Wq/gor/Quo Vadis (film 1951)
Quo Vadis yito film pilohutuliyo taawunu 1951 mosilita mayi tomimbihu tawu ngota komandan Romawi motohila da'a ode ta dulahu Kristen molamahu.
- That beggar-faced philosopher shouldn't be stuffing your head with such nonsense.
- Diila ponga lo akali yi'o paracaya to hutodu silitaliyo lo Filsuf odelo laku lo taa mohimbide odito.
- These people know how to die, Nero. In death you will squeal like a hog!
- Timongoliyo motota wololo caraliyo lo'u mate, Nero. Wonu maa mate, yi'o mombele'a odelo boyi!
- Emperor Nero: Do I live for them or do they live for me?
- Olongiya Nero: Tutumulu'u ode oli mongoliyo meyambo tutumuli mongoliyo ode ola'u
- Petronius: You are the sun in their sky! Does the sun have privacy?
- Petronius: Yi'o botiya mato lo dulahu to hulungo limongoliyo. Mato lo dulahu yito orahasiya?
- Emperor Nero: The sun has the night! These people expect me to shine daily - hourly!
- Olongiya Nero: Mato lo dulahu debo odunga lo'u huyi. Timongoliyo botiya hepoharapuwa olo'u timinela ngohuyi-ngohuyi - timi'idu wakutu!
- Vinicius: They won't believe such a lie!
- Vinicius: Timongoliyo dilata paracaya ode yimbulo odito!
- Petronius: But they are believing it. People will believe any lie, if it is fantastic enough.
- Petronius: Dabo timongoliyo debo mowali paracaya. Tawu mowali paracaya ode totonula yimbulo, wonu ontonga limongoliyo gaga