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caeran zat ibagasan botol pareaksi, tarmasuk amonium hidroksida dohot asom nitrat, marlinang ibagasan warna na marbeda.

Kimia ima cabang nangon Elmu fisik na mamparsiajari tontang susunan, struktur, sifat, dot prubaan materi.[1][2] Elmu kimia tarmasuk topik-topik songan sifat-sifat ni atom, cara atom mambontuk ikatan kimia anso manghasilkan sanyawa kimia, interaksi zat-zat malalui gaya antarmolekul na manghasilkon sifat-sifat umum ngon materi, dot interaksi antar zat malalui reaksi kimia anso mambontuk zat-zat na marbeda.

Golar-golar ni unsur Kimia

Adong pe golar-golar ni unsur on ima muloi tingon

Nama unsur Lambang Nomor atom Massa atom Isotop paling stabil Waktu paruh isotop paling stabil Golongan Periode
Aktinium Ac 89 [227]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 227Ac 21,772 thn   7
Aluminium Al 13 26,9815386(8) 27Al Stabil 13 3
Amerisium Am 95 [243]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 243Am 7370 thn   7
Antimon (Stibium) Sb 51 121,760(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 121, 123Sb Stabil 15 5
Argon Ar 18 39,948(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 36, 38, 40Ar Stabil 18 3
Arsen As 33 74,92160(2) 75As Stabil 15 4
Astatin At 85 [210]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 210At 8,1 jam 17 6
Barium Ba 56 137,327(7) 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138Ba Stabil 2 6
Belerang (Sulfur) S 16 32,065(5)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 32, 33, 34, 36S Stabil 16 3
Berilium Be 4 9,012182(3) 9Be Stabil 2 2
Berkelium Bk 97 [247]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 247Bk 1380 thn   7
Besi (Ferrum) Fe 26 55,845(2) 54, 56, 57, 58Fe Stabil 8 4
Bismut Bi 83 208,98040(1) 209Bi 2,01Template:Wp/btm/E thn 15 6
Bohrium Bh 107 [270]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 270Bh 60 dtk 7 7
Boron B 5 10,811(7)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 10, 11B Stabil 13 2
Bromin Br 35 79,904(1) 79, 81Br Stabil 17 4
Darmstadtium Ds 110 [281]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 281Ds 14 dtk 10 7
Disprosium Dy 66 162,500(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 156, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164Dy Stabil   6
Dubnium Db 105 [268]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 268Db 30 jam 5 7
Einsteinium Es 99 [252]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 252Es 471,7 hri   7
Emas (Aurum) Au 79 196,966569(4) 197Au Stabil 11 6
Erbium Er 68 167,259(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170Er Stabil   6
Europium Eu 63 151,964(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 153Eu Stabil   6
Fermium Fm 100 [257]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 257Fm 100,5 hri   7
Flerovium Fl 114 [289]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 289Fl 1,9 dtk 14 7
Fluorin F 9 18,9984032(5) 19F Stabil 17 2
Fosforus P 15 30,973762(2) 31P Stabil 15 3
Fransium Fr 87 [223]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 223Fr 22 mnt 1 7
Gadolinium Gd 64 157,25(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160Gd Stabil   6
Galium Ga 31 69,723(1) 69, 71Ga Stabil 13 4
Germanium Ge 32 72,64(1) 70, 72, 73, 74Ge Stabil 14 4
Hafnium Hf 72 178,49(2) 176, 177, 178, 179, 180Hf Stabil 4 6
Hasium Hs 108 [269]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 277mHs 130 dtk 8 7
Helium He 2 4,002602(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 3, 4He Stabil 18 1
Hidrogen H 1 1,00794(7)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 1, 2H Stabil 1 1
Holmium Ho 67 164,930 32(2) 165Ho Stabil   6
Indium In 49 114,818(3) 113In Stabil 13 5
Iodin I 53 126,904 47(3) 127I Stabil 17 5
Iridium Ir 77 192,217(3) 191, 193Ir Stabil 9 6
Iterbium Yb 70 173,04(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176Yb Stabil   6
Itrium Y 39 88,90585(2) 89Y Stabil 3 5
Kadmium Cd 48 112,411(8)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114Cd Stabil 12 5
Kalifornium Cf 98 [251]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 251Cf 898 thn   7
Kalium K 19 39,0983(1) 39, 41K Stabil 1 4
Kalsium Ca 20 40,078(4)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 40, 42, 43, 44, 46Ca Stabil 2 4
Karbon C 6 12,0107(8)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 12, 13C Stabil 14 2
Klorin Cl 17 35,453(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 35, 37Cl Stabil 17 3
Kobalt Co 27 58,933195(5) 59Co Stabil 9 4
Kopernisium Cn 112 [285]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 285Cn 30 dtk 12 7
Kripton Kr 36 83,798(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 80, 82, 83, 84, 86Kr Stabil 18 4
Kromium Cr 24 51,9961(6) 50, 52, 53, 54Cr Stabil 6 4
Kurium Cm 96 [247]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 247Cm 1,56Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Lantanum La 57 138,90547(7)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 139La Stabil   6
Lawrensium Lr 103 [266]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 266Lr 10 jam 3 7
Litium Li 3 6,941(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 6, 7Li Stabil 1 2
Livermorium Lv 116 [293]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 293Lv 53 mdtk 16 7
Lutesium Lu 71 174,967(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 175Lu Stabil 3 6
