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Wp/mos/Peter Lanchene Toobu

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Peter Lanchene Toobu
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Given namePeter Tekre
Occupationpolice officer, politician Tekre
EmployerGhana Police Service Tekre
Position heldMember of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Academic degreeMaster of Arts Tekre
ResidenceJirapa Municipal District Tekre

A Peter Lanchene Toobu ( sẽn dog sigr kiuug rasem 8 yʋʋm 1968 soabã) yaa Ghana police la politik soab sẽn bas tʋʋmde.[1][2] A yaa tẽnga taoor soab Wa West karẽn-doogẽ sẽn be Upper West soolmẽ wã.[3][4] A yaa polɩɩs sẽn bas tʋʋm Ghana.[5]

A vɩɩmã sɩngre

A Toobu roga sigr kiuug rasem 8 yʋʋm 1968. A yita Jirapa tẽng sẽn be Ghana tẽn-sʋka.[6] A kẽnga Lawra Secondary School a ye sẽn be Lawra sẽn be Ghana Upper West Region. B zãmsa-a-la polɩɩs-n-soaba Ghana police-n-soaba lekollẽ wã. A tara karẽn-bi-bɛd sẽn yaa taoor soab sẽn yit Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.[7]


A Toobu zĩnda Ghana police sullẽ wã la a wa n yaa police sull yel-gɛt n yaool n yi. [8][9][10] A tʋma wa Inspector General of Police (IGP) a David Asante Apeatu taoor soaba yʋʋm 2017 n tãag a sẽn bas tʋʋmdã n kẽ politikã yʋʋm 2019 soabã.[11][12][13][14]


Sã n yaa ne parlamentã

A Toobu tõoga sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n na n yɩ sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n get nin-buiidã yelle, sẽn na n yɩll tɩ b tõog n yãk nin-buiidã sull ning sẽn get nin-buiidã yell n yãk-a Wa West sullã taoor yʋʋm 2020 wã, yʋʋm 2019 tʋʋlg kiuugã pʋgẽ, a sẽn paam vot 775 n tõog tẽnga taoor soab a Joseph Yieleh Chireh sẽn da yaa tẽnga taoor soab sẽn paam vot 317 la sẽn yaa tẽnga taoor soab yʋʋm 2004 soabã.[15][16]

Sẽn deng yʋʋm 2020 nin-buiidã fãa yãkrã, b yãka-a lame tɩ yaa nin-buiidã fãa sull (NDC) taoor soab sẽn get bãan yell la b wʋm-a-la radio la tele wã zĩis toor-toore n gomd politik ning a parti wã sẽn tar bãan wɛɛngẽ wã yelle.[17][18][19]

Yʋʋmd 2020 yʋʋm-sar kiuugã, a Toobu paama Wa Weste sullã sullã na-kẽndre. A tõoga ne goosneerã sẽn kõ-a koees 27,550 n zab ne a bɛɛba a Dari Daniel Kuusongno sẽn paam koees 13,143 ne koees 40,829 sẽn kõ wã.[20][21]

Parlament ned

Yʋʋmd 2021 yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuug rasem a 7 daare, a Toobu rɩka a nao-kẽndr n lebg tẽnga taoor soab sẽn get Wa West sullã yell Ghana tẽnga na-kẽndr a 8 soabã pʋgẽ. A yaa sull ning sẽn get sull ning sẽn get ligdã zãab wɛɛngẽ wã la sull ning sẽn get zab-teedã la siglgã pʋgẽ yɛl yellã.

Yʋʋmd 2021 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem a 6 daare, a kosa tẽnga taoor soab a Alban Bagbin t'a ges tẽnga taoor soab yell sẽn kẽed ne bãanã yell la a ges bãanã yell sẽn tar paasg Ghana pʋgẽ.[22] A wilgame tɩ zab-teed n zĩnd a karẽn-doogẽ wã, Wa West la zĩ-bɛd sẽn pẽ-a sẽn yit Sissala East n ta Bawku West.[23]

A vɩɩmã

A Toobu yaa kiris-neda.[24]


  1. https://newsghana.com.gh/ndcs-lanchene-tuubo-to-help-improve-education-in-wa-west/
  2. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
  3. https://citinewsroom.com/2020/12/2020-polls-ex-igps-executive-secretary-peter-toobu-wins-wa-west-seat-for-ndc/
  4. https://www.peacefmonline.com/pages/politics/politics/202201/459152.php
  5. https://www.gbcghanaonline.com/news/politics/be-wary-of-deceitful-politicians-supt-lanchene-toobu-tells-constituents-in-wa-west/2020/
  6. http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/
  7. http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/
  8. https://www.gbcghanaonline.com/news/politics/be-wary-of-deceitful-politicians-supt-lanchene-toobu-tells-constituents-in-wa-west/2020/
  9. http://ghanatoday.gov.gh/politics/i-spent-ghc20000-on-my-primaries-supt-peter-lanchene-toobu-rtd-admits/
  10. https://newsghana.com.gh/retired-police-officer-wins-wa-west-constituency-parliamentary-seat/
  11. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
  12. https://www.mynewsgh.com/politics-never-existed-between-asante-apeatu-and-i-superintendent-peter-toobu/
  13. https://ghanaguardian.com/frontline-politicians-should-retire-at-age-70-lanchene-toobu
  14. https://www.mynewsgh.com/politics-never-existed-between-asante-apeatu-and-i-superintendent-peter-toobu/
  15. https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/politics/ndc-polls-yileh-chireh-floored-by-ex-cop-tuubo.html
  16. http://ghanatoday.gov.gh/politics/i-spent-ghc20000-on-my-primaries-supt-peter-lanchene-toobu-rtd-admits/
  17. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-govt-will-restore-integrity-of-Nat-Security-Police-Military-Lanchene-Toobu-1055533
  18. https://newsghana.com.gh/ndc-announces-sectoral-spokespersons-for-2020-manifesto/
  19. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Election-2020-Peter-Toobu-advocates-for-public-filming-of-police-actions-at-polls-1101784
  20. https://citinewsroom.com/2020/12/2020-polls-ex-igps-executive-secretary-peter-toobu-wins-wa-west-seat-for-ndc/
  21. https://newsghana.com.gh/retired-police-officer-wins-wa-west-constituency-parliamentary-seat/
  22. https://www.myjoyonline.com/news/national/mp-petitions-speaker-to-draw-presidents-attention-to-address-growing-insecurity/
  23. https://www.myjoyonline.com/news/national/mp-petitions-speaker-to-draw-presidents-attention-to-address-growing-insecurity/
  24. http://new.ghanamps.com/mp/peter-lanchene-toobu/