Wp/dga/Pru West

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Pru West Constituency
constituency of the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana
CountryGhana Maale eŋ
Located in the administrative territorial entityBrong-Ahafo Region Maale eŋ
LocationBrong-Ahafo Region Maale eŋ

Pru West e la a nu-neɛ paaloo kaŋa naŋ areko a Ghana begemaale die. Ba maŋ neɛ la nuuri a iri begemaale die mɛmba (MP) neŋyeni tuuro a yageroŋ nu-neɛ sobie. Pru West bé la a Pru desekyere naŋ bé a Bono East Irigyiŋ.

Torebogiri/Begebo Mine

A nu-neɛ paaloŋ ŋa bé la a Pru desekyere naŋ bé a Bono Ese Irigyiŋ a Ghana poɔ.

Kaa Kyɛ Meŋ

*Ghana begemaale die paaloo yoe.