Wp/mos/Oku-noto no Aenokoto
Country | Japan |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Ishikawa Prefecture |
Location | Okunoto |
Country of origin | Japan |
Dedicated to | Ta-no-Kami |
Day in year for periodic occurrence | December 5, February 9 |
Intangible cultural heritage status | Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan |
Described at URL | https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/00271, https://ich.unesco.org/fr/RL/00271, https://ich.unesco.org/es/RL/00271 |
Oku-noto no Aenokoto (奥能登のあえのこと) yaa yel-maandg sẽn be Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, Zapõ, la koob-n-soodsã sẽn maand n kõt b kambã.
Pʋʋgr kãngã yaa toor ne Azi tigisgã yɛl a taabã, bala roogã soab boonda pʋʋgã wẽnnaam t'a wa kẽ roogã pʋgẽ. Nebã manesem yaa wa sɩɩgã sẽn pa ne wã bee roogẽ wã. B tẽedame tɩ sãambã kami wã yaa zakã yaab-rãmba.[1]
Yʋʋm-vẽkr kiuugã sasa, koaadbã segenda rɩɩbo, la b sã n wa wẽed mochi wã, b boondda zĩn-dãmbã tɩ b wa b pʋʋgẽ wã. A sẽn yeelg fu-neeba, a reegda a sãambã ne fɩtl-dãmbre. La a sã n wa beẽ, a na n kɩtame tɩ zĩn-dãmbã gãe roogẽ, n segl koom n kõ-a, la a kõ-a rɩɩb sẽn naag ne zom-peelse, la zĩm. Yãoã pa ne sõma ye, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ d sã n wa na n kõ-a rɩɩb bɩ d segd n bilg-a-la sõma. Yaa woto me la b maand yʋʋmd a yiib-n-soab kiuugã bõn-buudã fɩɩgr sasa. Tẽeb-kãngã buud toor-toor n be.
A Unesco gʋlsa yel-maandgã yʋʋmd 2009 n kẽes-a ninsaalb vɩɩm la b rog-n-migs sẽn pa tõe n bãng n bãng pʋgẽ.[2]