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Wp/gaa/Kaneshie Jaa nɔ

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Wp > gaa > Kaneshie Jaa nɔ
Kaneshie Market
marketplace, market
CountryGhana Tsakemɔ
Located in the administrative territorial entityOkaikoi South Tsakemɔ
LocationKaneshie Tsakemɔ
Coordinate location5°33′59″N 0°14′12″W Tsakemɔ
Ghana Place Names URLhttps://sites.google.com/site/ghanaplacenames/places-in-perspective/markets#h.imlus2b429lr Tsakemɔ

Kaneshie jaa nɔ ji jara agbo ko ni yɔɔ Kaneshie akutso me. Amã jaa nɛ yɛ afi 1970.