Magnesium Mg 12 24,3050(6) 24, 25, 26Mg Stabil 2 3
Mangan Mn 25 54,938045(5) 55Mn Stabil 7 4
Meitnerium Mt 109 [278]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 278Mt 4 dtk 9 7
Mendelevium Md 101 [258]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 258Md 51,5 hri   7
Molibdenum Mo 42 95,94(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98Mo Stabil 6 5
Moskovium Mc 115 [290]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 290Mc 650 mdtk 15 7
Natrium Na 11 22,98976928(2) 23Na Stabil 1 3
Neodimium Nd 60 144,242(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 142, 143, 145, 146, 148Nd Stabil   6
Neon Ne 10 20,1797(6)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 20, 21, 22Ne Stabil 18 2
Neptunium Np 93 [237]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 237Np 2,144Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Nihonium Nh 113 [286]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 286Nh 9,5 dtk 13 7
Nikel Ni 28 58,6934(2) 58, 60, 61, 62, 64Ni Stabil 10 4
Niobium Nb 41 92,906 38(2) 93Nb Stabil 5 5
Nitrogen N 7 14,0067(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 14, 15N Stabil 15 2
Nobelium No 102 [259]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 259No 58 mnt   7
Oganeson Og 118 [294]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 294Og 700 μdtk 18 7
Oksigen O 8 15,9994(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 16, 17, 18O Stabil 16 2
Osmium Os 76 190,23(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 187, 188, 189, 190, 192Os Stabil 8 6
Paladium Pd 46 106,42(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110Pd Stabil 10 5
Perak (Argentum) Ag 47 107,8682(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 107, 109Ag Stabil 11 5
Platina Pt 78 195,084(9) 192, 194, 195, 196, 198Pt Stabil 10 6
Plutonium Pu 94 [244]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 244Pu 8,08Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Polonium Po 84 [209]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 209Po 125,2 thn 16 6
Praseodimium Pr 59 140,90765(2) 141Pr Stabil   6
Prometium Pm 61 [145]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 145Pm 17,7 thn   6
Protaktinium Pa 91 231,03588(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 231Pa 3,276Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Radium Ra 88 [226]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 226Ra 1600 thn 2 7
Radon Rn 86 [222]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 222Rn 3,8235 hri 18 6
Raksa (Hydrargyrum) Hg 80 200,59(2) 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204Hg Stabil 12 6
Renium Re 75 186,207(1) 185Re Stabil 7 6
Rodium Rh 45 102,905 50(2) 103Rh Stabil 9 5
Roentgenium Rg 111 [282]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 282Rg 2 mnt 11 7
Rubidium Rb 37 85,4678(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 85Rb Stabil 1 5
Rutenium Ru 44 101,07(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104Ru Stabil 8 5
Ruterfordium Rf 104 [267]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 267Rf 1,3 jam 4 7
Samarium Sm 62 150,36(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 144, 149, 150, 152, 154Sm Stabil   6
Seaborgium Sg 106 [269]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 269Sg 14 mnt 6 7
Selenium Se 34 78,96(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 74, 76, 77, 78, 80Se Stabil 16 4
Seng (Zincum) Zn 30 65,409(4) 64, 66, 67, 68, 70Zn Stabil 12 4
Serium Ce 58 140,116(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 136, 138, 140, 142Ce Stabil   6
Sesium Cs 55 132,9054519(2) 133Cs Stabil 1 6
Silikon Si 14 28,0855(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 28, 29, 30Si Stabil 14 3
Skandium Sc 21 44,955912(6) 45Sc Stabil 3 4
Stronsium Sr 38 87,62(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 84, 86, 87, 88Sr Stabil 2 5
Talium Tl 81 204,3833(2) 203, 205Tl Stabil 13 6
Tantalum Ta 73 180,94788(2) 180m, 181Ta Stabil 5 6
Teknesium Tc 43 [97]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 97Tc 4,21Template:Wp/btm/E thn 7 5
Telurium Te 52 127,60(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 120, 122, 123, 124, 125Te Stabil 16 5
Tembaga (Cuprum) Cu 29 63,546(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 63, 65Cu Stabil 11 4
Tenesin Ts 117 [294]Template:Wp/btm/Fn 294Ts 51 mdtk 17 7
Terbium Tb 65 158,92535(2) 159Tb Stabil   6
Timah (Stannum) Sn 50 118,710(7)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124Sn Stabil 14 5
Timbal (Plumbum) Pb 82 207,2(1)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 204, 206, 207, 208Pb Stabil 14 6
Titanium Ti 22 47,867(1) 46, 47, 48, 49, 50Ti Stabil 4 4
Torium Th 90 232,03806(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 232Th 1,405Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Tulium Tm 69 168,93421(2) 169Tm Stabil   6
Uranium U 92 238,02891(3)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 238U 4,468Template:Wp/btm/E thn   7
Vanadium V 23 50,9415(1) 51V Stabil 5 4
Wolfram W 74 183,84(1) 182, 183, 184, 186W Stabil 6 6
Xenon Xe 54 131,293(6)Template:Wp/btm/Fn Template:Wp/btm/Fn 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134Xe Stabil 18 5
Zirkonium Zr 40 91,224(2)Template:Wp/btm/Fn 90, 91, 92, 94Zr Stabil 4 5

