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Wp/rmc/Amerikakere spojimen Thema

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Amerikakere spojimen Thema
Flagos Wp/rmc/Amerikakere spojimen Thema
Coat of arms of Wp/rmc/Amerikakere spojimen Thema
MottoIn God We Trust (angľ.)
E pluribus unum (lať.)
Themeskeri giľi (Himna)The Star-Spangled Banner
PrezidentosJoe Biden
ViceprezidentkaKamala Harris
Buchľipen9833520 Km2
Jekhupruneder bodosDenali (6190 m)
Šerutno forosWashington D.C.
Bešutne manuša340 110 988 (1 July 2024) [1]
Hustota34.59 Manuša/Km2
LoveDolaris (USD)
HDI0,921 (bares upre) (2021) [2]
Telefoniskero anglodžaro+1
Internetoskero kodos.us, .gov, .edu, .mil
Location of Wp/rmc/Amerikakere spojimen Thema

O Amarikakere spojimen Thema (USA) hine thema andre Amerika. O šerutno foros hin Washington D.C..


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E Kanada the o Meksikos hine thema saven hin themutne agora la Amarikakere spojimen Themenca. O jekhupruneder bodos pes vičinel Denali. Jov pašľol 6190 m upre le moroske.

50 thema
Mapa Nav Nav pe angľiciko čhib
Prasaviben(a) Kodos
Populacija (2019) Hustota
Šerutno foros Nekhbareder foros Flagos
Alabama Alabama
Heart of Dixie
Yellowhammer State
AL 22.
14. decembros 1819
131171 4903185 37.26 Montgomery Birmingham
Alaska Alaska
Last Frontier AK 49.
3. januaris 1959
1481305 731545 0.48 Juneau Anchorage
Arizona Arizona
Grand Canyon State AZ 48.
14. februaris 1912
294207 7278717 24.38 Phoenix Phoenix
Arkansas Arkansas
Natural State AR 25.
15. junos 1836
134771 3017804 22.36 Little Rock Little Rock
Kalifornia California
Golden State CA 31.
9. septembros 1850
403466 39512223 98.04 Sacramento Los Angeles
Severno Karolina North Carolina
Tar Heel State
Old North State
First in Flight
NC 12.
21. novembris 1789
125920 10488084 82.46 Raleigh Charlotte
Južno Karolina South Carolina
Palmetto State SC 8.
23. majos 1788
77857 5148714 65.30 Columbia Columbia
Colorado Colorado
Centennial State CO 38.
1. augustos 1876
268431 5758736 21.22 Denver Denver
Connecticut Connecticut
Constitution State CT 5.
9. januaris 1788
12542 3565287 284.86 Hartford Bridgeport
Severno Dakota North Dakota
Peace Garden State ND 39.
2. novembris 1889
169752 762062 4.48 Bismarck Fargo
Južno Dakota South Dakota
Mount Rushmore State SD 40.
2. novembris 1889
196350 884659 4.49 Pierre Sioux Falls
Delaware Delaware
First State DE 1
7. decembros 1787
5047 973764 191.63 Dover Wilmington
Florida Florida
Sunshine State FL 27.
3. marcos 1845
138887 21477737 153.36 Tallahassee Jacksonville
Georgia Georgia
Peach State GA 4.
2. januaris 1788
148859 10617423 70.67 Atlanta Atlanta
Hawaii Hawaii
(Mokuʻāina o Hawaiʻi pre hawaiiko čhib)
/həˈwaɪi/, /haʋaiʔi/
Aloha State HI 50.
21. augustos 1959
16635 1415872 85.39 Honolulu Honolulu
Idaho Idaho
Gem State ID 43.
3. julos 1890
214045 1787065 8.20 Boise Boise
Illinois Illinois
Prairie State
Land of Lincoln
IL 21.
3. decembros 1818
143793 12671821 88.61 Springfield Chicago
Indiana Indiana
Hoosier State IN 19.
11. decembros 1816
92789 6732219 72.12 Indianapolis Indianapolis
Iowa Iowa
Hawkeye State IA 29.
28. decembros 1846
144669 3155070 21.82 Des Moines Des Moines
Kansas Kansas
Sunflower State
The Wheat State
KS 34.
29. januaris 1861
211754 2913314 13.75 Topeka Wichita
Kentucky Kentucky
(oficialno Commonwealth of Kentucky)
Bluegrass State KY 15.
1. junos 1792
102269 4467673 43.69 Frankfort Louisville
Louisiana Louisiana
Pelican State
Sportsman's Paradise
LA 18.
30. apriľis 1812
