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Wp > knc > Biochemistry
interdisciplinary science, branch of chemistry, branch of biology, academic discipline
Subclass ofbiology, organic chemistry Yasa
Part ofchemistry, biology Yasa
Is the study ofbioelement Yasa
History of topichistory of biochemistry Yasa
Practiced bybiochemist Yasa
Stack Exchange taghttps://biology.stackexchange.com/tags/biochemistry, https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/tags/biochemistry Yasa

Biochemistry au biochemistry shima kulashi kǝla chemical processes suro organismwa kǝnǝngabe-a kuru kǝla sandiya kǝltǝbe-a. Biochemistry də nasha sub-discipline chemistry-a biology-a ye, biochemistry də nasha yakkəro yaktin: structural biology, enzymology, kuru metabolism. Karnu 20th ye karǝngǝlan, biochemistry dǝ kǝnǝngatǝdǝ kǝndǝga bayanzǝro kǝnasartǝgǝro wallono nasha-a yakkǝ adǝlan. Nashawa ilmu kәnәngatәbe sammason nasha kimiya kәnәngatәbe dәga asutin kuru fuwutәyin futu biochemicalbe-a kulashiye-a men..


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  1. http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/college-to-career/areas-of-chemistry/biological-biochemistry.html.html