Wp/nup/Aucilla River
Aucilla River
Mouth of the watercourse | Gulf of Mexico |
Tributary | Wacissa River |
Country | United States |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Florida |
Coordinate location | 30°5′9″N 83°59′25″W |
Aucilla River
[edit | edit source]Ndaduman Aucillla'e nana dagan Brooks County, Georgia, USA bo, Tsoba Thomasville, Che gogan big Bend region nyan Florida'o, Che da zhe fi Gulf nyan Mexico chi Apalcheee Bay bo.[1] [2]Wun de ekpawun (89 miles) (143 km) wun man de basin 747 square miles (1,930 km2). Lafindozhi ke Ndadunman Little Aucilla be Wacissa chi Florida'o, Ndadunma Aucillla[3] ga ku boarder nyan Jefferson County, Chi gan'u be Madison county lo egwa gwalo, Lo toh Taylor County Egwa Gwapin'o.[4]
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