111898 4648794 41.64 Bâton-Rouge La Nouvelle-Orléans
Maine Main.
Pine Tree State ME 23.
15. marcos 1820
79883 1344212 16.75 Augusta Portland
Maryland Maryland
Old Line State MD 7.
28. apriľis 1788
25142 6045680 240.32 Annapolis Baltimore
Massachusetts Massachusetts
(oficialno Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
Bay State MA 6.
6. februaris 1788
20202 6892503 341.66 Boston Boston
Michigan Michigan
Wolverine State
Great Lake State
MI 26.
26. januaris 1837
146435 9986857 68.26 Lansing Détroit
Minnesota Minnesota
North Star State
Land of 10.000 Lakes
MN 32.
11. majos 1858
206232 5639632 27.54 Saint Paul Minneapolis
Mississippi Mississippi
Magnolia State MS 20.
10. decembros 1817
121531 2976149 24.57 Jackson Jackson
Missouri Missouri
/mɪˈzʊəɹi, mɪˈzʊəɹə/
Show-Me State MO 24.
10. augustos 1821
178040 6137428 34.41 Jefferson City Kansas City
Montana Montana
Treasure State
Big Sky Country
MT 41.
8. novembris 1889
376962 1068778 2.82 Helena Billings
Nebraska Nebraska
Cornhusker State
Beef State
NE 37.
1. marcos 1867
198974 1934408 9.70 Lincoln Omaha
Nevada Nevada
Silver State NV 36.
31. oktobros 1864
284332 3080156 10.67 Carson City Las Vegas
New Hampshire New Hampshire
Granite State NH 9.
21. junos 1788
23187 1359711 58.50 Concord Manchester
New Jersey New Jersey
Garden State NJ 3.
18. decembros 1787
19047 8882190 467.71 Trenton Newark
Nevo Meksiko New Mexico
Land of Enchantment NM 47.
6. januaris 1912
314161 2096829 6.67 Santa Fe Albuquerque
New York New York
Empire State NY 11.
26. julos 1788
122057 19453561 160.11 Albany New York
Ohio Ohio
Buckeye State OH 17.
1. marcos 1803
105829 11689100 104.11 Columbus Columbus
Oklahoma Oklahoma
Sooner State
Native America
OK 46.
16. novembris 1907
177660 3956971 22.19 Oklahoma City Oklahoma City
Oregon Oregon
Beaver State
Pacific Wonderland
OR 33.
14. februaris 1859
248608 4217737 16.86 Salem Portland
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
(oficialno Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)
Keystone State PA 2.
12. decembros 1787
115883 12801989 110.52 Harrisburg Philadelphie
Rhode Island Rhode Island
(oficialno State of Rhode Island)
Ocean State RI 13.
29. majos 1790
2678 1059361 394.82 Providence Providence
Tennessee Tennesse.
Volunteer State TN 16.
1. junos 1796
106798 6829174 63.99 Nashville Memphis
Texas Texas
Lone Star State TX 28.
29. decembros 1845
676587 28995881 42.42 Austin Houston
Utah Utah
Beehive State UT 45.
4. januaris 1896
212818 3205958 14.85 Salt Lake City Salt Lake City
Vermont Vermont
Green Mountain State VT 14.
4. marcos 1791
23871 623989 26.25 Montpelier Burlington
Virginia Virginia
(oficialno Commonwealth of Virginia)
Old Dominion VA 10.
25. junos 1788
102279 8535519 83.28 Richmond Virginia Beach
Zapadno Virginia West Virginia
Mountain State WV 35.
20. junos 1863
62259 1792147 29.01 Charleston Charleston
Washington Washington
Evergreen State WA 42.
11. novembris 1889
172119 7614893 43.78 Olympia Seattle
Wisconsin Wisconsin
Badger State WI 30.
29. majos 1848
140268 5822434 41.45 Madison Milwaukee
Wyoming Wyoming
Equality State WY 44.
10. julos 1890
251470 578759 2.30 Cheyenne Cheyenne


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  1. "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2024 (NST-EST2024-POP)"; publisher: United States Census Bureau; publication date: December 2024; retrieved: 24 December 2024.
  2. https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI; Human Development Report; publication date: 2022.