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Wp/knc/Alexis Arquette

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Alexis Arquette
Sex or gendergenderfluid Yasa
Country of citizenshipUnited States Yasa
Given nameAlexis Yasa
Family nameArquette Yasa
NameAlexis Arquette Yasa
Date of birth28 July 1969 Yasa
Place of birthLos Angeles Yasa
Date of death11 September 2016 Yasa
Place of deathBeverly Hills Yasa
Manner of deathnatural causes Yasa
Cause of deathdeath from AIDS-related complications Yasa
Place of burial Yasa
FatherLewis Arquette Yasa
MotherBrenda Denaut Yasa
SiblingPatricia Arquette, Rosanna Arquette, David Arquette, Richmond Arquette Yasa
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Yasa
Occupationfilm actor, choreographer, television actor, musician, LGBTQ rights activist Yasa
Work period (start)1982 Yasa
Work period (end)2014 Yasa

[1]Alexis Arquette Robert Sha Chasambo 28 July 1969-11/2016. Biskǝ makar bǝ diyoma cidi America bə.


  1. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/final-days-alexis-arquette-a-928507