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Otiko Afisa Djaba
Sex or genderfemale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Date of birth21 January 1962 Tekre
Place of birthKoforidua Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician Tekre
Position heldMinister for Gender, Children and Social Protection Tekre
Educated atTamale Senior High School Tekre
Academic degreediploma Tekre
Academic majorcommunication studies, marketing Tekre
Work period (start)2017 Tekre
Work period (end)2018 Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre

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Otiko Afisa Djaba

Otiko Afisa Djaba da roga tʋʋl-nif kiuugu daham pisi la aye daare yʋʋmd 1962 pʋge (). A yaa Ghana politik neda. A roga kamba a tãabo, bi-ribla aye ni kom-pulg'a ayibu. A politik sard rɩkre sẽn looge ra yaa New Patriotic Party[1][2][3][4][5] wã zamaan-tẽnga pagba siginda taoore-soaba (Ãnglindi: National Women's Organizer). A mɩ ra yaa minisri n kõ Pogre, Kamba nɩ Neb nɩ yel-manesem koglre (Ãnglindi: Gender, Children and Social Protection)

A Rẽenga Yel-manesem nɩ Kaorengo Kibare

B da roga Djaba yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuugu rasm pisi la aye daare n kõ Henry Kojo Djaba nɩ Rosalind Sheita Bawa. B roga la Koforidua, Ghana Yaanga Baobg'a pʋge (Anglindi: Eastern Region).[6][7] Yend la yiib-n-lɛta kamb pisi la ye pʋge.[8]

Djata kẽnga Tamale Secondary School (Zamaan paalg pʋge Tamale Senior High School). Otiko Djaba tara zãomsgo Communication nɩ Marketing diploma sẽn yit United Kingdom pʋge lekolle nina. A mɩ ra paama Computer Systems feesre zãomsgo United Kingdom wã pʋge.[8]

Politiki Yel-manesem Kibare

Yʋʋmd 2008 wã pʋge la Djaba ra yaals NPP naaore n pug Bole Bamboi depite rãmb soogo goeela, la a ra ka paam n rɩ voto wã ye. Ya Ghana persidã kʋdgo, John Dramani Mahama[9] n da rɩ tũusg kanga. Rẽ wã poorẽ a ra nadem n lebga New Patriotic Party[10] pagba sigindre taoore saoba. La 2017[11] yʋʋmda pʋge la b da tũusa Minisri n kõ Pogre nɩ Kamba nɩ Yel-maanesem koglre. 2018 sa-sik kiuuga pʋge la b da lebg n tũusa Ghana ramb Italy tẽn-taag lɛta, la a ra zãgsamɩ.[12][13]

Minisri rɩglgo bɩ yasre gɩdgre

Boycotting of voting process for minister designate Otiko Afisa Djaba

Tẽnga Noore maaneg ramb sẽn yaa depit rãmb soog pʋge baobgo-bila ra kẽname n yi n maane tõdgre nɩ voto t b sake Ghana persidã sẽn tũus Djaba t'a lebg Pogre nɩ Kamb nɩ Yel-maanesem Koglre Minisri taoore-soaba. B fãa ra yeelame tɩ b ka tẽed t'a maanesem n'a sũuri kõt saag-sõng t'a na tõog n zã la a lebg n ges Ghana pagba la b kamba yɛla. Ne Ghana yʋʋmd 2016 voto wã waoongo t'a Djaba ra yeela a Gonja bʋʋd ramb t b da vota John Mahama a sẽn pa maane pʋtẽere ne ba yĩnga, n gom politik tiging sas yʋʋmd 2016 wã pʋge n bilsi bɩɩ n mamse t'a John Dramani Mahama yaa "nin-wẽnga, nin-faoogo n leb n yaa nin-sãanga". A tall a la boto t'a a goama pa beegre n pa yaasr noore. T rẽ wã yĩnga, a Djaba ra yeelame t'a pa nan bõos yaafa John Mahama nẽngẽ.

Yɛla yiibu ninsi la depit rãmb soog pʋge baobgo-bila ramba da leb n tare: pinda, a ra beega Ghana National Service Scheme Act 426, Section 7 sẽn wilgdi tɩ yaa tɩlae tɩ ned fãa san sa bɩɩ n baas University karemre, togame t'a maane tẽng-sondg yaoogre n tɩ ta yʋʋmde. Ned sẽn pa maana pa nan tõog n reege n zã tẽng-n-biisi tʋʋma; sẽn paasa yiibu yaa a sẽn da yel t'a Charlotte Osei maana yoobo n'a John Mahama n yaole n deeg'a Ghana Electoral Commission tʋʋma taoore-soaba.

Ameng Yel-manesem Kibare

Otiko ya Sẽn looge Bõn-zombdg Minisri Pʋgd Soaba (Ãnglindi: Former Deputy Minister of Transport), Joyce Bawah Mogtari kẽem-bi-pugla.


  1. Did Otiko Djaba Earn The NPP National Women Organizer Position On Merit? – NDC Man Ask
  2. Online, Peace FM. "Is Georgette Djaba, Otiko Djaba's Subject of Media Reference?"
  3. adomonline.com. "Ghana News - Otiko Djaba dissociates herself from sister's comments". ghana-news.adomonline.com.
  4. Myjoyonline.com. "Ghana News - Don't condemn Ken Agyapong; investigate allegations – Otiko Djaba". www.myjoyonline.com.
  5. Dankwah, Kwame (2017-02-07). "Otiko Evades Minority Resistance To Secure Ministerial Appointment". GhanaStar.com.
  6. "Henry Djaba's finest: Dede Djaba v. Otiko Afisa Djaba". www.ghanaweb.com. 12 November 2014
  7. Djaba, Georgette. "Otiko Afisah Djaba - a remarkable and dynamic politician and ambassador for peace in the Northern Region"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Quaicoe-Duho, Rebecca. "Otiko Djaba: A true politician - Graphic Online - | 2016"
  9. Quaicoe-Duho, Rebecca. "Otiko Djaba: A true politician - Graphic Online | Ghana News". Graphic Online.
  10. Myjoyonline.com. "Otiko Djaba thanks NPP Delegates - MyJoyOnline". www.myjoyonline.com.
  11. Online, Peace FM. "Otiko Djaba In New York..." m.peacefmonline.com.
  12. "Otiko rejects ambassadorial appointment, retires from politics". Citi Newsroom.
  13. "Otiko Djaba rejects ambassador job"