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hi?भारत गणराज्य
Obča informacija
Polna nazvaРепублика Индија
HimnДжанаганамана (душа народа)
Glavny gradЊу Дели
Najbolši gradМумбаи
Služebne jezykyхинди, англијскы
Državna formaфедерална парламентска република
Plošča3 287 263 km² (7.)
  • Ocenka (2023): 1 428 627 663 ljudij (1.)
Valutaиндијскы рупи (INR)
Časova zona
Kod ISO 3166IN

Индија јест држава в Јужној Азији. Она јест седма најбољша држава по територији, с липња года 2023 најбољша по насељенју,[1][2] и с года 1947 најљудна демокрација.[3]


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  1. Biswas, Soutik (1 maja 2023). "Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic?". BBC News. British Broadcasting Corporation. Data dostupa: 3 maja 2023.
  2. World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results (PDF). New York: United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs. 2022. str. i.
  3. Stein, Burton (2012), Arnold, David (red.), A History of India, The Blackwell History of the World Series (2 izd.), Wiley-Blackwell, One of these is the idea of India as 'the world's largest democracy', but a democracy forged less by the creation of representative institutions and expanding electorate under British rule than by the endeavours of India's founding fathers – Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Ambedkar – and the labours of the Constituent Assembly between 1946 and 1949, embodied in the Indian constitution of 1950. This democratic order, reinforced by the regular holding of nationwide elections and polling for the state assemblies, has, it can be argued, consistently underpinned a fundamentally democratic state structure – despite the anomaly of the Emergency and the apparent durability of the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty.