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Wp/nup/Cato Maximilian Guldberg

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Cato Maximilian Guldberg
Sex or gendermale Edit
Country of citizenshipNorway Edit
Given nameCato Edit
Family nameGuldberg Edit
Date of birth11 August 1836 Edit
Place of birthChristiania Edit
Date of death14 January 1902 Edit
Place of deathChristiania Edit
FatherCarl August Guldberg Edit
SiblingAxel Sophus Guldberg, Cathinka Guldberg, Gustav Guldberg, Ansgar Guldberg, Fredrik Oscar Guldberg Edit
RelativePeter Waage Edit
Languages spoken, written or signedNorwegian, Danish Edit
Occupationmathematician, chemist, physicist, university teacher Edit
EmployerUniversity of Oslo Edit
Educated atUniversity of Oslo Edit
Doctoral studentSophus Lie Edit
Notable worklaw of mass action Edit
Member ofRoyal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Edit
Influenced byPeter Waage Edit
Award receivedCommander of the Order of St. Olav‎, Knight Officer of the Order of the Polar Star, Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog, Knight of the Order of Vasa, honorary doctor of the University of Uppsala Edit
Guldberg and waage 01.jpg

Cato Maximilian Guldberg

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Cato Maximilian Guldberg (Dagan 11 August 1836 lo 14 January 1902) kpikpe laci Mathematics be Chemistry nyan kin Norway wun yi'o. Guldberg de yekpe be physical chemistry.[1][2]

Ah man Guldberg dan Zuriya Christiana (Gbani Oslo), Norway bo. Wun ga yi egi nusa Carl August Guldberg (1812 lo 92) be Hanna Sophie Theresia Bull (1810-54). Wun yi yegi nurse be Educator Cathinka Guldberg gani be kpikpe laci Mathematics Axel Sophus Guldberg wun jin Aug. Holths private latinskole nyan Christiana. Guldberg gba katun mathematics be physic'i makanta legenlege Christiana'o wun chi de diploma (1859) nyin. Eya wuncin wun de riatwa Crown Prince's gold medal (kronsprinsens gullmedalje) ebo etun'u dan katun mathematics'o. Wun de scholarship ezhilo travel and education eya (1861) nyin, nan wun gba katun applied mathematics be machine learning (Germany), Switzerland be France'i nan.[3][4]


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  1. https://snl.no/Cato_Maximilian_Guldberg
  2. http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095912117
  3. http://www.muv.uio.no/uios-historie/epoker/1811-1870/kronprinsen-kvist-010907.html
  4. https://nbl.snl.no/Cato_M_Guldberg