Wq/gor/Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte yito (pilotutu 15 Agustus 1769 – yilate 5 Mei 1821) yito pemimpin militer Perancis ta o peranan uda'a to Revolusi Perancis, lapata'o maa lowali pemimpin Perancis, sebagai Konsul Pertama Republik Perancis (11 November 1799 - 18 Mei 1804), lapatiyo ma'o maa lowali Kaisar Perancis wawu Olongiya lo Italia wolo tanggula Napoleon I (18 Mei 1804 - 6 April 1814, wawu lapatiyo ma'o tanggal 20 Maret - 22 Juni 1815)
- Poluru u mo'opate ola'u diipo pilohutuliyo.
- Statement at Montereau (17 February 1814) [specific citation needed]
- To utonu ayu mowali mololangi, yakini wa'u teeto po'otapula'u bandera lo Enggeleti botiya.
- Statement at Rochefort (July 1815) [specific citation needed]
- Wolo u hepohutu'wo'u to sa'ati botiya diipo wolo-wolo. Wa'u boheli lolumula diyanggato u musti na'o'u.
- As quoted in Memoirs of Count Miot de Melito (1788 - 1815) as translated by Frances Cashel Hoey and John Lillie (1881), Vol. II, hal. 94
- Le mot impossible n'est pas français.
- Tahe impossible (tidak mungkin) ja lonto bahasa Perancis.
- Letter to General Jean Le Marois (9 July 1813), quoted in Famous Sayings and their Authors (1906) by Edward Latham, hal. 138
- The letter says: "C'est ne pas possible", m'ecrivez-vous: cela n'est pas français.Original Source