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music genre, type of dance
Subclass ofmusic of Réunion, music of Seychelles Tekre
Country of originFrance Tekre
Intangible cultural heritage statusNational Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in France, Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Tekre
Described at URLhttps://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/00249, https://ich.unesco.org/fr/RL/00249, https://ich.unesco.org/es/RL/00249 Tekre

Maloya yaa Réunion mizik buud-goam a yiib sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩd sʋka, b sẽn wae n yɩɩl Réunion Creole wã pʋgẽ, la b sẽn da wae n yɩɩdã, b tũuda ne percussion la boog mizik.[1] Maloya yaa buud-gomd a ye sẽn sɩng ne Africa la Madagascar yembs la Indiens sẽn da tʋmd tigis-n-tɩrs tẽn-kãng zug mizikã, wa Réunion nin-buiidã mizik a to wã sẽn boond tɩ séga. B sẽn yaa b sẽn boond tɩ Maloya wã, b makda a Maloya ne America mizikã, la b makda blues wã.[2] A Maloya ra getame tɩ yaa yell sẽn pak Frans soolmã hal tɩ b gɩdg-a yʋʋmd 1970 wã.[3]

Wakat ninga, b getame tɩ yaa segã sẽn yaa Reunion buud-gomd la b boond tɩ segã.

B sẽn wilg tɩ b yaa

Sã n mak ne séga, sẽn tũnugd ne bãn-dãmb la bãn-rãmb wʋsg sẽn be Europe wã, b tũuda ne perkusyõ la tãnsã. Maloya yɩɩn-kãens tara bool-walg siglgã.[4]


Sẽn kẽed ne bũmb nins sẽn yaa to-to wã yaa:

  • Roulér - b sẽn da maand ne b nusã n yɩɩdã
  • Kayamb - bẽn-bi-kãnga sẽn yaa bĩng sẽn yaa bẽng sẽn yaa a ye
  • Pikér - bẽn-bɛd sẽn yaa b sẽn wẽ ne gãndã
  • Sati - b sẽn maan ne sãnem n paas ne tãnsã
  • Bob - b sẽn da tar yɩɩl n na n kõ-a[5]

Sõsg ning sẽn be

Maloya yɩɩlã yaa politikã sẽn yaa sõma[6] la b gomda b sẽn yaa yembrã la naongã yelle.[7]

Sɩngr sẽn yit

La b ra wae n ningda b sẽn boond tɩ maloya wã yɩɩl la b sẽn boond t'a yɩɩlã, tɩ b yaa Afirik buud toor-toore, tɩ b sẽn da tar b yaab-rãmbã sẽn yit Afirik (service Kaf) la Madagascar (servis kabaré) wã. La sẽn pa kaoos ye, a Danyèl Waro n wilg tɩ a sẽn da tõe n maan bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ b bãng a Malokaas sẽn yaa Afirik la Indi wã sẽn yaa toor-toorã wã yaa vẽeneg n yɩɩda.


Yaa sẽn yaa to-to tɩ b gɩdg tɩ b lebg b sẽn boond tɩ Maloya wã n tãag yʋʋmd 1960 wã.[8] B gɩdgame tɩ b ra maan yɩɩr ne b sẽn da boond tɩ maloya tãb-biisã hal tɩ ta yʋʋm 1980 wã, sẽn yaa tɩlɛ tɩ b maan b meng n wilg tɩ b tara b meng n get b sẽn pa segd n maan bũmb ninsã, la b tũud-b ne Réunion Komunisãr Paagã.[9]

Rũndã-rũndã, Maloya miisdb sẽn yaa nin-kãsems n yɩɩd yaa Danyèl Waro. A karen-saambã, a Firmin Viry, paama a Malya fãagrã.[10] A Françoise Vergès yeelame tɩ a Firmin Viry n maan maloya wã pipi taoor-lʋɩt yʋʋmd 1959 wã, Komandã siglgã siglg wakate. B rɩka Maloya n yɩ politikã la b sẽn maand n maand n wilg b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã. Yʋʋmd 1980 wã sɩngrẽ, b ra mii b sull a taab wa Ziskakan[11], Baster, Firmin Viry, Granmoun Baba, Rwa Kaff, la Ti Fock. B ra mi n makda b sull a taabã wa sega, zouk, reggae, samba, afrobeat, jazz la rock.

Tẽns nins sẽn tar yõod ne nebã

Yʋʋmd 2009 wã, a Maloya paama a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn be UNESCO sẽn getã n get a France nebã sẽn pa tar bũmb ning b sẽn tarã.[12]

Yɩɩll kãngã yɩɩ Jean-Paul Roig filim sẽn zĩnd yʋʋmd 1994 wã pʋgẽ, a Maloya Dousman sẽn boond tɩ.[13]

Ges-y me

  • Sega music, the other traditional music of Réunion
  • Music of Réunion
  • List of Réunionnais
  • List of blues genres#Blues-like genres


  1. https://books.google.com/books?id=TrhClZg65EsC&q=baster+reunion&pg=PA225
  2. https://archive.org/details/worldmusic00rich_0/page/30
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24300017
  4. https://books.google.com/books?id=sa8MVme3hjsC&q=maloya+music
  5. https://books.google.com/books?id=ZOlNv8MAXIEC&q=sega+music
  6. https://archive.org/details/lonelyplanetmaur00tomm/page/45
  7. https://archive.org/details/lonelyplanetmaur00tomm/page/45
  8. https://archive.org/details/worldmusic00rich_0/page/30
  9. https://books.google.com/books?id=ZOlNv8MAXIEC&q=sega+music
  10. https://archive.org/details/worldmusic00rich_0/page/30
  11. https://books.google.com/books?id=TrhClZg65EsC&q=baster+reunion&pg=PA225
  12. http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?RL=00249
  13. https://web.archive.org/web/20230227095829/http://www.fcat.es/FCAT/index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=528&Itemid=37


  • Sebr sẽn gomd maloya yell Université Laval (in French)
Genres of African popular music
  • v
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UNESCO Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity: Music