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Wq/tn/Lily Albino Akol Akol

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Albino Akol Akol

Lily Albino Akol ke radipolotiki wa Sudan Borwa yo o tshwereng maemo a molaotheo a Motlatsa Tona ya Bosetšhaba ya Tshedimosetso le Tlhaeletsano. Gape o dira jaaka Leloko la Komiti ya Puisano ya Bosetšhaba ya Sudan Borwa. Ke motsamaisi wa tlhaeletsano wa South Sudan Women empowerment network, gape ke mothusa moporofesara kwa Yunibesithing ya Juba mme o direla jaaka motsamaisi wa International Cooperation, Communication and Alumni Affairs, mmogo le morutisi kwa College of Arts and Humanities / Department of Mass Communication.


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•Re rotloetsa go lema mo dinageng tse di nang le kagiso e bile di sireletsegile".


•Re ntse re kgaratlha le go dira ka natla go netefatsa gore re nna le setlha sa temo le temothuo se se atlegileng le fa gone re ne ra amiwa thata ke matlhotlhapelo a a diragetseng ka December 15.


•re ne ra dira tshekatsheko ya pabalesego ya dijo. Se re se fitlheletseng ke gore bontsi jwa malapa a a mo mafelong a metseselegae a ne a ntsha dijo tse dintsi, tse di neng di ka jewa le tse di neng di setse, mme tseno di ne tsa amiwa ke merwalela".


•Ka ntlha ya merwalela, go ka nna ga se ka ga nna le ntshokuno e ntsi monongwaga mme se se maswe le go feta, bothata jono bo tla ama le ntshokuno".


•Di tla abelwa balemirui ka go ba hira ka tlhwatlhwa e e kwa tlase mme re kopa balemirui gore ba rulaganye go nna makoko a a kopaneng gore ba tle ba kgone go ntsha dijo tse dintsi".


•Re tshwanetse go tsaya matsapa a a oketsegileng re itse gore dinaga tse tharo ga di ikanyege mme fa re tlhoma mogopolo mo dinageng tse supa, dinaga tse tharo di tla tshegediwa.


•Mo setlheng seno sa temothuo mmogo le banka ya temothuo, puso nngwe le nngwe e tla amogela diterekere di le lesome.


•Se re ka se tlhomamisang ke gore go na le go fudusiwa ga batho le gore batho ba amilwe ke seno mme ba le bantsi ba tlhoka thuso ya botho le go thusiwa ka bonako jo bo ka kgonegang,
