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Wq/gor/Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones (2011-19) botiye serial televisi fantasi to abad pertengahan Amerika Serikat, pilohutuwa le David Benioff wawu D.B. Weiss pilotayangi liyo lo HBO. Serial botiya pilodasariliyo to seri novel terlaris le George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire.


About Game of Thrones

  • Rape is often presented in television plotlines, where it has far-reaching and lasting consequences for the affected characters. But critics of “Game of Thrones” fear that rape has become so pervasive in the drama that it is almost background noise: a routine and unshocking occurrence.
    • Botiye Game of Thrones tahepakeya bo'o lalaita tatampiliya to alur cerita televisi, tahemo pilomorkosa tatanggungiya akibat luas, wawu abadi to talo huwata liyo. Sakiliyo, timongoliyo kritikus "Game of Thrones" khawatir botiye pemerkosaan mamali kebiasaan da'a to dolomo drama botiye, sababu malali latar belakang kebisingan: kejadian liyo ma rutin wawu tawuwalo ja iloheya.