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w:WP:STUB ꠁ ꠙꠣꠔꠣ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ ꠀꠛꠧ ꠇꠥꠠꠤ ꠞꠂꠍꠦ ⁕ ꠈꠣꠟꠤ ꠝꠣꠔ ꠃꠑꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠟꠣꠉꠤ ꠀꠞꠝ꠆ꠛ ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ ⁕ ꠁꠟꠣꠘ ꠀꠞꠅ ꠘꠄꠀ ꠇꠥꠠꠤꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠁꠘ ꠖꠦꠈꠂꠘ ⁕ ꠁ ꠛꠦꠙꠣꠞꠦ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠇꠥꠘꠔꠣ ꠙꠥꠞꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠕꠣꠇ꠆ꠟꠦ ꠟꠇ꠆ꠖꠤ ꠟꠦꠈꠤꠀ ꠙꠣꠔꠣ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ ꠀꠞꠧ ꠛꠟꠣꠁꠔꠣ ꠙꠣꠞꠂꠘ ⁕

ꠎꠣꠘꠥꠀꠞꠤ ꠝꠣꠡ
ꠎꠦ ꠎꠤꠘꠤꠡꠞcalendar month
ꠔꠟꠞmonth of the Gregorian calendar
ꠏꠦꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠅꠋꠡꠅJulian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Swedish calendar
ꠘꠣꠝянваря, stycznia, студзеня, þæs Æfterran Geolan, ledna
ꠘꠣꠝ ꠏꠦꠘꠕꠘꠦJanus
ꠁꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠀꠉꠦDecember
ꠁꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠛꠣꠖꠦFebruary
ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠞ ꠛꠦꠘꠣꠞ
ꠎꠦꠟꠇꠞꠝꠣꠎꠦ ꠛꠣꠔꠣꠁꠖꠦꠅꠀDesktop Encyclopedic Dictionary, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890), Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, The American Cyclopædia, The New Student's Reference Work
ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠝꠤꠒꠤꠀ ꠙꠎꠦꠇ꠆ꠐꠞ ꠎꠦ ꠚꠇꠣꠍ ꠟꠤꠡ꠆ꠐꠅWikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4
P48950.5±0.5 month
P527January 1, January 2, January 3, January 4, January 5, January 6, January 7, January 8, January 9, January 10, January 11, January 12, January 13, January 14, January 15, January 16, January 17, January 18, January 19, January 20, January 21, January 22, January 23, January 24, January 25, January 26, January 27, January 28, January 29, January 30, January 31
ꠅꠐꠣꠕꠘꠦ ꠀꠟꠣꠉ1st month


ꠀꠞꠅ ꠖꠦꠈꠂꠘ

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