Wq/gor/Edward Elgar

Edward William Elgar (pilotutu 2 Jun1 1857 – yilate 23 February 1934) yito komposer musik lonto Enggeleti. Tiyo botiya hetanggula lotawu Master of the King's Musick lonto taawunu 1924.
- Ide latiya yito woluwo musik u layito tingo-tingohu, musik to tilinto, duniya botiya polu-polu lo musik wawu Ito mowali mohama odalaliyo lo'u otohilamu.
- In conversation in 1896, quoted in R J Buckley Sir Edward Elgar (London: Bodley Head, 1905), p. 32.
- Ode tamanilatiya to delomo foto botiya
- Dedication to the Enigma Variations (1899).
- Poyitohe mola odelo u hedungohemu to biihu dutula.
- Diana M McVeagh Edward Elgar: His Life and Music (London: J. M. Dent, 1955) p. 163.
- On the trio of the second movement of his Symphony No. 1.