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sovereign state, people's republic, country
Part ofSouth Asia Yasa
Inception26 March 1971 Yasa
Nameꠛꠣꠋꠟꠣꠖꠦꠡ Yasa
Official nameগণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ Yasa
Native labelগণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ Yasa
Short name🇧🇩 Yasa
Ethnic groupBengali Yasa
Religion or worldviewIslam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity Yasa
Participant inGlobal System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries Yasa
Named afterBangla Yasa
Official languageBangla Yasa
AnthemAmar Sonar Bangla Yasa
Cultureculture of Bangladesh Yasa
Motto textBeautiful Bangladesh, Bangladesh Godidog Yasa
ContinentAsia Yasa
CapitalDhaka Yasa
Located in time zoneBangladesh Standard Time, UTC+06:00, Asia/Dhaka Yasa
Located in or next to body of waterBay of Bengal Yasa
Coordinate location24°1′0″N 89°52′0″E Yasa
Coordinates of easternmost point21°17′11″N 92°40′49″E Yasa
Coordinates of northernmost point26°38′18″N 88°24′31″E Yasa
Coordinates of southernmost point20°34′32″N 92°20′8″E Yasa
Coordinates of westernmost point24°40′4″N 88°0′29″E Yasa
Highest pointMowdok tiang Yasa
Lowest pointBay of Bengal Yasa
Basic form of governmentWestminster system, parliamentary republic Yasa
Office held by head of statePresident of Bangladesh Yasa
Head of stateMohammad Shahabuddin Yasa
Office held by head of governmentPrime Minister of Bangladesh Yasa
Head of governmentMuhammad Yunus Yasa
Executive bodyGovernment of Bangladesh Yasa
Legislative bodyJatiya Sangsad Yasa
Highest judicial authoritySupreme Court of Bangladesh Yasa
Central bankBangladesh Bank Yasa
CurrencyBangladeshi taka Yasa
Twinned administrative bodyNisshin Yasa
Shares border withMyanmar, India Yasa
Driving sideleft Yasa
Electrical plug typeNEMA 1-15, Europlug, AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types, BS 1363, Type K Yasa
Official websitehttp://www.bangladesh.gov.bd Yasa
Described at URLhttp://68k.news/index.php?section=nation&loc=BD&lang=BN Yasa
HashtagBangladesh, গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী_বাংলাদেশ Yasa
Top-level Internet domain.bd, .বাংলা Yasa
Flagflag of Bangladesh Yasa
Coat of armsEmblem of Bangladesh Yasa
Has seal, badge, or sigilEmblem of Bangladesh Yasa
Official symbolNymphaea nouchali Yasa
Geography of topicgeography of Bangladesh Yasa
Has characteristicpartly free country Yasa
History of topichistory of Bangladesh Yasa
Official religionIslam Yasa
Railway traffic sideleft Yasa
Open data portalBangladesh Open Data Yasa
Economy of topiceconomy of Bangladesh Yasa
Demographics of topicdemographics of Bangladesh Yasa
Mobile country code470 Yasa
Country calling code+880 Yasa
Trunk prefix0 Yasa
Emergency phone number999 Yasa
Licence plate codeBD Yasa
Maritime identification digits405 Yasa
Unicode character🇧🇩 Yasa
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Bangladesh Yasa

[1]Bangladesh, [a] hukumamen lardə Bangladeshbe,[b] shima lardə do Anəm Asiabe. Shima lardə kən usku ye wo nəm nguwu jamaye dunyalan kuru suro lardəwa doni nəm nguwu jamaye'a kuru nəm nguwu jamaye miliyon 170 nasha kilomita square 148,460 (57,320 sq mi) lan. Bangladesh də India'a yalazən, fətenzən, gədinzən, kuru Myanmar'a anəmgədinzən. Anəmlan, ci kəmaduwu be Bay of Bengalbe mbeji. Bhutan-a Nepal-a də sha Siliguri Corridor lan yeksəna, kuru China lan kəriye Indiaye kəla kauye Sikkim də sha yeksəna. Dhaka, bərni kura lardəye shiro kurawo badə, shima dawudi siyasa be-a, ləman be-a, ada be-a lardə be wo. Chittagong də shima bərni kura kən indimi kuru ci njiye zauro jama'a. Təlam hukumayedə shima Bengali, kuru Nasara Bangladesh ye də ​​gumnatilan faidatin.

Bangladeshdə nasha gargamma-a kaduwu-a Bengal yedə, shidoni loktu British India ye yaktəyen 1947lan yektənadə nasha gədi Pakistan ye, nadən kərmai kəla be səwandəna 1971 lan ngawo kəriwu bu fəlezənayen.[17] Lardədəlan musləmma Bengalibe ngəwu. Bengal kureyedə sha Gangaridai lan nowotə kuru shima duno mairiwa kawu Islam ro. Kənasar musləmma ye ngawo saa 1204 ye də zaman sultanate-a mughal-a ro suwudəna, loktudən sultanate Bengal ye kəlanzəye-a Mughal Bengal galiwu-a ye nasha də'a dawudi lamarra nashaye'a, kasuwu'a, diplomacy'a ro kalakca. Kərigə Plassey ye suro saa 1757 ye də shima badiyaram kərmai British ye wo. Gədi Bengal-a Assam-a 1905lan kəltadə shima misal citə Bangladeshbewo. Karapka musləmma India sammasoyedə Dhaka lan saa 1906 lan kokkada.[18] Sulhu Lahorebe suro saa 1940bedə A. K. Fazlul Huq, Waziri Bengalbe burwoye ngawo kənjo. Kalangai kalangai kərmaye adə Radcliffe Line warmatəgəlan kokkatə.


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20161228040953/http://visitbangladesh.gov.bd/about-bangladesh/national-symbol/