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sovereign state, Mediterranean country, people's republic, country
Part ofNorth Africa, Muslim world, Arab world, France Tsakemɔ
Inception3 July 1962 Tsakemɔ
Nameالجزائر, Algeria, Algeria Tsakemɔ
Official nameاَلْجُمهُورِيَّة اَلْجَزَائِرِيَّة اَلدِّيمُقرَاطِيَّة اَلشَّعبِيَّة Tsakemɔ
Native labelالجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية, الجزائر Tsakemɔ
Short name🇩🇿 Tsakemɔ
Participant inSand War Tsakemɔ
Official languageArabic, Standard Algerian Berber Tsakemɔ
AnthemKassaman Tsakemɔ
Cultureculture of Algeria Tsakemɔ
MottoBy the people and for the people Tsakemɔ
Motto textبالشّعب وللشّعب Tsakemɔ
ContinentAfrica Tsakemɔ
CountryAlgeria Tsakemɔ
CapitalAlgiers Tsakemɔ
Located in time zoneUTC+01:00 Tsakemɔ
Located in or next to body of waterMediterranean Sea Tsakemɔ
Coordinate location28°0′0″N 1°0′0″E Tsakemɔ
Coordinates of easternmost point23°30′0″N 12°0′0″E Tsakemɔ
Coordinates of northernmost point37°5′40″N 7°12′14″E Tsakemɔ
Coordinates of southernmost point18°58′6″N 3°21′28″E Tsakemɔ
Coordinates of westernmost point27°18′55″N 8°40′1″W Tsakemɔ
Highest pointMount Tahat Tsakemɔ
Lowest pointChott Melrhir Tsakemɔ
Basic form of governmentsemi-presidential system Tsakemɔ
Office held by head of statePresident of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Head of stateAbdelmadjid Tebboune Tsakemɔ
Office held by head of governmentPrime Minister of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Head of governmentNadir Larbaoui Tsakemɔ
Executive bodyGovernment of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Legislative bodyParliament of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Highest judicial authoritySupreme Court of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Central bankBank of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Member ofUnited Nations Tsakemɔ
CurrencyAlgerian dinar Tsakemɔ
Owner ofEl Mouradia Palace Tsakemɔ
Driving sideright Tsakemɔ
Electrical plug typeType E, Schuko, Europlug Tsakemɔ
Significant eventAlgerian War, Sand War, Algerian Civil War, Evian Accords Tsakemɔ
Studied inAlgerian studies Tsakemɔ
Official websitehttps://www.el-mouradia.dz/ar/home Tsakemɔ
HashtagAlgeria Tsakemɔ
Top-level Internet domain.dz Tsakemɔ
Main regulatory textConstitution of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Flagflag of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Coat of armsEmblem of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Geography of topicgeography of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Has characteristicnot-free country Tsakemɔ
History of topichistory of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Official religionIslam Tsakemɔ
Railway traffic sideleft Tsakemɔ
Economy of topiceconomy of Algeria Tsakemɔ
Demographics of topicdemographics of Algeria Tsakemɔ
MadhhabMalikism Tsakemɔ
Mobile country code603 Tsakemɔ
Country calling code+213 Tsakemɔ
Emergency phone number14, 17, 1548, 1055 Tsakemɔ
GS1 country code613 Tsakemɔ
Licence plate codeDZ Tsakemɔ
Maritime identification digits605 Tsakemɔ
Stack Exchange taghttps://travel.stackexchange.com/tags/algeria Tsakemɔ
Unicode character🇩🇿 Tsakemɔ
Category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Algeria Tsakemɔ

Algeria ji maŋ ko ni yɔɔ Maghreb kpokpaa ni yɔɔ Afrika Kooyigbɛ lɛ nɔ. Tunisia kɛ lɛ yeɔ husu yɛ kooyi-bokagbɛ; yɛ bokãgbɛ lɛ, Libia; yɛ anaigbɛ bokagbɛ lɛ, Niger; yɛ anaigbɛ anaigbɛ lɛ, Mali, Mauritania, kɛ Sahara Anaigbɛ; yɛ anaigbɛ lɛ, Moroko; kɛ Mediteranea Ŋshɔ lɛ yɛ kooyigbɛ.