Wq/tn/Elizabeth Itotia
Elizabeth Itotia
[edit | edit source]Dr. Elizabeth Elizabeth Wangari Itotia (yo o tshotsweng ka ngwaga wa 1992) , ke makhemisi wa nyutelea yo o tswang kwa Kenya. Ke mosadi wa ntlha wa Kenya go tshwanelega go nna makhemisi wa nyutelea yo gape a bidiwang makhemisi wa diromamowa. Go tloga ka kgwedi ya Phukwi ka ngwaga wa 2021, ke mongwe wa batho ba le babedi fela ba ba nang le ditshwanelego tse di tshwanang kwa Kenya, yo mongwe e le monna. Ga jaanong jaana o thapilwe jaaka leloko la setlhopha sa khemisi ya nyutelea kwa Bookelong jwa Yunibesithi ya Kenyatta jwa go Ruta, go Romela le go Dira Patlisiso (KUTRRH).
[edit | edit source]- "Bontle ka botshelo ke gore mongwe le mongwe o na le sengwe se se kgethegileng se a se itseng; sengwe se o ka se ithutang ka metlha."
- As quoted in an article titled by Magdalene Kenya's First Female Radiopharmaceutical Scientist Wanja published on 25th July, 2021.
- "Ke ikutlwa ke le motlotlo tota ka go nna mosadi wa ntlha mo lephateng le. E supa gore fa basadi ba ka fiwa sebaka, ba ka phatsima ka go lekana mo tirong nngwe le nngwe."
- As quoted in an article titled Kenya's First Female Radiopharmaceutical Scientistby Magdalene Wanja published on 25th July, 2021.
- "Ka jalo, o tshepa fela katlholo ya gago le go solofela se se molemo, se ka dinako tse dingwe se tshwanang le go gata mo lefelong la meemo mo sengwe le sengwe se ka diragalang gone."
- As quoted in an article titled Kenya's First Female Radiopharmaceutical Scientist by Magdalene Wanja published on 25th July, 2021. She had been asked about the challenged she experiences in the field.