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Morogo or Moroho wo o zega gatshi gka lebijo la African Spinach o raya shethopha sha mehuta ye meraro ya merogo ye e makape a matyala ye e hithelwa mo borwa jwa Aforika, kihiso yajo e le go gjewa ke bagthyo. Morogo o tsholwa jwaagka shegyo sha ngwao mo borwa jwa Aforika[1], she she gjewa thyatya magayeng[2].

Mosola mo botsogong le Tshireletsego

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Makape a morogo a na le kota ya poroteine ya shelegkanyo sha 36%. Sheleganyo sha kota ya vitamin e jwa mo ringwageng ja shemela le gkaho she lemilwe gka gkaho, shemela she she na le vitamin A le vitamin C le shelegkanyo she she idatshe sha calcium, magnesium le iron mo mmiring[3]. Mo Aforika Borwa shengwe sha mehuta ya merogo ke "pigweed" gka shekhowa, "hanekam" gka she Afrikans mbe gka maranyane ke Amaranthus sp.

Ripatisiso re supa gore mehuta ya merogo ye e gjewa lehatshe gka bophara e na le kgonahalo ya go hogkoja sheemo sha go tjenwa ke malwetsi a pelo (vascular-related chronic diseases) le legatyo la boberi la bolwetsi jwa sukiri (type 2 diabets)[4].

Le ha go nje jwalong , mo makgethyong uwa mangwe morogo o kgona go otjeja kgonagalo ya go tjenwa ke re-fangase bogolo jwang fusariosis thyatya thyatya mo bagthyong mba ba chela gka malwetsi uwa a ama mashwele a mbele jwaaga AIDS. Ripatisiso re supa ha go na le matute uwa mantsi a Alternaria Fungi mo shebopegong sha makape le Fusarium fungi ha gorimo ga makape[5]. Ripatisiso je ringwe re supa ha morogo o sena Fusarium mo tholegong yawo, mbe e gka jwa e o tshola mo go lemiweng go bapa le shemela sha mmiri[6].


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  1. Independent Online
  2. Science in Africa
  3. Conservation and utilization of indigenous vegetables in Botswana
  4. Public Health Nutrition
  5. The occurrence of toxogenic moulds in traditional household Morogo of Giyana
  6. The level of mycotic and mycotoxigenic Fusaria in traditional morogo and the agro-environment of Dikgale Demographic Surveillance Site