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Wp/mos/Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut

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Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut
CountrySouth Korea Tekre
Country of originSouth Korea Tekre
Intangible cultural heritage statusRepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, National Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Korea Tekre
Described at URLhttps://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/00187, https://ich.unesco.org/fr/RL/00187, https://ich.unesco.org/es/RL/00187, https://english.cha.go.kr/chaen/search/selectGeneralSearchDetail.do?mn=EN_02_02&sCcebKdcd=17&ccebAsno=00710000&sCcebCtcd=50&pageIndex=1&ccebKdcd=17&ccebCtcd=, https://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=1273900710000 Tekre

Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut (Kore: 제주 칠머리당영등굿) yaa yam-yãkr sẽn maand Jeju Island, Koore sẽn be Koore.[1][2][3][4] Jeju nin-buiidã, sẽn yɩɩd fãa Gwideok, Geumnyeong, la Aewol nin-buiidã lugla post piig la a yiibu sẽn yaa wa wiid zut la peen-vãad buud toor-toore sẽn na n noog wẽn-poak a Yeongdeung Halmang sũuri, b tẽedame t'a ra kẽnga b zĩiga, Kore shamanism pʋgẽ. Yaa rao a ye n lʋɩt b taoor hal tɩ ta rasem 15. Yʋng fãa, b ningda fɩtl-dãmb (yeondeung) a yiibã zut tɩ b boond-b me tɩ yeondeungje bɩ fɩtl-dãmb kibsã. Vẽenem pʋgẽ, wed-moosã b sẽn maan tɩ b ning-a wã wõnda wed-moos sẽn kẽnd ne zʋʋre, tɩ b leb n boond wed-moosã tɩ yakma bui bɩ wed-moos sẽn kẽnd ne zʋʋre.

La rẽ yaa bũmb sẽn pa wae, bala shaman ning sẽn maand-a wã pa wae ye. Kibs kãnga yaa bũmb sẽn be Koore tẽnga pʋgẽ. Sẽn paase, yʋʋmd 2009, a Jeju Chilmeoridang yeondeunggut paama a UNESCO sẽn boond tɩ Intangible Cultural Heritage lists.[5]


  1. http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/?id_film=360&id_page=33&s=films_details
  2. http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?RL=00187
  3. http://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1129
  4. http://jikimi.cha.go.kr/english/world_heritage_new/intangible_treasure_07.jsp?mc=EN_04_02
  5. https://archive.today/20130702222946/http://world.kbs.co.kr/indonesian/news/news_Cu_detail.htm?No=19140&id=Cu&page=15