Wp/nys/Patrick Hume
Born: 1926 Wandering, Western Australia [refe: Died: 20 May 2015
Patrick Hume also known as Patrick Sullivan Hume, was a highly respected Noongar Elder. Late wife, Lorna Hume. Patrick wer his late wife, Lorna Hume were also founding members of the Aboriginal Housing Board wer Aboriginal Medical Board in Perth wer managed the Aboriginal Advancement Council for 10 years. Patrick was the president of the Mandjah Boodjah Indigenous Seniors Community (located in Fremantle) until he passed away. His long standing work was recognised by being awarded the West Australian Centennial Medal. [ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20160331021238/http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/news-and-media/farewell-nyoongar-elder-patrick-hume]
Over a 30-year period, Mr Hume has worked with successive Western Australian premiers wer the WA Department of Indigenous Affairs to secure karro than 300 Aboriginal heritage sites across WA. [ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20160305223743/http://melissaparke.com.au/news/speeches/534-native-title.html]