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Masak'wooj B wáa b

U chíikul juum /b/; ku béeytal u ya'ala'al wáa ku póot wáak'al le ken téek je'epajak u nuup'lil u bóoxel u chi' máak. Chen ku juum ma'alob le ken núupuk yéetel je'el máakalmáak ti' le juumil woojo'obo'.

Ich maaya t'aane' jejeláas bix u meyaj, tumeen úuchak u bin tu káajbal jump'éel t'aan je'el bix: bak', be'eb, bin, bo'ol, buul. Ku bin xan ichil jump'éel t'aan je'el bix: abal, ch'eeb'el, chi'ibil, bobox, juubul. Ku bin xan tu xuul jump'éel t'aan, je'el bix: ta'ab, ke'eb, ts'íib, soob, k'uub.

Egipcio Tuukul
(U yotoch)[1]
Proto-semítico Tuukul
Fenicio Tuukul
Griego Tuukul
Etrusco Tuukul
Latín Tuukul

Tu'ux ch'a'aba'an lela'

[edit | edit source]
  1. Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary [1]