Wp/mos/Peter Lanchene Toobu
A Peter Lanchene Toobu ( sẽn dog sigr kiuug rasem 8 yʋʋm 1968 soabã) yaa Ghana police la politik soab sẽn bas tʋʋmde.[1][2] A yaa tẽnga taoor soab Wa West karẽn-doogẽ sẽn be Upper West soolmẽ wã.[3][4] A yaa polɩɩs sẽn bas tʋʋm Ghana.[5]
A vɩɩmã sɩngre
A Toobu roga sigr kiuug rasem 8 yʋʋm 1968. A yita Jirapa tẽng sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka.[6] A kẽnga Lawra Secondary School a ye sẽn be Lawra sẽn be Ghana Upper West Region. B zãmsa-a-la polɩɩs-n-soaba Ghana police-n-soaba lekollẽ wã. A tara karẽn-bi-bɛd sẽn yaa taoor soab sẽn yit Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.[7]
A Toobu zĩnda Ghana police sullẽ wã la a wa n yaa police sull yel-gɛt n yaool n yi. [8][9][10] A tʋma wa Inspector General of Police (IGP) a David Asante Apeatu taoor soaba yʋʋm 2017 n tãag a sẽn bas tʋʋmdã n kẽ politikã yʋʋm 2019 soabã.[11][12][13][14]
Sã n yaa ne parlamentã
A Toobu tõoga sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n na n yɩ sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n get nin-buiidã yelle, sẽn na n yɩll tɩ b tõog n yãk nin-buiidã sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n yãk-a Wa West sullã taoor yʋʋm 2020 wã, yʋʋm 2019 tʋʋlg kiuugã pʋgẽ, a sẽn paam vot 775 n tõog tẽnga taoor soab a Joseph Yieleh Chireh sẽn da yaa tẽnga taoor soab sẽn paam vot 317 la sẽn yaa tẽnga taoor soab yʋʋm 2004 soabã.[15][16]
Sẽn deng yʋʋm 2020 nin-buiidã fãa yãkrã, b yãka-a lame tɩ yaa nin-buiidã fãa sull (NDC) taoor soab sẽn get bãan yell la b wʋm-a-la radio la tele wã zĩis toor-toore n gomd politik ning a parti wã sẽn tar bãan wɛɛngẽ wã yelle.[17][18][19]
Yʋʋmd 2020 yʋʋm-sar kiuugã, a Toobu paama Wa Weste sullã sullã na-kẽndre. A tõoga ne goosneerã sẽn kõ-a koees 27,550 n zab ne a bɛɛba a Dari Daniel Kuusongno sẽn paam koees 13,143 ne koees 40,829 sẽn kõ wã.[20][21]
Parlament ned
Yʋʋmd 2021 yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuug rasem a 7 daare, a Toobu rɩka a nao-kẽndr n lebg tẽnga taoor soab sẽn get Wa West sullã yell Ghana tẽnga na-kẽndr a 8 soabã pʋgẽ. A yaa sull ning sẽn get sull ning sẽn get ligdã zãab wɛɛngẽ wã la sull ning sẽn get zab-teedã la siglgã pʋgẽ yɛl yellã.
Yʋʋmd 2021 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem a 6 daare, a kosa tẽnga taoor soab a Alban Bagbin t'a ges tẽnga taoor soab yell sẽn kẽed ne bãanã yell la a ges bãanã yell sẽn tar paasg Ghana pʋgẽ.[22] A wilgame tɩ zab-teed n zĩnd a karẽn-doogẽ wã, Wa West la zĩ-bɛd sẽn pẽ-a sẽn yit Sissala East n ta Bawku West.[23]
A vɩɩmã
A Toobu yaa kiris-neda.[24]
- ↑ https://newsghana.com.gh/ndcs-lanchene-tuubo-to-help-improve-education-in-wa-west/
- ↑ https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
- ↑ https://citinewsroom.com/2020/12/2020-polls-ex-igps-executive-secretary-peter-toobu-wins-wa-west-seat-for-ndc/
- ↑ https://www.peacefmonline.com/pages/politics/politics/202201/459152.php
- ↑ https://www.gbcghanaonline.com/news/politics/be-wary-of-deceitful-politicians-supt-lanchene-toobu-tells-constituents-in-wa-west/2020/
- ↑ http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/
- ↑ http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/
- ↑ https://www.gbcghanaonline.com/news/politics/be-wary-of-deceitful-politicians-supt-lanchene-toobu-tells-constituents-in-wa-west/2020/
- ↑ http://ghanatoday.gov.gh/politics/i-spent-ghc20000-on-my-primaries-supt-peter-lanchene-toobu-rtd-admits/
- ↑ https://newsghana.com.gh/retired-police-officer-wins-wa-west-constituency-parliamentary-seat/
- ↑ https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
- ↑ https://www.mynewsgh.com/politics-never-existed-between-asante-apeatu-and-i-superintendent-peter-toobu/
- ↑ https://ghanaguardian.com/frontline-politicians-should-retire-at-age-70-lanchene-toobu
- ↑ https://www.mynewsgh.com/politics-never-existed-between-asante-apeatu-and-i-superintendent-peter-toobu/
- ↑ https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/politics/ndc-polls-yileh-chireh-floored-by-ex-cop-tuubo.html
- ↑ http://ghanatoday.gov.gh/politics/i-spent-ghc20000-on-my-primaries-supt-peter-lanchene-toobu-rtd-admits/
- ↑ https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
- ↑ https://newsghana.com.gh/ndc-announces-sectoral-spokespersons-for-2020-manifesto/
- ↑ https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Election-2020-Peter-Toobu-advocates-for-public-filming-of-police-actions-at-polls-1101784
- ↑ https://citinewsroom.com/2020/12/2020-polls-ex-igps-executive-secretary-peter-toobu-wins-wa-west-seat-for-ndc/
- ↑ https://newsghana.com.gh/retired-police-officer-wins-wa-west-constituency-parliamentary-seat/
- ↑ https://www.myjoyonline.com/news/national/mp-petitions-speaker-to-draw-presidents-attention-to-address-growing-insecurity/
- ↑ https://www.myjoyonline.com/news/national/mp-petitions-speaker-to-draw-presidents-attention-to-address-growing-insecurity/
- ↑ http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/