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border city, abolished municipality in Italy, tourist destination, metropolis, largest city, college town, big city, commune of Italy, national capital
Inception21 April 753 BCE Yasa
Official nameRoma Yasa
Native labelRoma Yasa
Founded byRomulus, Remus Yasa
Official languageItalian Yasa
Cultureculture of ancient Rome, Ostrogoths, Byzantine civilization, Christian culture Yasa
ContinentEurope Yasa
CountryItaly Yasa
Capital ofMetropolitan City of Rome, Italy, Lazio Yasa
Located in the administrative territorial entityMetropolitan City of Rome Yasa
Located in time zoneUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Yasa
Located in or next to body of waterTiber, Aniene, Tyrrhenian Sea Yasa
Coordinate location41°53′35″N 12°28′58″E Yasa
Coordinates of easternmost point41°52′23″N 12°51′21″E Yasa
Coordinates of northernmost point42°8′28″N 12°18′26″E Yasa
Coordinates of southernmost point41°39′20″N 12°24′57″E Yasa
Coordinates of westernmost point41°44′24″N 12°14′4″E Yasa
Office held by head of governmentmayor of Rome Yasa
Head of governmentRoberto Gualtieri Yasa
Legislative bodyRome City Council Yasa
Member ofCreative Cities Network, League of Historical Cities Yasa
Public holidaypatronal festival Yasa
Postal code00118–00199 Yasa
Official websitehttps://www.comune.roma.it/ Yasa
HashtagRome, Roma Yasa
Flagflag of Rome Yasa
Coat of armscoat of arms of Rome Yasa
Köppen climate classificationMediterranean climate Yasa
Patron saintSaint Peter, Paul the Apostle Yasa
Has works in the collectionMuseum of Roman Civilization Yasa
Related categoryCategory:Rome-related lists Yasa
Open data portalOpen Data Roma Yasa
Economy of topiceconomy of Rome Yasa
Seismic classification2A-3A-3B Yasa
Demographics of topicdemographics of Rome Yasa
Local dialing code06 Yasa
Licence plate codeRM Yasa
Category for honorary citizens of entityCategory:Honorary citizens of Rome Yasa
Category for maps or plansCategory:Geography of Ancient Rome Yasa

[1]Rome də (Təlam italyan a Latin a lan: Roma, sha [ˈroːma] i lan bowotin) shima bərni kura lardə Italy ye wo. Shima bərni kura nasha Lazio ye də, dawu bərni kura Rome ye də, bəla kura bəlaye shiro Comune di Roma Capitale gultin də. Am 2,860,009 suro 1,285 km² (496.1 sq mi) yen napsanadə,[2] Rome də shima bərni doni am nguwu'a suro lardədəyen kuru shima bərni kən yakkəmewo suro European Union yen nəm nguwu jamiyemen. Bərni kura Rome ye də, nəm nguwu am 4,355,725, shima bərni kura do am nguwu'a Italy lan.


  1. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/509038/Romulus-and-Remus