< Wp

This code corresponds to an existing Wikimedia project, which can be found at no:.
Note that no is ISO 639-1 code for Norwegian marcolanguage, while nb is the actual ISO 639-1 code for Norwegian bokmål, and renaming to nb.wikipedia.org is still under consideration, see related pages below:
Note that no is ISO 639-1 code for Norwegian marcolanguage, while nb is the actual ISO 639-1 code for Norwegian bokmål, and renaming to nb.wikipedia.org is still under consideration, see related pages below:
- Phabricator T147164 Site identifier and domain prefix for nowiki should be changed
- Request for comment on Meta-Wiki about investigating this renaming process
- In Norwegian (generally in bokmål):
- Wikipedia:Avstemninger/Prefiks (a 2009 poll, gained 85 "keep using no.*", 39 "move to nb.*", and 7 neutral votes)
- no > nb in Wikipedia:Tinget/Arkiv/2009-03
- no. vs. nb. in Wikipedia:Tinget/Arkiv/2011-35
- Flytting av nowiki? in Wikipedia:Tinget/Arkiv/2016-41
- no:Bruker:Nsaa/Prefiks#Nei_til_flytting_fra_nowiki_til_nbwiki - the most common oppose reasons by User:Nsaa English translation on Meta
- no:Bruker:Soulkeeper/Endre_no_til_nb
- no:Bruker:Soulkeeper/Prefiks
- no:Bruker:ZorroIII/argumenter_-_no_vs_nb