Template:Wp/btm/Element color legend

Lihat pula


  • Template:Wp/btm/Fnb Unsur ini tidak memiliki inti stabil. Nilai dalam tanda kurung kotak, misalnya [209], menunjukkan nomor massa isotop dengan waktu hidup terpanjang pada unsur tersebut. Namun, terdapat tiga unsur (Torium, Protaktinium, dan Uranium) yang memiliki ciri-ciri "terrestrial isotopic composition", sehingga yang ditunjukkan adalah massa atomnyalah yang diberikan.
  • Template:Wp/btm/Fnb Komposisi isotopik unsur ini bervariasi dalam beberapa spesimen geologis, dan variasinya mungkin melebihi seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel ini.
  • Template:Wp/btm/Fnb Komposisi isotopik unsur ini dapat bervariasi dalam materi komersial, yang dapat menyebabkan berat atom menyimpang secara signifikan dari nilai yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel ini.
  • Template:Wp/btm/Fnb Komposisi isotopik bervariasi pada materi terrestrial, sehingga berat atom yang lebih tepat (precise) tidak dapat diberikan.
  • Template:Wp/btm/Fnb Berat atom Litium komersial dapat bervariasi antara 6,939 dan 6,996—analisis materi secara spesifik diperlukan untuk menemukan nilai yang lebih akurat.


  1. "What is Chemistry?". Chemweb.ucc.ie. isise 2011-06-12. 
  2. Chemistry. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary. Diakses 19 Agustus 2007.

Pranala luar

  • Atoms made thinkable, visualisasi interaktif dari unsur-unsur yang memungkinkan sifat fisik dan kimia untuk dibandingkan
  • Top 50 Elements, kuis mengenai lambang kimia dari 50 unsur teratas dalam tabel periodik
on ma gambar ni tabel kimia na amrgolar ' tabel periodik unsur-unsur kimia'
