Wp/syl/ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ:ꠛꠐꠞ ꠔꠟ
⁕ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ:ꠛꠐꠞ ꠔꠟ ⁕
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ꠔꠟꠞ ꠀꠟꠥꠌꠘꠣ ꠛꠘ ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ ⁕ ꠅꠘꠥꠉꠞꠢ ꠇꠞꠤ ꠁꠐꠣ ꠙꠞꠤꠛꠞ꠆ꠔꠘ ꠇꠞꠛꠣ ꠘꠣ ⁕ ꠙꠞꠛꠞ꠆ꠔꠤ ꠝꠘ꠆ꠔꠂꠛ꠆ꠛ ꠢꠤꠔꠣꠞ ꠃꠙꠎꠥꠇ꠆ꠔ ꠀꠟꠥꠌꠘꠣꠞ ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠔ ꠇꠞꠣ ꠃꠌꠤꠔ ⁕ ꠁ ꠀꠟꠥꠌꠘꠣꠔ ꠀꠞ ꠇꠥꠘꠥ ꠟꠦꠈꠣꠟꠦꠈꠤ ꠀꠞ ꠛꠣꠇ ꠇꠞꠣ ꠃꠌꠤꠔ ꠘꠣꠄ ⁕
Forwarding a message from LangCom
[edit | edit source]"... What langcom is concerned about is that Bengali script users should not be excluded from the newly created Wikipedia, since, we can't just create a new Wikipedia "for the same language just because the script is different". You probably understand this point well enough. To solve what langcom is worried about, it doesn't even have to be a converter right now. You can use your script as is, just don't exclude users who use Bengali script. And if they ask, you should be able to discuss introducing a converter(the timing of introduction can be determined by your community based on its development situation), and that's all we ask of you. In fact, if there have been no users using Bengali script for a long time, I don't think this will be a problem in the near future. I don't think this is too much to ask of you either, since in principle, it is impossible to have 2 Wikipedias for the same language. I believe you can be convinced of this. If you can be sure about this, I will close this matter within 7 days and move on to the next step."
ꠄꠇꠎꠘ ꠜꠣꠡꠣ ꠇꠝꠤꠐꠤꠞ ꠡꠖꠂꠡ꠆ꠡꠄ ꠅꠃ ꠝꠘ꠆ꠔꠂꠛ꠆ꠛ ꠖꠤꠍꠂꠘ ꠇꠣꠞꠞ ꠇꠥꠘꠅ ꠀꠙꠔ꠆ꠔꠤ ꠘꠣ ꠖꠤꠟꠦ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ ꠄꠙꠞꠥꠜ ꠇꠞꠣꠞ ꠛꠣꠖꠞ ꠗꠣꠙꠅ ꠎꠣꠁꠔꠣ ⁕ --ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 14:16, 30 January 2025 (UTC)