Wp/xkv/Carrol Boyes

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Carrol Boyes ye e le morihagaji wa mo Aforika Borwa, mme wa kgwebo ebile ye e le orutyabana, yo o zega jwaagka mokhjami wa kompone ya Carrol Boyes Kitchen le go riha bigo.[1][2]

Gka Bochelo jwagwe le rityutyo[edit | edit source]

Boyes ye e golela mo rikgaolwaneng ja Tzaneen le Petori, Aforika Borwa mbe a jwelela aya go ithyutyela go beta Unibersithing ya Pretoria[3] mbe a jwa gka shetankana sha degree mo fine Arts[4]. Mojwa ga go aloga ke ha ya go rutya ja botaki le Shekhowa Hout Bay[1].

Za Kgwebo[edit | edit source]

Boyes ye e lesha kiho gka ngwaga wa 1989 a sena go wseja ringwaga ri le mashome mararo le botlhano gka maikaelelo a go thyama kompone ya go tshwantsha le go beta gobo Cape Town, go simolola gka mekgabisa ya bo mme ye e rihilwe gka mmopa le cuttlefish go ya go riheng shelo shagwe sha ntha gka kopore. Ye e simolola go regkisa kiho yagwe gka go thoma marihelo a nakwana mmolong wa Greenmarket Square[5]. Gka 1992 kompone yagwe ke ha e bula marihelo ayo uwa magolo a ntha limpopo e lakelwa ke uwamangwe Paarden Eiland, Cape Town[2]. Ha e da go thogkahala kompone yagwe ke ha ya ya gola e na le marihelo a le 45 go ralala Aforika Borwa[2] ibile bilo zagwe bi regkisiwa mao mahatsheng a le 51[3].

Metsweri[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Carrol Boyes wanted her brand to live on 'long after I'm gone'. Here's how the former teacher built a global business". Business Insider SA. 15 August 2019. Archived from the original on 15 August 2019. Retrieved 23 March 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Famous SA artist Carrol Boyes has died". eNCA. 15 August 2019. Archived from the original on 15 August 2019. Retrieved 23 Mopito 2024 2019.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Carrol Boyes wanted her brand to live on 'long after I'm gone'. Here's how the former teacher built a global business". Heritage 24. Retrieved 30 Mopitlo 2024.
  4. "Carrol Boyes – The startup story of an iconic South African designer who built a global homeware brand". Lionesses of Africa. 18 August 2014. Retrieved 30 Mopitlo 2024.
  5. Ulmenstein, Chris von. "Carrol Boyes celebrates 30 years of Proudly South African homeware and lifestyle design! – Whale Tales Blog". Retrieved 11 September 2019.