk straight for roughly 500 meters. You will find it on the left hand side. No. 2, Jhansi Laxmi Bai Road, Mysore – 570 005, Tel : +91 821-2425349, 2425597
  • KSTDC Mayura Yatri Nivas, No. 2, Jhansi Laxmi Bai Road, Mysore – 570 005, Tel : +91 821-2423492
  • Maurya Palace, Sri Harsha Road, Phone : +91 821-2435912
  • The Maurya Residency, Sri Harsha Road, Mysore, Tel : +91 821-2523375
  • Park Lane Hotel,Perfect place to enjoy your drink and try out some spicy Indian food No. 2720, Sri Harsha Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2430400, +91 821-2434340
  • Sri Guru Residency, JLB Road, Near Railway Station, Mysore.
  • Sri Hari Iyengar's Plaza, Phone : +91 821-2439123


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  • Hotel Peridotinn, minutes’ drive from the famous IT companies like Infosys, L & T etc. Hebbal, Mysore, Tel : +91 821-2303404
  • Hotel Regaalis. This too is a Four Star Hotel and is a part of the Usha Lexus Group.
  • Hotel Royal Orchid. Overlooking Brindavan Gardens - offers clean, fresh, multi-cuisine food in a very good setting.
  • Hotel Sandesh Prince. It is a Four Star Hotel and offers good variety of food.
  • Lalit Mahal Palace Hotel - Royal Heritage
Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel
  • Nalapad Residency, Dr. Nelson Mandela Road, New Bannimantap Extn, Mysore 570 015, Phone : +91 821-2491117
  • Royal Inn, Mysore Phone : +91 821-2402210
  • The Viceroy, Sri Harsha Road, Mysore – 570 001, Tel : +91 821-2424001, +91 821-2428001, Fax: +91 821-2433391

Spa hotels

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  • Amblee Holiday Resort, Mysore-Bangalore Road, Srirangapatna, Tel : +91 821-3092475, Mobile : 9845002665


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General Post Office
  • The area code for Mysore is 0821. When calling from overseas, dial +91 821 XXX XXXX
  • The General Post office is near the railway station in a heritage building. You can send parcels from here and there is an old man on the right side of the post office who can wrap it for you beautifully in cloth.

Stay safe

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Mysore is generally known to be a safe city. But, if you are planning to take a late night stroll, it is recommended that you keep watch, since a few incidents of Chain/Purse snatching are reported every month. It is advised to be watchful when taking an Auto-Rickshaw during late nights if you are alone. It also advised to be careful in dealing the amount of money paid to the Auto-Rickshaw drivers as they try to tout and overcharge and refuse to use the meters in certain areas and at certain hours. Hired taxi services also available now in Mysore.

The police are generally friendly and ready to help. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can reach the police control room by dialing 100 from a landline telephone booth or by dialing 108 if you have access to a cell phone.

People in Mysore are generally hospitable, peace loving and ready to help. Mysore is one of the places in India where foreigners can stay and move around with relative ease and not be swarmed by people offering various services as it happens in other cities.

A steam engine on display at the Mysore railway station
  • Laundry: There's a tiny stall opposite Arun Sweets and Bakery at the junction of Sangam Talkies Road and Ganapathi Temple Road, Rs. 20 / 30 per piece without / with ironing.

Go next

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